Day 2: Cooking/first date

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(i couldnt think of anything for this one so this is gonna be random)

"Sooooo," KEL started, leaning on the counter, "Why exactly do we have to cook?" He continued, resting his chin on his hand. SUNNY sighed, they had been over this atleast three times. "Because, your parents are out of town, HERO is at college, and you need dinner. And Gino's has gotten too expensive to get everyday for dinner, and I dont have my license to drive somewhere out of town." He explained, finally taking a breath after that mouthful. KEL crossed his arms, "I have mine!" "I dont trust you driving." SUNNY grabbed a box of uncooked pasta, and set it on the counter.

"OOO, is this like, a dateeee?" KEL asked, "No.. dates are supposed to be special, this isnt." SUNNY said, "Now, can you help me grab a pot or am i gonna have to do this myself?" KEL walked over to the pots and grabbed one and set it down on a burner, before grinning and saying "Everythings special with yooouuuu~" SUNNY cringed at his boyfriends statement, and sighed and shook his head, "I swear your so corny."

After they had put the water on the stove to boil, KEL immediately ran onto the couch and stretched, and since he was laying down he left no room for SUNNY. "Your moms gonna kill you, you didnt take your shoes off and your laying on the couch." SUNNY said, before KEL shot up, mumbling a quick swear under his breath and kicking his shoes off. "Is there any dirt on it???" He asked, and SUNNY shook his head and sat down.

"Wanna watch a movie while we wait?" KEL asked, grabbing the TV remote, "It isnt gonna take an hour for the water to boil.." SUNNY answered, but sighed and nodded after. "What movie??" KEL asked, and SUNNY just said any random movie (mainly because i dont know what movies came out in like 2003). A few minutes passed and KEL went to check on the water, and called out to SUNNY. "Uhm.. SUNNY.. i think i burnt the water..." He stared at the water, and SUNNY walked into the kitchen and stared as well. "How the fuck did you burn the water.", and he turned the burner off and got new water and turned it back on.

"LISTEN.. I DONT KNOW HOW IT HAPPENED, OKAY?" KEL huffed and crossed his arms, leaning on the counter again, SUNNY sighed again, "whatever.. just pay attention this time." he sat on the floor, and KEL just continued to lean on the counter.

after the water finally boiled, they put the pasta in, and now they just had to wait for it to be done cooking. "is it done yet?" "no." "what about now??" "it hasnt even been five seconds, no." "whattttt about now?" "KEL, no.. its gonna take a few minutes. stop asking." "fine..."

(im gonna cut this short cause i really dont wanna write this anymore and its late and i hate this one and i didnt know it was either one or the other i thought it was both so uhm i would of done something better for first date but i didnt know what to put im sorry :sobbing emoji because im on pc rn: anyway tho 545 words including the little rant thing uhm i have better ideas for tomorrows and i wont fall asleep probably so itll prob be out earlier SORRY BYE)

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