Baby Steps

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tw: ((very light adult content, no full smut though ))

"Do you have it?"

"Hm?" Anakin hummed, his arms wrapped tightly around me. Holding me close like I was the most precious thing on this planet.

"The ring. I want it back. I need it back."

"Yeah," He took the red and black rings out of his pocket. We sat up and he handed me his and I gave him mine.

He took my hand into his... gloved prosthetic one. I hesitated and flinched a little.

"It's okay," He whispered softly. "I'm okay. I'm in full control of it. See?"

He wiggled his mechanical fingers and managed a small smile.

I placed my hand into his, missing the warmth, but it still felt genuine. Safe.

Not quite comfortable yet, though. We'll get there.

With his flesh hand, he slipped the ring onto my middle finger, then lifted my hand to his lips and kissed the ring. I did the same with his hand. Flesh hand, of course.

He lifted my chin and kissed me with feather light touches. Like I was made of porcelain.

Like he had to be careful.

"You wanna see it?" He asked, referring to the covered prosthetic. "It's kinda cool."

"I don't know..." I felt intimidated again all of the sudden. "I don't..."

"It's okay," He kissed my head. "You don't have to yet if you're not comfortable."

I took his robotic hand into mine. I felt the strange metal and other materials under the black leather glove, just trying to get used to how it felt in my hand.

He gave my hand a little squeeze with it and tried to give me a reassuring smile to tell me it really was okay. That I didn't have anything to worry about. That it wasn't scary.

I pinched one of the fingers of his glove and tugged a little, telling him that I was okay with seeing it now. So, he slowly pulled the glove off and flexed his fingers. Then let me move it on my own.

I bent his fingers a little and watched all of the mechanisms in the small machine that's replaced my lover's hand and forearm. He wrapped his metal fingers around my hand and laced them with my own.

"Can... can you still feel things with it?"

Anakin smiled at my question and began gently explaining.

"Through very complicated and expensive technology, yes. It works just like my other hand. I can feel things, use my fingers like my other hand, it's pretty much the same but it's... not my real arm."

"Oh," I finished processing his new arm and returned my eyes to his. They were full of adoration and curiosity. "What?"

"I just fell in love with you all over again."

"Oh," I blushed. "Well... I love you too."

"Why so shy?" He smirked and poked the most ticklish spot on my body. It caused me to jerk suddenly and laugh louder than I wanted to. I immediately slapped my hand over my mouth. "That was the most beautiful sound I've ever heard. Do it again. Or... no, it's fine, I'll make you do it again."

He suddenly attacked me with tickles all over and I couldn't help but fall back and start cracking up. Every spot his fingers grazed over tickled even more.

"Ani!!" I choked out through laughter. "Please!! Ahh!! Ani!! Stoppp!!!"

"No!!" He started laughing too, flashing that perfect smile that made my heart soar. "I love your laugh and have needed to hear it for so long!!"

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