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"Well, good morning," Anakin smiled when he saw me sit up in bed. "We are very late, but I let you sleep in, so it's my fault. I figured, since you'd had a nightmare the night before, you deserved better sleep. Especially since we're training today."

I'd only just rubbed the drowsiness from my eyes and barely understood anything that he just said.

"You might have to repeat... all of that," I told him with a slight rasp in my voice from the morning tiredness.

Anakin laughed and leaned over me in the bed and kissed me. "It's alright. You ready for training today? It'll be very physically taxing. I hope you're prepared."

"Physically taxing?" I reluctantly got out of the bed. "What do you mean by that? Will I be weight lifting?"

"Nope," He opened the wardrobe for me to reveal and entire side of it full of women's clothes. Ones in all of my sizes and favorite colors. "We'll be seeing how well you work with swords."

"A sword?!" I scoffed. "Ani, I'm going to kill somebody if you give me a sword. Unintentionally, but it'll definitely happen."

"Well, they'll be wooden swords shaped like lightsabers. I just wanna see how good you are with one so we know where to start."

"Ground zero," I snickered as I entered the bathroom with the clothes. "We'll be starting at level one, Ani. I have no experience with any kind of weapon. But- oh, but," I laughed with a smirk. "I'm a god with a bow. You give me a bow and arrow and everyone should run. Then I'd be killing bad guys intentionally."

"Really? Well, we'll still train you with a saber, but we might have to entertain that archer idea. I don't think we've ever had one in a battle before. I imagine you sitting in a high position, killing off 'bad guys' from a safe distance."

"Safe distance," I rolled my eyes and we both laughed. "I appreciate your protectiveness. I really do. It's admirable. But, I'll have to prove you wrong. Because I shoot better at closer angles than from a distance."

"We're definitely getting you a bow," Anakin said as he offered me his arm to leave the room. I'd just tied my hair up in a long ponytail. "You're gorgeous, by the way, and you don't even try."

I blushed, knowing for sure that this had everything to do with what I'd shared with him last night. He's fitting in compliments everywhere that he can.

"You know what else is extremely attractive?" He said while opening the door out to the gardens. "The way you radiate with confidence whenever you talk about something you're good at. It's just dripping off of you and it's very alluring."

"Yeah, well," I lightly scoffed. "It hasn't happened a lot before now."

"Wonder if it has anything to do with someone you met within the past 24 hours?"

"Funny," We both laughed and he tossed me a wooden lightsaber. I looked down at it as I waved it around in my hand, getting a feel for the weight of it and how it feels in my hand. I then unlocked some of the memories of watching all of the movies, and started wielding it around.

Anakin's eyes widened. "Okay. So, you have a little bit of knowledge. That's... exactly how you do that... yep..." He just stood back and watched as I tried out some of the moves I'd seen him himself doing in the films. "Do I even have to teach you anything."

"What's fight training if I don't have anyone to fight?"

Anakin smirked and picked up his wooden saber and slammed it against mine. His blue eyes wild and hungry, filled with a passion I haven't yet seen. Whatever it was, I loved seeing it, and wanted more of it.

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