Chapter 3

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Strangely the floor is softer than Y/n remembers. Y/n begins to open his eyes as his sight starts to become clearer all he sees is Wednesday making direct eye contact, he can feel her breath against his face her eyes narrowed at him.


"You crawled into my bed to sleep next to me at night, didn't you," she spoke softly Y/n didn't detect any anger in her voice. Y/n did the only thing he could think of to apologize, not being good at speaking very well. He got off her bed and kneeled on the floor in front of her, Wednesday was very pleased by this. 

It was strange though Y/n never moved in his sleep before if only he knew Wednesday lied, even if Wednesday had told the truth there wasn't much to tell she moved Y/n into her bed when he was asleep shockingly he barely weigh anything and he was freezing, the problem though was Wednesday couldn't figure out why she decided to move him.

Wednesday drags you to breakfast sitting Y/n down next to her at the table, fester is on the other side of her. On Wednesday's Grandma brings over food and puts some on everyone's plates "Home Cooking, Nothing like it in the world." she says. "May I have the salt?" Wednesday asked. Fester picked up the salt which confused Y/n there were no rocks on the table "What do we say?"Morticia said to Wednesday." Now!" Wednesday demanded. Fester quickly placed the salt next to Wednesday.

Y/n looked down at his plate picking up an unfamiliar object to him, not knowing what it is he turns to Wednesday tugging on the sleeve of her dress. Wednesday turns as Y/n holds up the object to her "That's a fork it's used for stabbing things or murder." she informed him.

"What is this?"Fester asked looking at his plate "Mama's specialist de la maison. (house special)"Morticia said, "oh, Tish." Gomez whispers to Morticia kissing his wife's hand "Start with the eyes." Grandma told Fester.

"So Fester, did you sleep well?"Morticia asked "Like the dead" he replied "Really? Who would have thought the Bermuda Triangle could change a man so much, you used to toss and turn all night, we had to chain you to the bedpost."Gomez said. "It doesn't make any sense." Wednesday spoke"The Bermuda Triangle is a very strange and mysterious place. You'd be surprised at all the things you don't know." Fester told Wednesday. "She certainly would. Wednesday adores the Bermuda Triangle, she studies it, death at sea, she's hooked."Morticia said. "Ask me anything," Wednesday told her uncle. Fester and Gomez started to talk about a camp and a vault when Pugsley walks in carrying a sign that says 'stop' and cars start to crash outside. "Bravo Pugsley!"Gomez congratulates his son.

In the attic, Wednesday is fiddling with wires connected to a chair while Y/n watches and Pugsley plays with his guillotine. Pugsley speaks up "So do you think that's Uncle Fester?" "Father says so, But I think Mother isn't sure," Wednesday answered. 

"Pugsley sits in the chair." commanded her brother. Y/n pats the chair "Sit Pugsley." Pugsley was shocked he didn't know the boy could talk, Wednesday however "Oh so you can say his name properly but not mine." She spoke. Y/n looked at her in confusion he was pretty sure he was saying her name right, Wednesday only ever corrected him once. "Pugsley Sit." Wednesday reminded her brother "Why?" Pugsley asked, "So we can play a game." She responded as Pugsley sat in the chair Wednesday and began to strap her brother into the chair "What game?" "It's called 'Is there a god?'"She answered

"But if he's not Uncle Fester who is he?" Pugsley asked his sister."Someone else. Y/n please pull the far lever?" Wednesday said. Y/n began to walk towards the levers "Y/n?" Pugsley questioned, "that's his name." Wednesday responded," he told you?" He asked his sister. "No.   I named him, It's fair he didn't have a name so I gave him one, besides his mine anyways, I found him." she answered "That one Y/n" pointing to a lever he pulled it.

"It has to warm up" She explained "Why?" Pugsley asked, "So it can kill you." Wednesday said when Morticia came up the stairs " Children what are you doing?" she asked. "Zap." Y/n didn't know what else to say "We're going to electrocute him." Wednesday answered "But were late for the charity auction" she scolded "but mother..." Wednesday whined "I said no," Morticia said Firmly "Woe" Y/n muttered, Wednesday taught him the word "Please?" Pugsley begged. 

"Oh, alright." Morticia caved in. Wednesday pulled another lever, and sparks flew from the chair and the wires as Pugsley was being electrocuted.Y/n watched some of the sparks fly then he looked at Wednesday, she was smiling, Y/n's never seen people smile at least not around him. Y/n didn't know how to describe it he liked seeing her smile it was like the most beautiful thing to him.         

Morticia smiled noticing the way Y/n looked on Wednesday.

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