Hard Goodbyes, Shocking Hello's

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According to Anakin, I laid against him for a little while last night but ended up falling asleep again in literal seconds. Then he stayed with me long enough to make sure I'd be okay.

Matt and Anakin are now tinkering away with the engines and engine parts to fix the ship as soon as they can.

Anakin has to get home.

I've gone home to my place to make them some breakfast. Because they're likely both starving. I know Anakin is.

He's been a little crabby all morning.

I then brought them the pancakes and sausage and pretty much forced them to take a break to eat. Anakin was full of compliments about my food.

Matt kept looking between Anakin and I and smirking. Which meant my cheeks were burning fiery red the entire time.

"So, how much more do you have to do?"

"Not much," Matt muffled. "'S'pretty much done, really. Just gotta get it in."

"Once it's been installed back into the ship... we can leave."


Matt looked concerned now.

"Why we?"

"Um... well..." I set my fork down and sighed. "I want to go with him. Back to his world. So I can try again at life. Matty you know my life has sucked and still sucks here. Going with him, I have a chance to start again."

"You could also die. And be attacked. Ellie, there's a whole Dark Side of evil people who want to kill people like you."

"She'll be perfectly safe while with me. And if she's my Padawan when I return, then she won't be leaving my side."

Matt heavily sighed but nodded. "Okay. Fine. Just... I'm serious. Stay safe. Ellie, you're like a little sister to me. Take care of yourself."

"I know," I rubbed his arm and took his hand into mine. "I know. Thank you for always being here for me. For understanding. I feel like this is the universe telling me that I get to start over. I get to play again after the game over screen."

"I'll always be here in case you need me," Matt said. "I just need you to know that."

"And I do," I nodded with a smile. "I love you, Matty. You'll always have me too."

Breakfast was quiet other than that, but eventually Matt got up and asked if Anakin needed his help with anything else before he left. When Anakin said he could finish up pretty easily on his own, he left.

He kissed my head and left.

Anakin stood from where he was sitting against the ship and thanked me for the food, then pressed a gentle kiss to my cheek. I blushed furiously and he shot me a quick grin before getting back to the ship's engine.

I stepped into the ship and found R2 making mini repairs to some of the controls in the cockpit. He chirped when he noticed me coming in.

"Hey, R2," I smiled. "Did you hear? I'm coming with you and Anakin back to your home."

R2 suddenly squealed and chirped just as excitedly as he did when he first met me. I couldn't help but laugh when he had his little freak out.

"Yeah! I'm coming with you! You'll be seeing a lot of me! So, get used to me, I guess."

"That shouldn't be too hard for him to do. He already adores you," Anakin entered the ship. He slid into the cockpit and sat in the pilot's seat. "Moment of truth."

I sat in the passenger seat, which made me feel kinda funny to begin with, but then the ship turned on and hovered over the field we crashed into. He looked over at me with the most dangerous looking smirk I've ever seen. It sent a shockwave of butterflies through me.

"You ready?"

"More than you know," I looked out the front window after buckling my seatbelt. "Get me out of here."

"Your wish is my command."

In a blink of an eye we'd shot off into space and I was utterly surrounded by blankets of stars. I couldn't even see Earth anymore. I gasped softly and grabbed Anakin's hand as I marveled at the stars. They're all so clear.

"Ani, it's beautiful," I whispered. "Wow..."

Anakin smiled softly. "There are so many beautiful things I need to show you. This was the first."

I marveled at the stars for a bit longer, before Anakin's hand left mine and he grabbed the controls again. "You ready to hyperspace jump? Usually we have training for this, so I'll give you a brief summary. You're either going to be fine and just feel a little drunk, or you'll pass out. But you'll be fine, I'll be here."

"Oh, uh..." I bit my lip nervously. "O-okay."

"You'll be alright," He gave me a reassuring smile, then told me to hold on to something as he sent the ship into hyperspace.

Just as he'd explained. I passed out. And was out for a good amount of time. But I woke up and was still in the ship, so it must not have been too long. I woke up a little disoriented, but felt my hand enveloped in warmth.

Anakin had taken my hand while I was out, and likely so I wouldn't wake up terrified.

"Hey, there," He spoke in a soft voice, then looked back at R2, who was right behind my chair. "See, she's alright, R2. He was worried about you the second we got out of the jump and you'd passed out."

"Oh," I smiled softly and reached back to pat R2. "I'm okay. The jump just took a lot out of me I guess."

"Yeah, now hey, look," Anakin nudged me to look out in front of us. A giant, techno-looking planet floated in front of us in all of it's massive glory. The grin on Anakin's face told me enough.

He's home.

"Whoah," I laughed. "It's huge."

"Yeah, it'll look bigger when we get on the ground. I can't wait to show you around."

I took a steadying, yet shaky, deep breath. "Yeah, I can't wait either."

"Hey," Anakin slipped his hand into mine again and laced our fingers together. I felt safer instantly. "I'll be with you. I believe you can handle it. And if anything is too much for you, don't hesitate to tell me. We don't even have to meet anyone right away. We can just get you into the temple and settled."

"Okay," I nodded again. "I think I'm okay. This... is something I've only ever dreamt of and it's right in front of me. All of it."

I swear I saw Anakin blush when I referred to him. "Well, all of those dreams are about to come true at the same time, I guess."

"No one I'd rather experience it with than you," I squeezed his hand lovingly. He definitely blushed but turned his eyes back out at the planet we were quickly approaching.

All the Stars :: Anakin Skywalker Where stories live. Discover now