here...❣️| carl x reader fanfic

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HEY YALL 😁😁 i'm "borrowing" this one shot plot like from a certain movie i just saw but it's fine 🤗. this one shot has some fluff and a bit of teasing. but that's it soo ENJOY GUYS 😁😁 | takes place in alexandria season 7-8 ish

carls been out on the run for a while now. he's with people i trust, but that doesn't stop my mind from playing out the worst scenarios.

what if a herd sneaks up on them? what if they ran into a gang? what if someone got bit?? what if carl got bit?!?!

i laid in my bed staring at the ceiling, thinking and worrying. the clock ticked past 4 am. the sun was peaking through the horizon.

shit. i'm going to be so tired for my guard work today. but i'll be able to look out for the group when they walk back to the gates.

i slumped out of bed, throwing on an old pair of jeans, a cure t-shirt (long live robert smith ), and one of carls flannels.

i put up my hair and walked down the stairs to get a cup of coffee. i chose the mug that looks like a cow. it was now 6:30 in the morning and the sun was now rising. i tiptoed from the kitchen to the front yard, not wanting to wake up my family.

i sipped my coffee while on the porch, sitting on the porch swing. i seen a group of people walking down tmr street. "what the hell?" i thought to myself. they looked tired and gross, almost like... walkers?

i squinted my weak eyes, standing up and setting my coffee down. i leaned over the porch railing peaking my head over to the side. one of them was wearing a cowboy hat... oh my god..

i ran down the steps and ran down the street. the flannel was flowing like a cape in the wind, my hair came undone from running so fast.

carl realized who was running toward him. he dropped his bag beside him and ran toward me. i reached him and wrapped my arms around carl's body.

i held as tight as i could, never wanting to let go.
i lifted my head up to look at him we locked eyes for a moment, then our lips met, smashing into each other.

i pulled away from the kiss and looked him in the eyes. "where the hell were you?!" i said furiously, "and why are you so beat up?" i said while tracing my finger over a cut on his eyebrow.

carl hissed pulling away, "don't worry baby, i'm fine.." i analyzed carl more pulling away, still holding his hands. "you're not fine carl, go home and i'll meet you there in half an hour. i'll bandage you up ok?" i looked at him with relief in my eyes.

"you're a godsent y/n, you know that right?" carl said with a smile, pulling me into a kiss. "only for you, if i never would've met you, i would be such a little bitch." i said grinning


i walked over to the grime's household with a first aid kit in hand. i looked around the living room to find rick, michone and daryl. they were sitting on the couch resting their eyes, but not sleeping.

daryl peeked open an eye after hearing the door open. "hey daryl" i whispered waving my hand. he grunted back closing his eyes. even after being on a week long run he was a very beautiful man. (ily norman reedus 🫶🫶)

"carl around here?" i whispered again. "yeah, in his room" rick mumbled. i mumbled back thanks and headed over to his room.

i knocked on carls door before letting myself in. he was laying in bed with his hat over his eyes.

i leaned over him and woke him with soft kiss. carl woke up, sitting up and setting his hat off to the side. "hi baby," carl peeped "what are you doing here?"

"im here to heal your wounds, you're a mess" i said putting down the first aid kit on the nightstand. "i don't need a nurse y/n" carl huffed.

"yes you do baby, where does it hurt?" i said sarcastically. "here." carl grumbled pointing to his elbow. i bent over him slowly and planted a kiss on his elbow. i leaned back up to look at carl

carl looked up at me before whispering, "here" and pointed to his eyebrow. i left a small kiss on his wound. i was closer than before, our bodies with each other. our eyes met as i came back up.

carl brought up his finger up to his lips, muttering and tapping ever so slightly. our lips met into a kiss.

i pulled away after a moment, moving a piece of his hair out of his face. "maybe i do need a nurse" carl cooed at me.


carl x reader one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now