Pinch Me

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"Great," A voice rudely scoffed. I heard stumbling around in the massive ship and the door in front of me hissed open.

I could have passed out right then and there.

"Anakin?!" I scoffed as well, but for a completely different reason than he did. "What the- you're... what?!"

"Okay listen," Anakin's dark blue eyes bore into my lighter blue ones. "Can you repair ships? And if not, then can you take me to someone who can?"

"Okay, you're going to have to slow down a little," I raised my hand up. "I must still be asleep. I have to be still asleep."


"You're not asleep."

"Ow!!" I scowled at the tall, dark Jedi in front of me. "What the hell was that for?!"

"Snapping you out of whatever parallel universe you managed to get yourself into," Anakin remarked, then very impatiently sighed. "I should have known you wouldn't know how to fix a ship. I don't have time for this. I'm on a very important mission and I can't waste time."

Anakin turned towards his ship and began trying to take in the damage.

"I must have jumped too far," He turned around to face me again. "What planet am I on?"

"Earth... the only human inhabited planet out there," I answered him.

"You're seriously mistaken," Anakin flashed his white teeth in the most attractive grin I've ever seen. He laughed and waved his hand mindlessly in the air and the ship behind him went invisible.

Whatever cloaking device he'd used on the ship also made the field look normal where the soil had been turned up. "Now, if you'll kindly excuse me, I have to go find someone who can help me repair my ship. It's damaged way worse than I thought."

"Wait! I have a close friend who... has extensive knowledge of... ships like yours," I told him, then started walking towards my car. A black Jeep.

I laughed to myself a little. I'd always thought of Anakin in a sports car. Like a Tesla or a super awesome batmobile thing. Not a Jeep.

"What... is this?" Anakin eyed my truck suspiciously. "Is this yours?"

"Yes, now get in," I told him. He opened the door, climbed in, and shut the door behind himself. He watched me get in and start the truck. "Are... you going to put your seatbelt on?"

Anakin laughed.

God, there's an aviary in my stomach.

"I never wear protection in my... transportation vehicles," Anakin said. "I don't usually need it. I know how I fly. Or... drive. I guess."

"Right, but I'm driving. You'll be needing your seatbelt," I told him and put the truck in gear. I heard his seatbelt click. "Also, we'll need to... disguise you a little bit. You don't... have any super cool Jedi tricks to disguise yourself into more... modern clothes? A little less Bible times-ish?"


"Do you have modern clothes?"

"I'm on a mission. I have to wear the respective Jedi attire."

"You're on a whole different planet, Anakin," I snickered. "You'll need to change so people don't freak out when they see you."

"Freak out?" He raised one of his eyebrows. "Why would they freak out?"

"You're kind of a super popular public figure. And I'm pretty sure every woman on this planet wants to have your kids," I rolled my eyes, feeling a sudden and unnerving feeling of jealousy. "We need to make sure you're not seen. And you're very obvious right now. So kinda... duck... if you can."

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