Bring Me Home

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What felt like hours later, I woke up lying on the cold floor, openly bleeding, and exposed.

All of my clothes were gone and I not only was bleeding heavily between my legs, but I had new scars all over my body.

And the worst part of it... was the sight of Anakin's face the entire time he hurt me.

Because now it's ingrained.

I yelped and flinched in fear at my own finger brushing up against my leg.

My own finger.

"Unfortunate news," The new Anakin entered the room now. "You were pregnant. I didn't know that when I started. Extra bonus I guess."

The new Anakin laughed when he saw my pitiful, barely living figure on the floor.

"You're going to bleed out. And I'm not going to care. I'm supposed to kill you. So I'm taking my sweet time."

Alarms rang throughout the entire building. It alerted the new Anakin, who glanced around the room in panic, then he swiftly left and told the droid to gather other droid's to guard me.

Then, I began softly crying. I was too weak to move and I was terrified.

The alarms were loud and they only scarred me more.

I can feel all of the horrible nightmares forming already.

I heard many low, robotic voices outside the door of the room. It opened and a few... black armored stormtrooper guys filed in.

They all started laughing and one even joked about how disgusting I looked being so exposed.

They started making fun of my body. Right there in front of me.

The things they said... they made me feel sick.

And suddenly... maybe bleeding out wasn't such a bad thing anymore...

One of the troopers walked up to me and kicked my stomach, hard. I sobbed in pain and found myself whispering begs for them to stop.

For them to leave me alone.

But that didn't happen. No. The others joined in. They crouched down next to me and started pointing out each and every flaw and not so pretty thing about what was left of my body's original form.

Blasters were heard all around the room we were in. The troopers stood to attention and started firing their blasters the second the door was bust open.

Never have I been more grateful to see men in white armor before in my life.

The troopers fought the ones in black in seconds. Then they rushed to my aide, one of them draped a cloth over my body and another crouched down by my face.

He reached down to check my pulse. I tried to move away from him but it was pointless. I can't move.

"It's slow. She's barely alive. Is there a clear path to get her to the ship?"

"No, sir," Another trooper answered. "The droids called for reinforcements. The building is full."

"Well, make a way then. She's going to die here if we don't get her out. We're on direct orders."

"Yes, commander."

The commander trooper carefully picked up my heavily bleeding, bruised, scarred, and broken body into his arms.

He held me close to his white armor while keeping my body covered. Then the other troopers made a shield around him and they rushed me out of that room.

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