Koltcap: Chapter 1

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It was dark and rainy one evening. Kolton was walking around in the pouring rain. His wings were in a resting position, drenched in the rain. His ears and tail were drooped to the side and down. His body posture was relaxed and his head hung a little low. As he was walking, he accidentally bumped into someone from the side and tensed up. "S-sorry!", Kolton stammered, looking at the figure. That person, clearly an introvert, hides his face into his hoodie a little more as he replies in a whisper, '' It's ok.¨ He is in a white hoodie, jeans, and black shoes.

Kolton slightly tilted his head to the side, his hair soaking wet. He spoke softly, "You like to come out here when no one is around too?", he asked. Cap looks at the ground, his reflection on the puddle staring back at him, and he says, ¨Y-yeah. It's kinda peaceful here, especially when it is raining.¨ At this, he motions to the air around him, then quickly puts his hands back in his hoodie. Kolton softly smiled. "It is peaceful out here. I don't really like being around too many people... I like to be alone sometimes." At this, Cap looks down at Kolton and says with a little excitement, ¨Me too!¨.

"My name's Kolton, what's your name?", he softly asked. His voice is naturally soft and hushed. Cap looks back down at his reflection in the puddle, and says, ¨My name is Karl, but I am known as Cap by, well...¨ Cap hesitates as he tries to figure out who calls him Cap, since he doesn't have friends. ¨By my family....". Kolton still has a soft smile on his face. "That's a really pretty name, which one do you want me to call you?" He looks back down at him, shyly, and says softly, ¨You can call me Cap if you want to...¨ Secretly hoping he does.

"Alright Cap", Kolton starts saying. He was briefly interrupted by a loud clap of thunder. Kolton lightly jumped at the thunder. Not able to control himself, Cap screams in response, and immediately closes his mouth and looks back down, with a big red blush forming. Kolton looks at Cap with concern and worry on his face. "Are you okay, Cap?" They knew something was wrong and couldn't help but worry more. Blushing still, and fearing that he was gonna be made fun of because of his fear, he quickly answered the question. ¨I-I'm ok! It just startled me, is all.¨

"Oh... here, this is going to sound a little off, but do you want a hug? It might help...", Kolton asked, feeling a little awkward asking that. Blushing a lot now and trying to hide it, Cap nods. ¨If y-you want to...¨. Kolton took a few steps closer and gently wrapped his arms around Cap, gently hugging him. He was 5 inches shorter than Cap and he is to his jaw. Cap smiles softly, blushes hard (like usual lol), and tries to hide it as he keeps him close :3. Kolton's left wolf ear twitched when Cap kept him close. He gently hugged a little more, his soft smile a little wider. Cap looks down and sees his wolf ear, sticking out, and he wants to touch it now, and quickly touches it softly, and puts his hand away quickly, blushing (oh how shocking).

Feeling Cap softly touch his wolf ear made the ear twitch again and he lightly blushed. He looks up at Cap, not bothered or disturbed that Cap did that. Cap smiles at him, relieved that he didn't react negatively. He then decides to pet his wolf ear more, and smiles a little more than usual for him (cute :3). Kolton leaned a little bit into the pets, closing his eyes and enjoying the moment. Cap continues petting him on and near his ear, and as he does this, he asks, a little nervous-like, ¨S-so, what do you like to do w-when you're alone here?¨. Then quickly adds, ¨Y-you don't have to answer, if you don't want to. ¨

Kolton replies, "Normally just walk on the path around the park for a while and sometimes go to a tree and sit against it, what about you Cap?" He replies with some hesitation, and he says in a soft voice. ¨I walk around the park too. Although usually, I like climbing a tall tree and sitting at the top, and being able to look across the entire city...¨. Cap's eyes suddenly sparkle with wonder (and from remembering that view of the city).

"That's nice," Kolton says, and intending to tease, he gently nuzzles Cap on the neck. Cap feels that and immediately blushes. He decides to pet more of his head, softly of course, and stares back down at the ground, both of them reflected in the puddle this time. Kolton felt safe and calm with Cap and he secretly didn't want this moment to end. He melted into the pets and kept hugging him. His wolf tail lightly wagged while this was going on. At the same time, Cap was smiling bigger now, but trying not to let out a squeal of excitement, or to let Kolton know that he was smiling in the first place. When he sees Kolton's tail moving, he pets his ears a bit faster.

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