Koltcap: Chapter 7

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Kolton woke up with a light shiver. He noticed it was kind of cold, despite being under the blanket and snuggling with Cap. He carefully gets up and out of bed and then he feels it's colder than before. "What the-", Kolt thinks as he walks to the door. When he opened it, his eyes widened when he saw that there was snow. Cap started to shiver as well, and, not being at the right temperature for his sleepy endeavors, he woke up earlier. He then got up and moved the sheets to the side, and, not wanting to make Kolton go oof off the treehouse again, he wrapped his arms around his waist.

Kolton felt his arms wrap around him and he smiled as he turned to hug him kinda tight. Cap hugged him more tightly in response and started rubbing his back. "Morning, hun", Cap said. Kolton's ears twitched and he replied, "Morning firefly", the door still open. In the distance, they could hear yodeling like from the Grinch, then suddenly got cut off. Cap, rolling his eyes and then chuckling a little, said, "Flare's at it again-". Kolton looked confused. "Again?", he asked. Cap nodded and, pulling away a little so he could look at his brown eyes, said, "Yea, he usually does it every day when it snows, ever since he watched that damn movie." Kolt snickered for a second before asking, "And the sudden cut off?". Cap couldn't help but giggle at that and said, "Hehe, yea, that's definitely new-". "Well, at least Cherry can dropkick him if it annoys her enough", Kolt said, shivering again.

Nodding and noticing that Kolt was shivering, he reached over to the bed with one arm (since he is 6 foot something apparently) he decided to grab a blanket and then wrapped it around themselves. He then hugged Kolton close to him again. While hugging back, Kolt closed the door via foot. He buried his face in his chest. Cap, having a good idea, picked Kolton up and sat down on the bed, which means he set Kolt down on his lap. Kolt smiled more and he cuddled closer to him. Cap then decided to slip something over Kolt's eyes. "You can open your eyes now bun hun." Kolton opened his eyes and his eyes widened. It was his colorblind glasses. "Bun- where did you find them?", he said in shock and awe. Cap replied, in an excited manner, "Well, I got Cherry to help me get them from the lake that you dropped them in-". He then giggled at that memory before continuing. "And then Flare came along and saw Cherry and, not knowing she already knew how to swim, he dived in after her and... haha, he forgot that water and him do not go well together... and... he clung onto Cherry the first moment he saw them. And then Cherry pushed him off and he managed to latch back onto her some more and then they nearly drowned before they managed to get back to shore-".

Kolton listened and he wasn't sure if should laugh or be concerned. "Are they okay?". Cap replied, "Ofc! If they weren't, we'd be at their funeral right now-". Kolt let out a small sigh of relief, and, getting an idea, he turned and pinned Cap to the bed and just cuddled him. He just wanted to cuddle and therefore, wolfboy will cuddle the tall bottom. Cap blushed heavily and squeaked out a cute noise when he did this, and then hid his face in Kolt's neck while being under him. Kolton smiled more as he cuddled him, his tail wagging and his wings popping out. Meanwhile, Cap was giving lots of kisses on Kolt's neck and, getting a better idea, he started to give him small bites on his neck. Kolt let out a soft gasp and whimpered when Cap started biting. Cap, slightly smirking when Kolt moaned, started to lick the small bites that he left behind. Kolt shivered. Cap, who felt his shivers, hugged him closer and said, well, out of the blue, "Love you bun hun". Kolton smiled and said, "I love you too firefly". Smiling warmly at this, Cap snuggled his head under Kolt's neck.

Kolton held Cap close to him, his ears slightly twitching. Cap made a comfy noise while this was happening. Kolton lightly cuddled Cap, forgetting about what it was like outside. At this moment, more yodeling could be heard from the window, suspiciously sounding like a Rick Roll. Kolton was immediately annoyed. "Damnit Flare", he mutters. There was yet another abrupt cut off mid yodel. Cherry had definitely knocked Flare out again. Cap giggled quietly while snuggling his head more into Kolt's neck. He heard his little honey bun's soft giggles and he turned his attention back to him as he cuddled. "Why do I want to yodel a little too...", Cap said quietly, and mostly to himself. Kolton, having the advanced hearing he has because wolfboy, heard and looked at Cap. "No". "Please..?", Cap pleaded and looked at Kolt with puppy-like eyes. Kolton shook his head. "No Cap". "You never let me do anything exciting...", Cap said under his breath as he turned his head away. Kolton was starting to get kind of upset and mad at that statement. "What do you mean I never let you do anything exciting???". Cap, suddenly a little white-faced due to getting caught, said, "E-erm.... I didn't say anything--". "Cap you're lying, I heard you", Kolton replied. "U-Umm... I-I forgot-? Yea I forgot! What I say-?", Cap said, to try to cover his tracks.

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