arrogant little bastard pt.3 ❤️‍🔥❣️| carl grimes x reader fanfic

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"why do you even care, you hate me remember?" carl says sighing. He thinks for a moment "I slept with Enid" he says in a soft tone.

Silence fills the car as I process these words. My hands grip onto the steering wheel as anger and jealousy takes over me.

"oh." I manage to mutter out "I don't hate you carl.."

Carl looks over at me confused but stays silent. I can tell he's thinking hard.

I bite the inside of my cheek and pull into an abandoned looking parking lot. There's a big mall right in front of us. I stop and turn off the car, I go to grab my bag from the backseat and storm out of the car silently.

Suddenly my eyes well up with tears as I start to walk to the door. I wipe them away quickly and turn back to look for Carl. He's standing with his bag next to the car looking at me with a stern expression.

I take a small inhale. "Well are you coming?" I call out. You could definitely hear the croak in my throat as tears pricked my eyes. I didn't even know why I was starting to cry.

Carl starts to walk over to me. I pull out my gun and start to open the front door. Carl catches up quickly and enters with me. Inside it's dark and dusty and I immediately start to cough. I look around cautiously looking for walkers.

I take the left wing of the mall and Carl takes the right. I tiptoe around knocked down vending machines and clothing racks dragged out of stores.

I then see a couple of walkers stumbling from around the corner. I pull out my knife and figure I can save a couple of bullets. I stab the first and kick away the second to give me more time. I kill the third with ease and then lunge to get the one knocked over. I'm out of breath and I kneel down for a second.

I look around to see where carl went. "He couldn't have gone far, this place isn't that big" I think to myself. I look behind me and find carl striding back over to me.

"y/n what the hell? Why didn't you call me over? I could've helped you. You could've died!" He says frustrated gritting his teeth.

I get up from the ground and put my knife back in its holster. I look him dead in the eye. "I was fine carl. I don't need you looking out for me" I mumble walking off.

Carl grabs my arm before I can get any farther. I whip my head around and groan. "What carl"
I bark clenching my jaw.

"That was stupid and you know it. What if another walker came along from behind?" He says quickly putting his hands on his hips.

"Then I would've handled it." I say taking another step forward. I cross my arms and stare him down.

He looks at me for a moment and furrows his eyebrows. "Is this about me and Enid?" He asks scoffing in disbelief.

"What? Why would I care about that carl that's so stupid" I say shaking my head.

Carl looks at me and tilts his head to the side a bit. "You do care, you totally care!" he says scoffing.

"Carl I don't care!" I lie getting more frustrated " I don't give a shit if you and Enid fuck, I don't give a shit if you guys are together, and I don't give a shit if you guys get married and live happily ever after okay?"

Carls glares at me. He can tell I'm lying and I hate it. He can read me like an open book "Let's just go look through one of these stores okay?" I say waking off to a clothing store nearby. I don't look back for Carl, I'm too upset.

I start to rummage through bins and boxes. I hear carl walk in behind me and I ignore him. I find a couple of shirts for myself, some flashlights and more waters. I shove them into my bag. I look around and find carl.

He's going through some boxes tucked away behind a checkout counter. I watch him on his knees for a minute. Carl looks up at me "I found some toys for Judith and some bullets" he says getting up. I didn't realize how close we were once he stood up.

"Sounds good.." I say flatly as I walk to find more supplies. I walk to the back of the store with my gun drawn. I find a locked door that intrigued me. I drive my foot into the door as hard as I can, grunting with each thrust.

After what feels like an eternity I hear footsteps behind me. I look quickly behind and see carl watching me. I smile in disbelief "So are you gonna help me or not?" I ask.

Carl shakes his head and smiles. He comes next to me and thinks. "On three we'll knock it down with our like how you were doing it earlier, okay?" he say looking over at me. I nod and prepare myself to use all my force.

"one..." carl glances over at me "two..." I lick my lips and lift my leg up slightly. "three!" he shouts. We both slam the door as hard as we can and go tumbling into the room. We both can't help but laugh as fall to the ground. I look over at him smiling. I can't help but smile just not at the fact that we're complete idiots, but at this stupid boy I'm mad about.

Carl and I are lying on the ground catching our breaths. "oh cmon get up" I grumble as I stand up. "leave me alone" he groans while smiling. I disregard him and glance around. It looks like a small break room... with a small couch, a kitchenette and a table. I open the cabinets and smile when I see stacks of cans and crackers and cookies galore.

"We just got so lucky" I said with a grin. A box of Oreos catch my eye. I lean over the counters and grab them. I toss them to Carl and smile. "get up you're fine, at least sit on the couch" I say gesturing to the other side of the room.

"you'll have to carry me, too tired.." he says opening the pack of cookies and taking a bite of one. I walk over and grab the box out of his hand. I extend my hand for him to get up. "you can't just lay on the ground and eat our rations" I hoist the boy up off the broken door.

Carl looks around and smiles a bit. I plop down on the couch and throw my feet up on the coffee table. "ugh, i'm so tired" I groan as I stretch. Carl does the same and throws his bag to the side.

"Do you just want to call it a night, we'll be productive tomorrow" Carl asks chuckling and looking over at me.

"Yes" I reply with a smile tugging at my lips. I yawn and toss my bag off my back. Silence fills the air as me and Carl sit next to each other. The tension could be cut with a knife. I look over at the boy. Carls resting his eyes as he leans his head back on the couch. I look over and see his neck hickie. I shiver at the thought of Carl and Enid... swapping saliva, gross.

"you know, the only reason I slept with Enid was to get over you, you know that right?" carl says with his eyes unmoving.

"that's a dumb reason" I say chuckling a bit. Carl peeks an eye at me and then sits up to face me. "no it's not," he says softly "it killed me when you said you don't want to peruse a relationship"

I look at Carl, he has a soft frown as he talks. "I mean, I don't know. I really only said that so daryl and your dad would get off our backs." I say looking down at my hands. The hands that ran up and down Carls gangly body, the hands that comforted Carl when he was acted shitless after being caught together.

"but I was just scared you know?" I say looking up at Carl. "I always thought you wanted nothing to do with me, like a mutual feeling I guess. And then, after everything in the car, I was confused on what it meant. I'm not saying it didn't mean anything, I just didn't know what it was, you know?" I say sighing.

I sigh and close my eyes. Deep breath in,deep breath out.. Carls hand extends out and holds mine, squeezes it softly and kisses the back of it. I flutter my eyes open and look over at Carl. I grab his hand and kiss the back of it without breaking the eye contact.

AHHHHH OMG this is so cute, sorry it took like 9 years but it's wtv i'm currently working on another chapter, it's kind of coming along slow though. i am coming out with another chapter of this one though i swear i'm not leaving my squad on a cliff hanger ❤️❤️

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