Chapter 1

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(2nd Pov)

All you can hear is ringing in your ears as you start to open your eyes your vision slowly becomes clearer you look around yourself you're in a dark room with a window the dark curtains blocking out the light. You start to get up off the table you're on when you make direct eye with a girl with twin braids she just stares at you unblinking when she walks forward and takes your wrist leading you out of the room and dragging you one way down the hallway. 

When who you assumed was the girl's mother called out the girl hummed frowning slightly "I guess we can bury you later." she said, disappointed. In all honesty, you can make out the words she's saying, but you don't internally understand what she means, but you assume she's offering you things like some people do when they don't run away. She turns and begins leading you down the hallway in a different direction which you happily follow, not knowing what's happening at the moment.

You follow the girl downstairs, a boy. Most likely her brother follows behind her. A tall man waits at the door, handing the girl a bag she lets go of your wrist and takes the bag. "Thank you, Lurch." Her voice is very monotone as she turns to you and points to the floor. "Stay." Turning back and walking out the door, her brother follows. Not sure what to do all alone, you sit on the floor as the girl instructed you to do.

A man walks in a suit carrying a briefcase and a woman when the man sees you "Ah hello." He gives you a small wave."What are you doing there?" The woman asked you to try to explain that you're waiting for a girl in braids, but all that they hear is demonic like screeching. "Ah, okay." the woman pretends to understand and gives you a soft smile as the two go their separate ways in the house, eventually leaving, you continue to stay seated on the floor for the girl to come back. 

(3rdish Pov)

Wednesday and Pugsley had returned home from school.  You smiled widely at Wednesday her eyes widened immediately taking note of your pointed teeth she turns to her brother "Pugsley changes of plans 'it' stays." dragging you off. 

Wednesday takes you to a large room full of books "I know you can talk, I heard you, In your sleep." she spoke "But you don't speak, do you?" you shake your head. "Because you can't, not in this language, so I'm going to teach you." She pushed you to sit on the floor as she sat in front of you "We'll start simple. My name is Wednesday, Wednesday Addams. See if you can say that."

With all your focus you attempt to speak "Wh-a. Wes- Wenda- any- Wedd-... uhh" "Wednesday." she corrects you. " Wuuh- an-" you pause trying to sound it out in your head 'We????d? y ' "Wed. Wed- Wedd- Weddy- We-" Wednesday covered your mouth sighing "Close enough." 

Wednesday began to explain that her family is going to try to contact her uncle Fester tonight and explained what was going to happen tonight as she ran her thumb along your pointed teeth, they were not sharp enough to easily cut someone without biting, but enough to sting. Wednesday tries to teach you more 'human' English she couldn't get you to speak very well but you caught onto reading. 

"Here, see if you can tell me your name." she put a piece of paper with letters in front of you. you shake your head as Wednesday looks at you confused "Do you have a name?"          

What it's like to be human  -  (Male reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now