arrogant little bastard pt 4 ❤️‍🔥❤️‍🩹| carl grimes x reader fanfic

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carls eyes go unmoving ask i peck the back of his hand softly.

"so, what was that for?" he asks blinking knowingly. this boy can read me like a damn book.

"i dunno, just seems like you could use it. you look tired, and stressed." I say smiling as I talk. I feel carls thumb start to rub the side of my hand.

"i'm always tired and stressed y/n." he says rolling his eyes and smiling. Carl was right, he did always have this look to him that just screamed stressed.

i grin at his remark. "yeah? well does that mean i should start kissing your pretty little hand more often?" i say teasingly.

"i mean..." carl says with a glimmer of sarcasm in his voice. im not even looking over at him as we slump over on the couch, but i can most definitely tell he's smiling.

"well, you can get Enid to do that for you then." i mumble poking his ribs with my elbow, hands still intertwined.

carl laughs as i poke him in a sensitive place and yelps. "ah, low blow!"

i can't help but laugh. i look over at carl to see his beautiful face, so full of life and energy. carl catches me staring and grins. he then squeezes my hand and leans in to kiss my lips tenderly, not in a fast of harsh way.

i can feel my body practically melt as our lips meet. our lips pull away after the shared moment. i open my eyes to see a red faced carl, but we both share a smitten smile.

"hey carl?" i ask tilting my head softly as i grin at the boy. carl hums in response as he drags his finger along our intertwined hand. "do you really get off on getting your neck sucked off?" i ask giggling at the own stupidity halfway through the question.

"mmm... i would've enjoyed it a little more if you were the one sucking my neck off." he say in a low tone as he recalls his experience with enid.

"you know, it still baffles me that you banged her..."

"me too if i'm being honest..."

i glance over at the small sliver of window in the room. the sun is peering its rays, blinding the two of us.

"it's gonna get dark soon, help me move the table over the door we broke down." i say getting up from a lazy spot on the couch and stretching.

i groan softly as i rub my eyes and stretch out my stiffened muscles. i turn back around towards carl, he's fixing his hat and then stands up.

we lift the small table over the door arch, trying to make a secure little haven for ourselves. once we're done making a safe place to stay, i exhale and sit on the couch, back in my slumped position. carl chuckled as i practically melt back into the couch.

"you're really that tired hm?" carl say grinning as he puts his hands on his hips. he looks so amused looking down on me.

"yeah... I am. and it's only like," i glance down at my watch and notice i forgot my watch. i snicker and then look up at him "it's kinda still early."

"so you're too tired to.." carl mutters grinning as he takes off his hat and tosses it next me. i watch the hat hit the cushion, then raise and eyebrow and squint my eyes. "to tired to what" he smirks and raises an eyebrow

"cmon, go ahead and finish that sentence there" i say straightening my back, making eye contact. i can tell exactly what he wants.

carl slowly saunters towards me. i can't help but giggle as he tries to dramatically explain that he wants to fuck. "what?" he asking smiling down at me, stopping right before our legs touch.

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