Koltcap: Chapter 3

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Cherry was resisting dropkicking Flare for now. Sooner or later, she was going to drop-kick him (Because no self-control later lol). Cap, usually hesitant about almost everything he does, didn't think a second thought as he kissed between his ears quickly and softly. Kolton softly smiled and randomly, he sneezed, and a pair of wings popped out. One wing was a dark gray color and the other was pure white. He didn't notice his wings were out yet. Cherry, however, saw, and her expression turned surprised. "Kolt-", She started but didn't finish the sentence.

Cap was about to say bless you to Kolton when he became startled by the wings, then said in slight awe, ''W-wow.... I didn't know you h-had wings.¨ Meanwhile, Flare's eyes widened at that, and then said, ¨Hehe, I think Kolton upgraded to a fairy godfather-¨ He ended that with more giggles. It took a minute for Kolton to realize what they meant, his eyes widened in shock and horror (he hid them because of personal reasons that involve lore and angst). Cherry looked at Flare and said, "No, he's always been like that. It's a really long story about what happened and I don't think we should get into that right now".

Kolton felt extremely uncomfortable and was five seconds away from running out of the house. Flare, sensing that it's not funny, felt bad and said, ¨Oh- sorry Kolton-¨. Meanwhile, Cap glared at Flare and held him a bit tighter, and said to him softly, ¨W-well, your wings look beautiful... so if you are embarrassed b-by them, d-don't be. E-embrace them...¨. As much as Kolton wanted to listen, he felt indescribably embarrassed and scared. He pulled away from Cap and ran out of the house, trembling. "Kolton!" Cherry called out, her voice full of worry. Without thinking, she ran out after him (she's gonna definitely dropkick Flare if he doesn't follow).

Cap, seeing both of them leave, glared at Flare even more. ¨L-look what you did!¨, he said angrily at him. Flare looked back at him and said, ¨I didn't even do anything!¨. He then added quickly, ¨It's not like I pushed out his wings or anything-¨. Cap spouted out in anger, ¨Sure, but you made him self-conscious about himself and embarrassed.¨ ¨Sorry that I stopped you from smooching up to him-¨. Cap then slapped Flare across the face. ¨Don't you dare talk to me like that¨. Flare stared back at him with wide eyes. ¨I-¨. ¨Don't waste your breath, Nick¨. Cap then ran out the door after Kolton and Cherry. Flare, definitely not feeling good, walked out the door, with some slow steps.

Meanwhile, Cherry was running through the woods, calling out for Kolton, but not getting an answer. "Kolton!", Cherry called, her voice echoing throughout the woods. Cap, a few feet away from Cherry, started yelling for Kolton as well. ¨K-Kolt, where are you?!¨. Flare, back by the house, saw the duo looking for Kolton, and he sighed to himself. He walked to the nearest pond and sat down next to it (he likes the look of water, even though he doesn't like to go in them).

Near Cherry was a 30-foot-tall tree, only having branches towards the top of the tree. She saw something odd but familiar on the ground near the tree. She walked over and picked up a white feather. Cherry looked up and saw her brother sitting on one of the branches, back against the base of the tree, hiding his face in his knees. "Cap! I found him!", Cherry exclaimed. (When Kolton is in this bad of a panic state, he goes temporarily deaf until he's calmed down, with that being said) Kolton didn't hear Cherry calling him, it was evident Cherry didn't know how badly Kolton panicked while running out.

¨W-where is he?!¨, Cap yelled as he ran from behind one of the trees in the forest. A quick realization hit Cherry. "Fuck- Kolton can't hear us calling him", Cherry started. Cap, who ignored the feeling to wince from a bad word being said given the situation, asked in a worried tone, ¨W-why c-can't he??¨Cherry took a breath and said, "Kolton's body reacts to intense fear and panic by causing him to go deaf while he's in that bad of a state. So no wonder he didn't hear us calling him, he panicked too hard". ¨O-oh-¨, Cap said, nodding in understanding. Along with his frightened and nervous feelings, he also felt a little angry. He mumbled his own version of profanity (probably directed towards Flare), and started towards the tree. "I have an idea", Cherry started. "Want me to throw you up to the branch where he is"? Cap looked up at Kolt once, and, filled with worry, looked to Cherry and said, ¨Y-yes please-¨.

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