Chapter 8

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The party is in full swing as a small orchestra plays with Thing as a third hand on the bass.

Wednesday is trying to teach Y/n to dance. Shockingly to Wednesday, Y/n did appear to have some knowledge of dancing.... From around almost 400 Years ago, though he can read he probably read it in a book or something I mean it's not like he was 'alive' 400 years ago, but it would somewhat explain his speech. 

As Wednesday and Y/n Danced, Morticia approached them. "Wednesday?" She called her daughter "Yes Mother?" Wednesday responded "Could you run upstairs and check on your uncle?" Morticia asked. Wednesday stops dancing and nods running upstairs as Y/n follows closely behind her. 

Wednesday stands in front of Fester's room door "Uncle Fester." She called, but no one came...    So Wednesday slowly opened the door "Uncle Fester?"Wednesday called again, she walked inside hearing muffled voices 

"It wont be easy, there are people everywhere." Said Fester. 'Dr. Pinder-Schloss' was shaving Fester's head "You can do it, if you just stopwhining. No one likes that, it'sunattractive." she said "All right, fine. I will try andreach the vault tonight. But ifI can't, well... Then that's it. Okay, Mother?" Fester replied. 

Wednesday stood there frozen before speaking. "You are a fake! I knew it!" She Yelled. 'Dr. Pinder-Schloss' and Fester turned around to face Wednesday, as the straightrazor in 'Dr. Pinder-Schloss' hand catches the light and glints. "Come here, little one. We won'thurt you." 'Dr. Pinder-Schloss' told her. Fester can't believe this is happening he's genuinelytorn. "Wednesday!" He called out as Wednesday ran off, she could hear the voice of 'Dr. Pinder-Schloss' "Get her!" before Fester chased after her.

Wednesday ran to her room and locked the door. She lifted up the trapdoor on the floor in her room, then it hit her 'Where was Y/n? He walked with her all the way to Fester's room he never left her side so where was he?' Her thoughts were cut off by Fester trying to open the locked door. She was going to use her trapdoor to get outside, but her plans were changed when she was suddenly picked up.

Wednesday hit the ground outside in the graveyard, quickly getting up, black mist around her before fading out of existence, she heard a thud behind her turning to... Y/n? Y/n lays on the ground un-moving. Wednesday notices Fester in the distance quickly picking up Y/n or at least trying, dragging him into a crypt to hide.

"Y/n. Wake up. What did you do?" Wednesday said shaking Y/n. Y/n slowly opened his eyes, Wednesday stopped shaking him." ....y wha. hap..ned to y..r hair?" Y/n muttered "What?" Wednesday asked him, Y/n began playing with one of Wednesdays braids "Hair, it different..." He paused inspecting Wednesday's hair before continuing. "Colour." 

"Y/n?" Wednesday called him again, perhaps she shook him too hard. Y/n's eyes widen as he backs up from Wednesday slightly, Y/n looks back up at Wednesday before pulling out an old Medieval dagger, handing it to Wednesday to then hold out one of his arms "Name here. Carve. Wont forget." Y/n Instructed nervously, giving a very uncomfortable smile.

Wednesday Inspects the dagger 'Its definitely been used before, the blade is slightly chipped and the hilt is wrapped in cloth bandages, But along the cross-guard was two words probably the name of who the dagger belongs to? Maybe it's Y/n's real name, no, he said he didn't have a name.' she thought. Wednesday couldn't entirely make out the lettering on the dagger as it was pretty old, but from what she could make out was...

' . . . . y  A . . a . s  '

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