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It has been Six weeks after Fourx, Sevine and X-Not have been trapped.. Sevine protects and helps Fourx and X-nor, Fourx Was tested multiple times due to her skin color and takes happy pills almost every day, X-nor had became very weak due to him being sick and All 3 of them had almost lost all their memories.. Two walks inside the chamber and says "Come on, Fourx.. It's time for more testing.." Fourx replies with "Really? It's time for testing already? Okay!" Fourx starts to follow Two until Sevine attacks Two "AH! GET HER OFF!!" Two screams. Someone grabs Sevine and injected needle in her arm to make her calm down. "That should do the trick!" Three says "Ow! What has gotten it to her these days?!" Two says "She wasn't always like this!" "Maybe because you and three TRAPPED US IN HERE?!" One says "Oh! I forgot about you!" Three says "Now come on Fourx!" "Okay!!" Fourx say as She follows them into the back then Sevine wakes up "THAT MOTHER FUCKER!!" She yells "YOU HEAR THAT BITCH! WHEN MY DAD GETS HERE, HE'S GONNA BEAT YOUR AS-" Sevine pukes out blood "OMG! SEVINE!" X-Nor says as he runs over to help Sevine. One says "WHAT THE HELL?! THREE, YOU BASTARD!!". Fourx comes back happy, Then Two says "Come on, Sevine.. it's your turn..." Then, Sevine hisses at Two. Three grabs Sevine and takes her out the chamber. "This is bad! THIS IS REALLY BAD!" X-nor says as he hears Sevine screams through the wall. "Yk if you keep walking around you won't find a way out.." A familiar voice says "I've been in here for years now" "She's right Yk.." another familiar voice says. Both of them walk out of the darkness and reveal themselves. "Omg.."X-nor says as he begins to cry "TEN AND EIGHT!!" He runs up to them and hugs them "I MISSED YOU GUYS SO MUCH!!" "We missed you too, little buddy.." Ten says as She listens to Sevine's screams "Sorry we were gone for so long.." Then Sevine comes in.. with one eye.. "She was tough but we did it!" Three tells them as Sevine passes out on the floor "HOLY SHIT!" Ten yells as she catches Sevine "YOU DUMB BASTRADS! SHE A GODDAMN TEEN! YOU CANT BE DOING THAT SHIT!" Ten yells at Three and Two. All of a sudden, Everyone hears eight scream! "YOU HEARTLESS BASTARDS.. YOUR THE REASON WHY WE ARE BEING RUDE.." Eight says as she begins to cry "next time instead of hurting a child... YOU SHOULD HURT ME!" Eight says as she begins to attack Three. "AHH!" Three screams. Two pulls eight off and inject a needle into her arm, "GET YOUR HAnds off.. me.. " Eight says as she passes out. Two and Three grabs X-nor and drags him out the chamber. "Buhbye Sevine.." X-Not says while waving goodbye, "No.. NOT X-NOR! GET YOUR HANDS OFF HIM" Sevine yells as she tries to attack Three and Two, "He's done for hon.." Ten says "Theirs nothing you can do.." Sevine begins to cry on Ten "Shh.. it's okay.. He'll be back.."

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