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His smile literally has me in a chokehold. I am very much aware that Ethan didn't think of me that way. His innocent eyes probably didn't have a single naughty thought behind them. Besides, it wasn't hard to see the way he looked at other girls. I understand, they all look great. Especially at this halloween party.

I realised that me staring at him probably was a bit creepy. I turned around, and started looking for my drink on the table filled with snacks and drinks. I found it, picked it up and downed it in one go. The music around me was so loud, I could feel the beats in my entire body. Sweaty college students were all around me, dancing, talking, taking photos and also shots.

Mindy has been nagging me to talk to him. To Ethan. Sure, we talk sometimes but that's always with the others around. She thinks I should go for it, but... Uhm. The thought of him rejecting me made me shiver. He would probably let me down gently, but still. The embarrassment would make me want to bury a early grave.

Which would be quite fitting considering I'm dressed as a ghost. Simple costume, just a white dress with some white makeup.

For a split second I believe I saw Mindy on the couch, talking to Anika who was smiling towards her. Seeing them so happy, I couldn't help but smile too. I started to push my way through the dancing bodys. That until a guy dressed in a simple skeleton costume took a hold of my wrist. I looked up at him, trying to remember if I recognised him. He said something to me but I barely heard him over the deafening music.

"Do I know you?" I yelled over the music, he grinned. The way he still held onto my wrist made my stomach turn.

"We can get to know each other, wanna dance?" His breath stinked of alcohol. Someone has had too much to drink. I smiled gently and shook my head, trying to take my wrist back. But he didn't let me go.

"What's wrong? I'm not good enough for you?" He laughed, not a heartfelt laugh but more of a mocking one. His tone was bitter, like he was used to rejection but was tired of it now. His grin didn't bring me any comfort either.

"Sorry, I was just looking for my friends. Can you let go of my wrist?" I said calmly, trying not to let him see how uneasy I felt.

Surprisingly enough, he actually did let me go. Even more surprisingly was seeing Ethan pull the drunk guy away from me. The guy swore, and turned around to look at Ethan.

"Dude, what the fuck?"

"Uhm, can you stop bothering my friend?" Ethan said, obviously stressed out from the confrontation.

"I wasn't bothering her, we were just talking. Who the fuck are you even, her boyfriend?" The guy was so enraged that he basically was spitting out his words. Ethan looked at him, a bit confused. He looked unsure of what to do, so I acted without thinking. I grabbed Ethans arm and pressed my body closer to him. Being this close to him felt like fire underneath my skin, but I tried not to show the effect he had on my body.

"Yes, he is." I said, hoping to sound confident. I felt Ethan tense up, but he didn't move. Just stared the guy down. For a short moment, I believe I saw something different in Ethans eyes. Ethan has always been this shy, adorable guy. Wouldn't hurt a fly. But the look in his eyes right now. It was like he had turned of any warmth. It was almost a bit spooky, but I somehow still felt safe beside him.

"Well, fuck off then." The drunk guy said, and crossed his arms. He walked away from us and I didn't let go of Ethans arm until I was sure that the drunk was gone.

I let out a breath of relief and turned around to look up at Ethan.

"Thank you, he made me so uncomfortable."

"I- I mean of course." He stuttered. His eyes were warm towards me, and he gave me a little smile. He said something else, but the music made it impossible for me to hear, especially when he talked with such a careful tone.

Ethan lowered his head, so that his ear was closer to my mouth in order to hear me clearer. This simple action, of simply bending down to hear me better, made me almost lose my breath.

"Are you okay?" He took my hand in his and looked at my wrist. It was no visible marks, but it still hurt a little. Him touching my hand made my skin scream and my heart beat faster. How could he have this effect on me?

"Oh, I'm totally okay. Sure it hurts a little but it's nothing." His hand falls away from mine. For a brief second it was like his eyes went empty. But it was over so quick that I probably just thought I saw it.

Chad walked up to us, and asked what had happened. I didn't have the energy to explain, so I took the decision to walk home. After informing Mindy, I went and found my jacket and started walking.

I had barely left the house before I felt Ethans presence.

"I don't think you should, you know. You shouldn't walk alone." He said quickly. He had a different hat this time. Making it easier to see his face and those brown curls.

"Oh you don't have to leave the others. I'll be fine."

"They can manage. I, uh, I don't really want you to go alone? I mean, obviously I don't decide what you do and..." His rambling didn't stop for a while. I smiled and lightly shook my head. What a dork.

The night was quite cold, making me shiver. Loud people could be heard from many directions, but me and Ethan were talking with low voices.

It's probably the alcohol, but it felt so right talking to him. He looked so focused when I was talking, like my words were the most interesting he had heard in a while. Considering I was telling him how Mindy managed to convince me to follow to the party, it probably wasn't that interesting. But he was still listening.

The walk home felt much shorter than it usually does. Sadly.

"Once again, thanks for pretending to be my boyfriend back then." I smiled nervously. Ethan scratched his neck.

"I'm happy to be your boyfriend any time." He blinked. Then panicked when he realised what he had actually said. "Your fake boyfriend, I mean! To scare of weird guys. I didn't mean anything else, of course!" He laughed nervously and took a step on the same spot. I couldn't help but laugh a little at his nervous attempt at an answer.

"Once again, thanks and uhm..." I said, and started to take a step up the stars to my apartment. Then I hesitated.

As I said, I had been drinking a bit. I was not thinking before I acted. But I took a step back and gave him a quick peck on the cheek. It was over in less than a second. But his face. He looked like he had won the jackpott and didn't know what to do with it. And just like that, my confidence was gone, and I quickly walked in.

I changed out of my halloween costume into something more comfortable. The memory of me actually kissing Ethan on the cheek kept replaying in my head. Isn't it crazy the feelings a kind guy can make you feel? I washed my face but failed in removing all the makeup.

A while later, I was seated in front of my television, watching some reality tv. When suddenly the news came on. What the news reporter said, made my blood turn into ice.

I never even knew his name. But I recognized the skeleton costume. The same guy who had been harrassing me at the party earlier... Had been murdered. They were sending live. Multiple stab wounds. He had been found outside, I'm guessing on the way home from the party?

He wasn't the only victim this night brought forward, as two college students had been killed in their apartment too.

I have a feeling that this is only the start.


Thank you for reading! Sorry for any grammar or spelling mistakes, english isn't my first language.

Ethan Landry : Oneshots - Scream 6Where stories live. Discover now