Day 3: School dance

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(this is uhm before they were dating because yes idk)

Kels POV for once !?1?/?!???!?1/!/?1/1/?

"AUBREY, I need help!" I ran over to AUBREY, who was talking to KIM at her locker. She rolled her eyes and turned around, "What do you need, KEL?" She asked, "We were having a conversation." She continued, crossing her arms. "So, you know how the dance is this weekend, and neither me or SUNNY have dates to the dance?" I asked, shifting my weight from one foot to another. I hope she doesnt tease me about this..

"No, im not helping you ask him out. youre on your own." what?! am i THAT predictable? I must have had a puzzled expression on my face, cause she then said, "Yes, you are that predictable. Anyways, if you wanna ask him out, just go up to him and simply ask. its not that hard, KEL." Hurmph.. she doesnt understandd.. "Maybe it wasnt for you, but its not as e-" "yes it is. go, ask him. Honestly, if it even was that hard, hed probably still say yes, yknow." She cut me off! I guess maybe i should go ask, but still! "You didnt have to cut me off!! hmph, fine. im gonna go ask him!" I stormed off, and went too look for SUNNY before our next class started.

After i finally found him, i called his name out, and as he turned around the bell rang, so i got cut off again! " What do you need KEL?" he asked, walking up to me, "tell me before we go to our classes." We walked alongside eachother, since our next classes were the same. "Uhm, nevermind, ill just ask after school.." I blushed slightly at the fact that i was gonna ask him out.. after school! thats only like, 4 hours away!!! eh, ill just deal with it when its time..

It was after school. it came way to fast.. now i have to wait for SUNNY to come out of the doors, god im so nervous! As i was waiting, I felt a slap on my back.. ow! i looked to see who it was, and it was AUBREY, " Good luck, i guess." She said, as she walked away. I hope i do.. "KEL? what were you gonna ask me, earlier?" OH SHIT. "OH UH, HEEyyyyy SUNNY!" My voice went really high pitched.. it sounded terrible, how was i ever gonna be able to ask him?! "So.. i uhm... you know how the dance is this weekend, specifically like, toomorrowwww?" I asked, maybe i could start off slow.. and maybe he could get the hint? He nodded, and i scratched the back of my neck, sweating profusely. "so- i was kinda wondering if uhm.. youd wanna- ANdd I MEAN THIS IN A FRIEND WAY- but- i was wondering if maybe youd want to uhm.. go.. to the dance with me.. IN A FRIEND WAY, AND ITS FINE IF NOT! I-" and for the third time today.. i was cut off. "Jesus.. i thought i was gonna have to ask you." He looked back, and nodded slightly. "wait- really??" I didnt expect him to say yes?!

"mmhm." He hummed, "but, we should go home. were one of the last people here." He started walking and i ran to catch up. i guess AUBREY was right.. that wasnt.. that hard? After a few minutes of an extremely awkward silence, we finally reached our homes, and we said our goodbyes and went inside.. now the last thing i had to do was get something to wear.

TIMESKIP TO THE NEXT DAYYY!1!11!! also nobodys pov lolololololololllllllololol

It was around 6:30 pm, and the dance started at 7 o'clock. KEL had finally found something to wear, a dark-ish orange suit and black jeans with a black tie.. he looked extremely formal, more formal to his liking actually, but this was special and he had to dress formal for this! KEL walked to SUNNYS house and knocked on his door, as he waited he tapped his foot on the ground and put his hands in his pockets, and after around a minute SUNNY finally answered the door. He was wearing a long sleeved black shirt and his normal shorts, nothing too fancy but it gets the job done.

"Are you ready to go?" KEL asked, still slightly tapping his foot. "Uhm.. i think, yeah." SUNNY answered and started walking with KEL. KEL seemed like he was about to grab SUNNYS hand but decided not to and pulled his hand away last second, SUNNY seemed to notice and held his hand, leaving KEL to blush as they continued walking.

After around 6 minutes, they finally got there and walked into where it was taking place. It was surprisingly packed, they really didnt think this many people lived in and around Faraway, but it didnt really matter anyway. The pair spotted BASIL there by himself talking with AUBREY and KIM, actually, there was alot of people that were there without a date. KEL and SUNNY went up to BASIL, AUBREY and KIM and chatted for a few minutes, until the music actually started to play, but the pair were both clueless on how to ballroom dance, so they kind of just.. tried to copy what everyone else was doing? KEL was holding one of SUNNYS hand, and his other one was on his lower back, whilst SUNNY had one of his hands on KELS neck and the other one holding his hand. They were both blushing profusely and had no idea what they were doing at this point, and AUBREY eventually yelled out to SUNNY and KEL one word, "KISS!!" after AUBREY said that, they both became even more red and KEL and AUBREY started arguing.

after around.. 9 or 10 minutes of them chasing eachother around and yelling, they finally went back to what they were doing. SUNNY had been putting deep thought into what AUBREY said, and as much as he wanted to kiss KEL, he didnt want to ruin the moment. KEL, on the other hand, also wanted to, and honestly was about to do it, but as soon as AUBREY saw that there faces were getting closer together, she had to ruin the moment again, and KEL yelled at her again, but it only took around 2 minutes for their arguement to end instead of 10 minutes, so they could go back to doing what they were doing. BASIL was basically third-wheeling KIM and AUBREY, as well as SUNNY and KEL, and occasionally trying to push SUNNY and KEL together to get them to kiss, and it resulted in them both turning extremely red and yelling at BASIL.

I dont know what else to put for the actual dance part so timeskip to when sunny and kel r walking home

When SUNNY and KEL were about to say their goodbyes, instead of SUNNY saying goodbye, he told KEL to bend down. "Wait, why?" KEL asked, he found the request weird. "just.. do it." KEL bent down to SUNNYS level, and SUNNY took a deep breath. Before KEL could question any further, he felt a pair of lips smack onto his quickly, before SUNNY pulled away and ran off.

"...what... just happened?"

1199 words yippeeeee

this one was my longest one cause i had better ideas for it and this one isnt as bad as the other chapters so yeah

anyway tschüss 👍

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