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It was nothing like I'd imagined it. Coruscant was covered in gorgeous cities. The streets bustling with life. Species I'd seen before but multitudes of more that I couldn't have even imagined up.

The movies were so wrong.

Life here looks so much more diverse than the movies depicted. The cities were bigger and fuller. Everything was shining and looked very expensive. Like I was on a five star planet. My eyes were darting all over the landscapes around me, landing on massive buildings and skyscrapers.

Then there it was, in the center of it all. The Jedi temple with it's giant spires and thick stone walls. There were a number of gorgeous leisure ships, but a good bunch of warships behind the temple near a hangar.

Anakin landed the ship on the landing pad next to the temple and smiled at me, but had an unsure look in his eyes. "You ready?"

My eyes were still glued out of the window at the passing people and the massive temple in front of me. "I think so."

"C'mon," He stood up and offered his arm. "Only... if you're comfortable."

"Wouldn't be comfortable without it," I took his arm immediately. He opened the ship's door and the ramp let down. R2 slid down next to us. Anakin pressed a kiss to my temple to reassure me.

"If any of this gets to be too much, just pull on my arm," He told me, then we left the ship and I suddenly had a bunch of eyes on me from passing people. Going in and out of the temple.

Anakin walks with such authority. Like he knows how important he is to the Jedi community. I felt the assertiveness just radiate off of him as he walked. And it made me feel much safer.

"Anakin," A male voice called out from behind us. But I recognized it immediately. And was about to shrink inside of myself. Pure shock shot through me at the sight of him.

Obi-Wan Kenobi.

"Master," Anakin turned and nodded to the superior Jedi in front of us.

"Did you complete the mission?"

"Yes," Anakin nodded. "I will make sure the information reaches the rightful hands."

"Very good," Kenobi nodded, then smiled at me. I'd clutched tighter onto Anakin's arm and probably looked like a scared little kid to Kenobi. "And who might this be? You're not from around here, are you?"

"E-Ellie, s-sir," I stuttered.

Anakin sensed my anxiety and spoke for me.

"This is Ellie. From the planet I found. Earth, she said it was called. She's my... partner. I was making sure she settled into the temple."

"Well, Ellie," Kenobi smiled. "It's very nice to meet you. I assume Anakin will be taking you under his wing in training?"

"Yes," I said with a little more confidence. "Thank you."

"Anakin, do hurry, we've a meeting soon," Kenobi firmly told Anakin. "It's important."

"Yes, Master," Anakin quickly nodded towards the man, and turned with me back towards the temple and began leading me up the stairs into the building. "You alright? I thought I lost you there."

"I'm okay," I huffed. "That was just a lot. I've always... had the most respect for him. I wasn't prepared to meet him right away."

"Well, then, the scariest part's over now, isn't it?" Anakin cracked a grin, trying to make me feel a little better.

"Yeah," I released my inhumanely tight clutch on his arm but still held onto him. "Also... partner?" I blushed. "I already have a title?"

"Of course you do," Anakin said. "What else would you call us?"

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