A party to remember (part 2) ❤️‍🔥 | carl x reader fanfic

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Hello, squad. It's bella again. I hoped everyone liked my last story bcs I'm writing part two lol. this story is still set in seasons 7-8 ish, also there is a time skip in this btw. *SMUT*

*time skip 3 months*

God, it was just like yesterday that Carl came into Alexandria. He and his group have settled in nicely, Carl's dad Rick has taken over as leader and honestly doing 10x better than Deanna had done. The community is thriving and even made a couple of alliances. Life here is great with my loving boyfriend Carl. It's been official for about 2 months now. We kept the first month of our relationship hidden from everyone, worried that people would overreact.

I was cleaning off my knife from the last run I went on with Enid, Glenn, Tara, and Daryl when Carl walked in, knocking on the door frame and leaning on it. I looked up and smirked "Hey Y/n, I'm glad you're back. was worried about you out there." Carl said while walking over to me on the bed. "Well you have nothing to worry about, I'm a big girl, I can handle myself" I replied standing up kissing him on the cheek. "I know.." Carl said slowly turning my head towards him with his soft hands. "I wouldn't know what to do with myself if I ever lost you Y/n.." Carl then kissed me, making me drop my knife and producing a loud noise on the hardwood floors. I smiled through the kiss, as Carl did too. Leaning over towards Carl mid-kiss, I pushed him onto the bed, making his face redden. Before this point, Carl had never actually done "it", just kissing I guess. I was ready, but I didn't know if he was. I looked into Carl's deep blue eyes. It was as if he could read my mind. "Y/n, I love you with all my heart. I'm ready to take our relationship to the next level," He said breathily. "I am too Carl, I have been for a while now." I then gave him a peck on the cheek and started unbuttoning my shirt, Carl doing the same.

Carl then unhooked my bra with ease towering over both of us letting a small moan escape with, massaging my breasts in front of him "god you're b-boobs are gorgeous..." carl let out while gazing them. He tossed my bra to the side with my shirt and his I was under him on the bed wearing nothing but a pair of thin black panties. Carl then stood up and slid his pants off. Leaving carl in only his boxers, so i could see the outline of his cock. hard and erected. "are you ready?" said asking for consent (asking for consent is so hot btw)

I nodded quickly with excitement. Carl then slowly slid my panties off, wet with a spot of pre cum. "wet for me already?" carl said cockily. I blushed with embarrassment and grinned slightly. "oh hush you're already hard" i said half laughing "lift your legs up now.." carl said sitting on his shins patiently waiting. i obeyed using my arms to lift my legs up easier. i was being more turned on by the second having my whole pussy on display. "good girl now" carl said getting back up. he leaned in slowly and licked the entrance of my pussy, putting his hands on my lower thighs for stability. i groaned softly throwing my head back. his tongue went up and down searching my clit, softly moaning sending vibrations through my body. my hands found their way to his soft brown hair.

then carl found it. "ohh yes carl right there baby.." i exclaimed breathily. carl sped up in the area going crazy shaking his head side to side and up and down moaning heavily . "mmm carl right there!" i moaned "oh god i-i'm gonna-" i released with a sensation of fire works going off inside me. carl came back up with cum all over his face and i put down my legs "good girl y/n" he wiped his face with a grin. with cum on his fingers he put them in my mouth "you taste so good..." I slurped my own juice up moaning.

i leaned up to kiss his red and sweaty face warping my hands on the back of his head. i pulled away slightly just enough to say something, "your turn cowboy" i said sexily looking into his deep blue eyes. carl was blushing with excitement. i slid over the to the other side of the bed, still naked, walking sexily over to retrieve his hat. "lay down cowboy" i commanded "yes ma'm" he said grinning with excitement.

crawling into the bed with his hat leaning on my shins covered my breasts with my long (y/c/h) and tilting the hat up slightly. carl had taken off his boxer in the meanwhile (horny bastard) I leaned down swirling my tongue on the head of his penis looking up at him with sultry eyes. Carl quivered and shook with delight guiding my head  down his beautiful cock. (6 and a half inches) I gaged 3/4 of the way down, making carl moan "auhhh you make me hard y/n" i slowly went back up and down, still in eye contact with carl. he let out soft moans each time stroking my hair. i then sped up swirling my round and playing with his right ball. "mm oh y/n, you're so good...." carl said through moans.

I then abruptly stoped and straddled carl and insetting his cock into my throbbing pussy. we both moaned in delight and throwing my head back. carl placed his bony hands on to my hips guiding me while i grinded on his beautiful cock. Carl and i thrusted into each other. "oh carl.." i hissed through my teeth. Carl then grabbed my ass groping me, making me moan abruptly. "b-baby i'm gonna... i think i'm gonna cum" hissed sweat dripping down his red face. "cum in me cowboy" i through a moan, riding as fast as i could. "y/n oh god i-" carl released his oozing cum into me. i gasped with pleasure and moaned out his name. "you're amazing y/n" I crawled next to carl, leaning my head on his chest, my legs shaking from the wild ride. "i love you carl" i replied while planting kisses on his neck and jawline. Carl caressed me and held
me all night.

I hope y'all enjoyed bc i know i did 🤗🤗 make sure to leave a comment and upvote queens!

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