Chapter 17

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In Wednesday's room, a Cabbage Patch doll, dangling on a noose from a lighting fixture. The doll's mouth has been taped shut. 

Morticia knocks on the door and opens it. "Children?"

Y/n, Wednesday, and Pugsley stand near the dangling doll, holding acetylene torches, they wear protective welding masks. 

Gomez and Morticia present Debbie. "This is Miss Jellinsky, our new nanny. What do we say?" Morticia said. Wednesday flipped up her welding mask "Be afraid. Be very afraid." She said as Y/n bared his sharp teeth. 

Debbie kneels in front of the children. "Look at you. All cooped up in the house with a new baby. That's not easy. is it?" Debbie asks, Pugsley shakes his head No. "Why, I bet sometimes you wish it was still the three of you." Said Debbie, Wednesday turned to Pugsley muttering "Or less." "Well, don't worry, everything will be just fine," Debbie said, Y/n carefully thought about Debbie's words 

'Was everything fine? It was so different than before... What would it be like if those things didn't happen would things be different then, would they all still be here?' Just thinking about it, about them Y/n started to tear up. 

Debbie stands and speaks to Gomez and Morticia "I love them" She whispered.

Wednesday Y/n and Pugsley are crouched at the top of the stairs in the front hall. 

They all clutch the end of a rope, with some difficulty, attached to the rope is a small anvil. 

Pubert is sitting at the bottom of the stairs. Thing scampers by, and Pubert crawls after him. A split second later, the anvil crashes down,  barely missing the baby. Debbie scoops Pubert up, into her arms. Morticia and Gomez bustle past, on their way out for the morning. "We'll be out most of the morning." Morticia announces "Fester! Come along!" Gomez called. 

Fester appears, in his coat. "Say goodbye to Debbie," Gomez told his brother. Fester all but runs past Debbie, his head down muttering something to her.  

Morticia hands Debbie a piece of parchment "All the important numbers. Police, fire department, the morgue." "Have fun!" Debbie called. Morticia, Gomez, and Fester Leave. 

In Gomez's study,

 Pubert is crawling on the floor anchored by a ball and chain as Debbie is going through Gomez's desk. 

She has piled up a stack of financial ledgers. She is reading with great interest. "Fester Addams, my, my... stocks and bonds... deeds... gold bullion" Debbie muttered, when a creak was heard. Debbie looks up at a suit of armor and then at an ancestral portrait, on the wall.

However on an empty stretch of wall, just wallpaper and wainscotting. Wednesday dressed and painted to exactly match the wall, Wednesday sneezes. Debbie looks at the wall sharply before turning back.

"What a strange old house. So drafty. It's really... no place for children. No place at all." She muttered as a small fire started to crawl up the wall near Pubert. 

What it's like to be human  -  (Male reader) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now