Day 7: marriage

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idk how weddings work so bare with me😔

"So, do you think your ready?" HERO asked, he was one of the groomsmen, along with BASIL. KEL let out a small chuckle. "Im.. really nervous—" He answered, looking away.  "Aw, its your special day! dont be nervous." Despite the height difference, BASIL  put a hand on KELS shoulder, he had gotten taller so it hadnt been much of a problem, and KEL hadnt grown much in the span of around.. 6 or 7 years? "I know, i know- but what if he thinks i doesnt look good?! what if i embarrass myself??? what if-" "KEL, you look fine, and you won't embarrass yourself." HERO interrupted him, and KEL sighed. "okayy.."

meanwhile with sunny lol

SUNNY had been struggling with tying his tie, and eventually gave up. "Can you really not tie your tie? I barely wear them yet i atleast know how to tie one." AUBREY asked, and SUNNY glared at her. "Nobody ever taught me.." He mumbled, before looking back in a mirror that was in front of him. "Jesus christ.. here." AUBREY went in front of him and tied the tie, doing it slowly tho as to teach SUNNY how to. "See?" She said after finishing and SUNNY nodded. AUBREY looked SUNNY up and down, and put hed hand on her hip. "Do i look okay?" SUNNY asked, and AUBREY nodded, before chuckling. "Probably better then KEL, but i guess i cant judge yet." The shorter male shrugged, "Do you have any idea on who all is gonna be there?" SUNNY asked, "The only people that i know are coming are HERO, BASIL, KIM, VANCE, MIKHAEL, CHARLIE, ANGEL, and i assume KELS parents and your mom. Did you invite anyone else?" She answered but then asked. "Uhm.. MINCY, and thats all i know of. Im not sure if KEL invited anybody else." He turned back into the mirror, and fixed his messy hair. "Honestly, knowing him i wouldnt be surprised if he invited the owner of Hobeez." AUBREY joked. "He did." SUNNY said blankly, and AUBREY snorted and laughed abit. "Seriously?!" SUNNY nodded, "I dont think hes going to come tho."

"yeahhh understandable, i just cant believe he invited him... actually nevermind, i can believe that actually." She laughed.

timesskip to after this shit idk im bored and have to go to bed soon

After everything was ready, it was time for the actual wedding.(or is it already idfk also like i said o dont know how weddings work so😭) Everyone had already taken their seats(except hero, basil and aubrey i think) so all that was left was for KEL and SUNNY to walk down the aisle.

im ginna do one more timeskip to after they walk down the aisle cause idk if the groomsmen walk with the groom down the aisle or not uhm yeah sorry😭

After KEL and SUNNY had gotten to the whatever its called, it was time for the priest to like actually actually get them married or some shit.

"Do you, KEL ******, take SUNNY *****, to be your lawfully wedded husband till death due you part?"
"I do."
"Do you, SUNNY ******, take KEL *******, to be your lawfully wedded husband till death due you part?"
"I do.."
"is there any objections?"
It was silent, besides the fact that KELS mom had been crying into his dads shoulder.
"Alright, you may now kiss the groom."
KEL wrapped his arms around SUNNYS lower back and lifted him up and kissed him. At this point, even HERO had started crying despite the fact he wasnt.. that big of an emotional person(besides for mari dieing but yk). The two pulled away and smiled at eachother.

SO UHM im finally done now yippee
i think theres still another week this year tho so ill do that week too(probably)
anyways i have to go to bed so TSCHÜSS and thx for reading

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