Cherrare/Chapstick: Chapter 1

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It was a dark and cold night. The moon shone over the area. A 16-year-old lizard-human hybrid was wandering in the woods, very much lost, and had the game theory opening playing loudly from his phone (because why not). ¨Great, I'm lost in the woods and I can't find my damn house anywhere (it looks like a Pokemon Center). I'm about to be late for my daily dose of Fortnite, and-¨. His words stopped short when he saw something. From where he was, there was a path to an opening nearby. The path led to an open meadow, where a cottage sat under a 30 foot long tree. The walls were made of a light gray stone and the roof was made up of birch wood. The inside was lit up and therefore could be seen from a bit away.

¨Well, this isn't sus as when a snipe shot lands right in front of you in Fortnite.¨ He giggled to himself as he walked up to the cottage and, smirking, he went to the window. He pulled up YouTube and Google Docs, and then he looked up something, and he played it as loudly as he could. He then pushed the screen up against the window, with the Rick Astley music playing in the background and the word, ¨SOS¨, on the Google Doc.

The door immediately swung open and a 5''11 human with short brown hair and bangs that covered their right eye stood there. They had a white shirt on and blue shorts on, appearing to have been ready for bed. They were holding a frying pan and when they spoke, their voice sounded like a high-pitched girl's voice. "What the absolute hell are you doing?!", they asked, sounding very annoyed and ticked. Flare, having absolutely no filter and common sense, said in a sarcastic tone, ''I'm just hanging out rick-rolling the fireflies and the grass under my feet.¨.

The human still seemed annoyed. "Can you just vibe quieter you little pest? You're going to wake up the entire forest at this rate", the human scoffed. Flare, unfazed, said, ¨And? They'll at least know that I'm more lost then Will in the Upside Down and I need help-¨. At this he points at the phone with SOS on it and a Rick Roll still playing at high volume. ¨Right goshdarn now.¨. The human rose a brow. "You're lost and you didn't say so sooner? Damn I thought you were just going flat out stupid", they said. Flare shook his head and said, ¨No way I could be flat out stupid if I have 40,000 IQ (he doesnt) plus the conventional way of letting someone know you are at their door is, well, basic. AND additional plus, the phone trick works every time.¨ At this he smiles at his explanation.

The human just looks at him and says, "That is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. But, if you're lost, you can stay here tonight in the guest room". ¨That's what one says when they aren't smart enough to think of a rebuttal. But, thank you for your hospitality.¨ He then walks his way confidently towards the front door. The human stepped out of the way inside so Flare could walk in. Flare walked in, and, seeing the house before him, said, ¨This house is honestly ok, though there needs to be a lot more stuff done to it-¨. The human just glared at him and scoffed. "I didn't ask for your bloody opinion. Just follow me", they said walking to a hall and down it to a door. Flare, making it obvious that he does not want to go near the kitchen (because of its basic design, according to Flare), he followed the human down the hall.

The human opened the door and said, "This'll be your room". The room was fairly sized (twss) and in the far right corner was a bed that had white sheets and a pastel blue and white checkered blanket on it. There was a window next to the bedside against the wall. There is a pastel blue curtain on the window and a white nightstand next to the bed with a light blue lamp. On the floor next to the bed was a pastel blue rug and in the far left corner was a snow white dresser. Flare, making an exaggerated motion of holding in a gag reflex, said, ¨Omg, I would rather sleep outside then sleep in this.... room.¨

Cherry, fed up already, just said, "Have at it", and walked one door down on the right and inside, closing the door behind her with a kind of a slam. Flare yelled when she slammed the door, ¨Petty much?¨ He then walked over to his door, making exaggerated loud footsteps along the way, and said, ¨Oh, I'm super mad because I realize I agree with the fact that this house has poor decor and color design and now Ima slam this door for no damn reason!¨ He then slams the door with an obvious exaggerated swagger. 

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