Koltcap: Chapter 4

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After the gay boys got back on the ground with their jar in tow, they made their way to the lake and soon came to it. It was indeed a lake, and a huge one at that (that's what she said), with the moonlight reflecting off of the water. Around and above the water, they can see the basic-ass orange fireflies (wow brutal), but they can also see blue and green and red and more colored fireflies everywhere, some in groups, and some alone.

Kolton had the jar in one hand and Cap's hand in the other. Cap held his hand gently as they walked around, trying to find a firefly to catch. Kolton tried to open the jar with one hand but failed miserably. Cap notices that Kolton is struggling with the jar and he asks him, ''Do y-you need h-help, Kolt?'' Kolton nodded and said, "Please". Cap nodded and said, ¨Oki!¨ before he took the jar. He then twisted the jar, with some struggle, before the lid popped loose, and he gave the open jar back to Kolton. ¨H-here you go, K-Kolt.¨, Cap said with a smile. Kolton took the jar back. "Thank you firefly (I forgot if this was Flare's nickname from Cherry but fuck it)". ¨Y-your w-welcome.¨, Cap said shyly and with a blush, but his smile grew a little wider.

(Because why not) The two spent about the next 5 minutes walking around the lake and catching fireflies in the jar. Cap giggled at one point when one of the fireflies landed on his nose, and he caught it with the jar. Kolton was walking on the side of Cap that was near the lake, and at one point, he tripped and fell in the lake. Cap heard the splash as Kolton fell into the lake, and he cried out, ¨Oh n-no!¨, before he jumped into the lake after him. Kolton, knowing how to swim, swam up to the surface and gasped. After a few seconds he lightly laughed at what just happened and started looking around. He didn't see Cap and worry stopped his laughs.

"C-Cap-?", Kolton called out. Cap, realizing at that moment that he can't swim (lol imagine), splashed in the water and cried out, ¨H-here-!¨. Kolton heard the cries and seeing Cap, he quickly swam over and took hold of him. Holding onto him tight, he swam back over and pulled the two of them back on land. He looked at Cap and was about to say something, but he noticed something was wrong. He slowly reached up to feel where his glasses were supposed to be, and immediately looked disappointed when he didn't feel them. Cap, after coughing out some water, looked at Kolton while breathing heavily for air, and noticed that Kolton seemed distressed (gay sense in action). He asked, still out of breath. ¨W-what's w-wrong?¨

Kolton sighed. "It's nothing Cap, don't worry. Now, are you okay?", he asked, looking at Cap over in worry, and fully accepting that he won't be able to see the world in colors again (remember he can only see grays, black and white without the glasses). Cap nodded, but still felt something wasn't right with Kolton. ¨Y-yeah, I'm oki.¨ Then he saw what was wrong and exclaimed, ¨Oh no! Y-your glasses are g-gone.¨ He then looked over at the lake and said stubbornly, ¨I-I'll go g-get them.¨

Kolton immediately shook his head. "Cap, it's okay. I've lived fine without them and I'll be fine again. And you can't go back in there, it's not a good idea.", Kolton said, knowing Cap couldn't swim based on what happened before he pulled them both on shore. ¨B-but c-colors are fun to see, and I d-don't want you to miss o-out on that-¨, Cap said while starting to stand up. Kolton also stood up and said, "It's fine, Cap. Besides, what I see are my favorite colors so it doesn't really matter to me". ¨I...¨, Cap started, but, knowing that Kolton wouldn't budge anymore on that, trailed off on that sentence and said nothing else.

Kolton, slightly shaking because of the cold water and cold air, hugged him lightly and leaned up to kiss him. "I'll be fine, it's okay", Kolton said with a soft, reassuring smile. Cap, now less stressed when Kolton kissed him, kissed between his ears and replied with a smile, ''O-Oki Kolt..¨. Kolton smiled a little more and nuzzled Cap on the neck gently, his tail wagging a little bit. Cap, can't help but blush at this but also loving it, smiles and hugs Kolt a little more tightly. He also makes a slightly audible noise when Kolton nuzzles, though Cap doesn't notice that he is doing it (meaning that it's something he can't control).

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