Cherrare/Chapstick: Chapter 6

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They smirked at that comment. "Maybe in a little bit, I'll let you experience it again". Cap blushed, then said, "Hehe, yea... I mean, if only you want to." The end of this statement he said in sort of a flirtatious way. "Oh I want to", they replied, "No absolute dreamboat like you should be deprived of well-deserved love and affection". "Aw-w-", Cap let out, before he said, a little too quickly, "Like you should-". "Okay you cocky ass motherfucker", Cherry laughed. "Did the show take a commercial break-?", a unfamiliar voice said from nearby. Cherry's entire attitude changed from joke insults to anger again. They look toward where the voice came from. They saw a character that looks identical to Harry Potter, minus the scar, and he was leaning against a tree trunk. He was all in blue clothing, and his blue eyes glowed when he said this. One of his eyebrows rose when he said his statement also, waiting for a response. Cherry then looked confused. "What the fu-", they said. Suddenly, a hand pulled the unfamiliar person behind the tree. Cherry looked at Cap and said, "Come on hottie, we're going to go investigate", grabbing his hand and pulling him out the door and to wherever the unknown boy was. "Oki-", he mumbles before being pulled with Cherry. While they were doing this, they were hearing voices from the tree. "...when you decide to be asexual, watching others make out is really the only way to understand, erm, romance, and why it's a thing, if you know what I mean?". The new unfamiliar person, has brown hair to their neck and which is tied in a ponytail and clipped with a hair clip and wearing a purple shirt, blue jeans, black, white and blue shoes, and a necklace that contains a crystal and moon over said crystal, rolled their eyes and said, "Yeah, but did you have to make that comment? You got caught just now and I had to save your ass, so you're welcome". As the two lovers started to come around the tree to investigate, they heard a reply. "While I do like not having to talk to people I haven't talked to before, that comment was necessary. There was a fricken lapse in the making out scene, and I just didn't feel like waiting around for them to do that again, so-". "Still you dumbass, you don't say that to two people making out. And besides, we can make them make out later if we wanted to, remember? I swear Connor, you're confusing sometimes", the unknown person said. The male voice, who appears to be Connor, says, "Isn't that, like, the 20th time you said that today? Also, I know that we can make them make out and stuff like that, but-". Suddenly he hesitated, and looked like he was about to burst. He barely managed to hold it in and said, "Yea, like I said, I know we can do that stuff, but sometimes a story needs some drama and stuff, and yes, I know we just killed Flare off mentally and the Hot Pocket guy off physically, but I felt like they needed some more, erm, drama, if you know what I mean-".

"Are we interrupting something?", Cherry said, now that they and Cap were there looking at the two. The unknown person jumped out of being startled and said, "Holy fu- oh hi Cherry, hi Cap". Cherry rose a brow. "Who are you and how do you know our names?". The unknown person replied, "Right, introductions. My name is Nikolas, and this is Connor. We are both the creator of this world. You live in the ones who actually made you. I made Cherry and Connor over here made Flare and Cap". Cherry processed that. "Made us how-???", they asked. "We made your character designs and then gave yo- Oh my fucking god that's right you're dirty minded-", Nikolas said. Meanwhile, Connor was simply just nodding along to all of this until the very end, where he smirked and said, "Maybe we did, maybe we didn't." He then thought of something else and turned to Nikolas. "Also, do you realize how traumatizing it sounds when a random ass person who looks the same age says that they are your mom-". But before Connor could say anything more, Cap said, "No, I just think it's all bullshit."

"Of course you do, here, look", Nikolas said as he snapped and a panel appears in front of him. He pushed a few buttons and pulled up Cherry's stats. "See? Not bullshit. Connor can do the same thing, show em Connor", Nikolas replied. Connor nodded and said, "Since I like exposing everyone's secrets and stuff to others, gladly!". He then grabbed a wand out of his pocket (I know, so stereotypical, go suck on a lemon) and flicked and swished it, and two white boards popped out of the ground, with all of Flare and Cap's information, from birth to death. Connor quickly deleted the death information with another swish of his wand, and the words turned into the lyrics for "Never Gonna Give You Up". "These are the stats on the board that prove, like Nikolas said, that none of what we just said was bullshit". When he said the last word, a beeping sound was heard. "God fucking damnit-", Connor said, with a beeping sound on the f word. "ANYWAYS, before I lose my bullshit on whoever turned on this beeping setting-". He paused just long enough to look over at Nikolas, then continued. "I am going to explain that these boards explain all about Cherry, Kolton, Flare, and Caps life over the years." He then pointed to each of the names on the board with his wand, then continued. "And this-". He then pointed his wand at a tree, which turned into another white board (he has a big obsession over white boards), and the white board turned into a GPS map, with everyone's locations on there, including Connor and Nikolas. "Is a map that tracks exactly where every single character is in the world at any given time, at least, only the characters that matter. Any questions?". "Yes, I do, actually-", Cap said. "Who in the actual fuck is Kolton-?". "Ohhh him, that's Cherry's cannibal werewolf brother", Nikolas replied and Cherry nodded. Connor also nodded and a voice asked, "Are you guys, like, stalkers or pedophiles or something-?". Everyone looked for the sound, and they all saw Flare perched on a tree branch, with his arms crossed to his chest. Connor rolled his eyes and said, "What kind of question is that? If you want to try to be funny, know that pedophiles are usually older men and women, not teenagers who create cringy, but wholesome, love stories in their free time." "Yeah dumbass we're both 17", Nikolas chimed in, "Also, we're not stalkers, we're the ones who designed, modified and created this world and the people in it". Connor nodded and replied, "Facts-". "Why in the hell did you bring his ass back over here-", Cap interrupted, staring hatefully at Flare. "Um, drama, duh-", Connor replied, in a way that Cap should've known the answer. Nikolas just sighed and said, "Ah shit here we go again". Cherry just glared at Flare before turning away. "Jesus, how many times can I say sorry before you guys forgive me-", Flare said in an annoyed, but also in a pleading manner. "Flare sucks ass at apologies-", Connor remarked under his breath, when a beeping sound was heard. Cap, completely ignoring the multiple beepings that happen afterward (probably because Connor is tired of the censor setting), replied, "When you admit that you suck at being a boyfriend and a brother and explain exactly what you were on when you decided what you did was acceptable, maybe, just maybe, I will acknowledge your apology." "Damnnn-", Connor commented and Nikolas just snickered. "Cap really has no filter right now", Nikolas added. Connor nearly bursted again and Cap blushed in embarrassment. "Cap definitely makes Flare look like a buttercup princess-", Connor started, before Cap and Flare looked at him and said, "Shut up!". Connor only smirked and, pulling out his phone, played a video. It showed Connor making failed attempts at singing an Among Us Remix song. "IGNORE THAT-", Connor said, before putting on a sound bit from Home Alone. "Make me, why don't you?". Nikolas bursted out laughing and meanwhile, Cherry just was still looking away from Flare. They wanted him to leave as they still hated him for everything that happened. On the other hand, Flare completely forgot that Cap and Cherry were there, as he climbed down the tree and said, "Oh bring it on-". Connor looked terrified all of a sudden and threw the nearest stick at him. It burnt to a crisp immediately when it Flare, and he didn't stop moving. Connor frantically waved his wand and conjured up an AK-47. "STOP RIGHT THERE!", Connor said in a frantic voice. "Stop this weird-ass confrontation right now!", Cap yelled, bringing up two pistols and aiming them at both of them. "Drop those weapons if you still want to use y'all's legs." Cherry and Nikolas looked at each other and thinking the same thing, they snapped and teleported their weapons away from them. Nikolas sounded irritated. "Can y'all just fucking stop this???? Whatever this is is getting out of hand!". Cherry sighed and said, "It really fucking is. Babe, stop trying to fight your creator and idiotic brother". Meanwhile, Flare was about to say a "That's What She Said" joke, before Connor simply shook his head at him. Cap simply looked sad as he replied, "Aww, those were my murder weapons." Cherry quickly kissed him before saying, "No murder". Cap softly smiled and replied, "Oki", before holding their hand. Connor looked over at the two and nodded his head slowly, as if in understanding. "Now I understand...", he muttered, although in a loud way.

Cherry held his hand back and Nikolas mouthed to Connor, "We should let them have their alone time, they can deal with Flare later" before snapping and teleporting them both away. "Wait, don't leave me to be the third wheel-", Flare begged, and the only reply that Connor gave to him before he was teleported away was the middle finger.

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