The Mystery Man

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"Anakin, you're needed in the Chancellor Suite," A servant told Anakin as we were on our way out of the temple. He sighed heavily in frustration, but I pressed a hand to his chest.

"It's okay. I'll go up to the room and wait for you."

"I owe you. We keep getting interrupted," He said and kissed me. "The room. Okay?"

"Yep, I'll head there now."

I watched as Anakin stalked off to wherever the Chancellor Suite was held. I turned the opposite direction and made my way back to the room. On the way, though, I quite literally ran into someone.

His voice was one that sent a chill down my spine. It sounded assertive and controlling and I didn't like it. At all. I met his eyes and he smirked down at me. "Well, what's a beautiful maiden like yourself doing walking this great temple all alone?"

"I-I um..." My brain blanked. "Going to my r-room."

He snickered. "You're cute. Tell me, you seem foreign, where are you from?"

"Uhm..." I swallowed thickly. "E-Earth."

"Earth?" He raised an eyebrow. "That's a new one. But you're definitely a prize. Like a foreign wine. Elegant and new. Something to be... explored."

He slid his hand up my arm, but I pulled it away from him immediately.

"I-I'm gonna go now..." My shaking hands rose up to my chest and crossed there. He glanced down at my hand and saw Anakin's ring.

"Ah, Skywalker, huh? The Republic's golden boy. Always gets the highest quality treatment. It's no shock that he's got a foreign woman," He smirked. "Everyone knows better than to mess with him. He's a little insane. Tell me, have you heard of his recent relationship?"

"No," I gulped again. "It's n-none of my business anyway..."

"Well, you should know," The man sneered. "He abused her in more ways than one. Took all of his anger out on the poor girl. See, Anakin believes he's more powerful and deserves better treatment than the Masters. They don't baby him like he longs, so he gets angry. Often. So when he comes home to his girls, they always end up getting hurt."

"He... he wouldn't do that... not with me..."

"Suit yourself," He shrugged. "But you're not the first to wear that ring. In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if it was still warm from the last woman who left him."

When he walked away, I raced up to the bedroom and found myself curling up on the bed with tears in my eyes. How many girls have slept in this bed? How many girls have worn this ring before me?

How many girls has he mistreated?

I wanted to take it off. The ring. I wanted to take it off and throw it as far away from me as I could. Across the room. Off the balcony. Anywhere far away from me.

Shortly, the door to the room opened. I heard Anakin's heavy sigh and knew he was coming into the bedroom.

The second he saw me in tears, his already frustrated expression grew into concern.

"Ellie? What happened? Who hurt you? Did anyone hurt you?"

He sat on the edge of the bed next to me and I flinched.

"Is it true?" I sniffled. "Is it true you... you hurt your girlfriends?"

"What?" He furrowed his brows. "Where did you hear that? Who told you that?"

"It doesn't matter!" My voice rose. "How many have worn this ring before me? Does it even matter if you hurt women? Can... can I really trust you?"

"Ellie," Anakin stood up. He looked angry, and it was very intimidating. He must have sensed the fear skyrocket inside of me, because he backed away. "Ellie, I don't know who told you those ridiculous lies, but that's all that they are. Lies."

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