Protector pt. 2

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This continues the story "Protector", you might want to read that one so that this one makes more sense.


I took my chance and ran. Out of the alley and once I was a block away, I slowed down and picked up my phone from the back pocket. I want to talk to Ethan. I need to talk to someone about what had just happened. That Ghostface had... Saved me? It was as unexpected as snow in july. But it had happened.

I called Ethan and put the phone to my ear. I kept looking over my shoulder as the signals went through. Please Ethan, answer me. I really need you right now.

"Hello? Y/n?" Ethan answered and I could finally breathe again.

"Something happened. I- I just needed to talk to you." I quickly said. Ethan must have noticed the fear in my voice.

"What happened? You're okay, right?"

"I'm fine, I'm just... I got... Help. So I'm fine now." I said, hesitating. Should I tell him that Ghostface saved me? It sounds like insanity.

"Y/n, did those guys hurt you in any way?" Ethans concerned voice was comforting and made me smile. Than... Than I thought about what he had said.

"Those guys?" I repeated after him, my smile disappearing. I was soon home. I had never been this happy to see my wooden front door with a glass window.


"How did you know about the guys?" I asked and took my key from my pocket, opened up my front door and quickly walked in. I locked the door behind me. Ethan was quiet. Then he started talking quickly.

"I just assumed, you know? But what happened?" It wasn't his usual voice, he sounded nervous. Or atleast I think he did.

Did Ethan correctly guess what had happened? Or did he know because he had been there?

"Y/n?" My best friends voice could be heard through the phone, but I didn't answer. My thoughts were running wild.

Is Ethan... Ghostface? No. That's insane. But how would he otherwise know?

"Y/n..." Ethans voice could be heard once more, now less nervous and more firm. "Answer me."

"Ethan, how did you know?" I asked, and walked into my kitchen.

"I..." Ethans voice dissappeared. I leaned against the kitchen counter, with the phone still against my ear. "Damn it, this is a mistake." Ethan finally said and hung up the phone. I took my phone from my ear and looked at it in disbelief.

He hung up on me? This son of a-

A knock on the front door made me immediately spin around. My heartrate went through the roof in matter of seconds.

I slowly walked towards the door, phone still in hand. Should I call Ethan again? Maybe Ethans the one behind the door? I looked at the door and saw a dark silhouette on the other side of the glass door.

I shouldn't open the door. I should call the police and maybe even animal control. Hell, I should do anything but open it.

I jumped a little when my phone ran again. The phone was lit up by the caller ID, which showed Ethans name. I answered and pressed the phone to my ear and kept my gaze upon the silhouette outside my door. Someone was just standing there.

"Open the door, Y/n." The dark, creepy voice of Ghostface came through my phone.

"Ethan?" I asked, still staring at the figure.

"Open. The. Door."

I might be an idiot. One might even say I have a death wish. But for some unexplainable reason, my feet took me closer to the door. My hand lifted up and unlocked the door.

The door svung open and I took a step back. Ghostface. With the black cloak and white horrifying mask. I took another step back, which he saw as his opportunity to step in to my apartment. He slowly closed the door behind him.

My head was empty, not a single thought went through my head as I stared at the Ghostface in my hall. I probably looked like a deer in headlights.

Then he lifted up a hand and pulled away the mask. My eyes widened in surprise. Not that it really was a surprise. I knew it, but didn't want to believe it.

Ethan looked up, grinning like the devil himself. His brown curly hair was tousled. Looking at him made it hard to breathe.

"Ethan." I said underneath my breath. Should I run?

"Y/n, you're such a beautiful mistake." Ethan said, still grinning. "I shouldn't show you that I'm Ghostface, but hey, I figured you could do me the service of not telling the others. It would ruin the surprise." He said, widening his eyes on the word 'surprise'.

"I'm... Ethan, did you kill those men?" I asked.

"Of course. They weren't allowed to touch you." He said, as a matter of fact. So casual. He had the same tone as he have whenever we discuss the homework for econ. Not like he had just killed two people.

But then I thought about it. I remembered the panic I had felt. The fear that those men had inflicted. I was defenseless.

"Thank you." I said to him. Ethan took another step closer. I stood still, not daring to move.

"You liked watching me kill them? Didn't you?" He tilted his head and smirked even wider, his brown eyes sparkling. I almost expected him to jump with excitement.

"I- No!"

"Come on, admit it. You like that I'll kill for you."

"No, no. Those were in self defense, you're not allowed to kill anyone else!" I exclaimed. Ethan looked like he considered my request for a second.

"No." Was the answer. He took another step closer. He was so close that I could smell him. The smell of iron, of blood. He's a monster. But somehow, I wasn't scared that he would hurt me.

I stepped back until Ethan had backed me up against the wall. He was towering over me as I looked up on him. This was not like him. Ethan had always been shy but it was like the Ghostface costume gave him confidence. Because he was acting like he had a god complex.

"Admit it. You liked it." He whispered into my ear, making me shiver and my knees go weak against my will.

"Fuck you." I answered. My heart was beating like crazy, since he was so close. Too close.

"I mean, sure, I wouldn't mind." He answered quickly.

Then I did something I didn't expect. I laughed. A killer is in my apartment and I'm laughing.

"Ethan, you're crazy." I said, inbetween my laughs. He smiled at me and shook his head.

"Maybe, but I think you like that about me." He said, placing a arm above my head. Really closing me in.

"Maybe I do."

Ethan Landry : Oneshots - Scream 6Where stories live. Discover now