Cherrare/Chapstick: Chapter 5

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Cherry wrapped one arm around him and the other was brought up so they can gently caress his neck as they kissed. They broke the kiss only to breathe before they kissed again. Flare could barely keep in his, um, moans, as this happened. At one point, he accidentally let one out (a moan, not a fart lmao) and blushed heavily. Hearing the moan only made Cherry kiss him deeper, soon getting the idea of moving the deep kisses to his neck, and that he did (hot as fuck, danny devito said from the corner.) Flare grew so flustered when Cherry did this, but before he could respond, Flare's phone was ringing, in a Rick-Roll tune. That just turned Cherry off as they pulled away and said, "Who the fuck is calling you?" in a slightly annoyed tone. Slightly peeved but mostly curious, Flare responded, "I-Idk-". He then picked up the phone and clicked the green button. Before he could lower the volume, a masculine voice on the other line said, "Hey Hot Pocket-". Cherry heard the voice and immediately getting pissed off, they took the phone and said in a very pissed off tone, "Who the fuck is this?!". "Ummm- this is Hot Pocket's very sexy and vibrant partner, who the fuck are you?". "I'm Flare's partner you sentient bottle of ketchup precum!", Cherry snapped. Before the mysterious sexy genderfluid could say something back, another voice (and weirdly familiar) could be heard. "Hun?? Who's on the phone?". "Nobody-".

Cherry slowly turned their head to Flare, they looked very fucking pissed off. They simply hung up the phone, tight grip (twss) on the phone as they said, "You have five seconds. Explain. Now". "UMMM-", Flare started, "Well... I met them on an online dating site a year ago, and, um... we started dating, although we've been on and off. Apparently the, umm... off phase is over-". Before he could say more, a Stranger Things ringtone could be heard from Flare's phone. Cherry still had the phone and immediately declined the call and just glared at him. "So I'm just a fucking side bitch to you???", they snapped. "N-No I-I-", he started, but was then interrupted by someone calling Cherry. Cherry, just fucking irritated right now, powered his and their own phone off. "Keep talking", Cherry said. "Oki... so I don't think that you are a side toy or anything like that, and I thought that maybe he forgot about me or something like-". Ofc, Flare was interrupted again, as some furious knocking occurred at the door. Cherry pocketed both phones and, snapping their fingers and a black fire covered their entire nondominant hand, they walk over and opened the door, the fire hand curled in a fist. When they opened the door, they saw a boy in red and blue clothing, with a tear-stained face and some blood staining one of his gloves, and a white-top hat on his head. There was a phone in his other hand with some Matrix-like crap running through the screen. "Who the fuck was dating my partner so I can put their cheating ass next to him in that van-". He then pointed towards a white van, with some muffled screaming from it. "Was it you?", the person asked with a glare.

"Hell fucking no you bitch, I ever only dated one person and it's the lying fucker living with me right now". Unfazed by their words and appearance, he nodded and smiled tightly. "Ok... so where is this person at then?". Cherry flicked their wrist and the fire went away, showing they were calming down but not all the way for a while. "Inside, come in", they said, walking back in and leading the new face to where Flare was. "RUN, Hot Pocket!", a muffled voice said from the van. "Shut your ass up, Tiffany", the boy said before he closed the door behind him. Some movement was immediately heard from upstairs. "That bitch- come on", they said hurrying up the stairs. "Hold on for a sec, nvm I already have one-", the boy said as he pulled out a pocket knife and followed them. Cherry managed a smirk and they got to the room where Flare locked himself in. Unlucky for him, the room had no windows. "Dumbass", the new face chuckled as he followed Cherry into the probably now cramped room. Meanwhile, Flare was hiding in the closet, whimpering slightly. Cherry looked at the new face and said, "You deal with him first". Smirking, the new face nodded and added, in a very serious manner, "I'll make sure they never see the light of day ever again". He then walked right up to the closet door and flung it open so violently that the door broke off of its hinges and went flying across the room. "Got you now... wait what the hell?", the boy said when he saw Flare for the first time. Flare, literally scared shitless, looked up at the boy in surprise, and exclaimed, "Cap???". The boy, who is now revealed as Cap, changed his expression into something a little softer (but not a lot) and said, "What the actual cinnamon toast fuck Flare?". Cherry got only a little confused. "You know each other?", they said only a little calmly. Flare nodded while Cap said, "Yea, he's my "extroverted" brother, but right now he's the asshole. Why in the fuck were you dating my partner- I mean my EX partner?". Flare only shook a little now, and said, "I...I didn't know he was dating you-". He then grew a little angry and said, "Wait a minute, he was cheating on me-?". "Omg, shut your sorry ass up, you just cheated on this-". He said while pointing at Cherry, then he continued. "Beautiful person over here." Hearing that made Cherry blush and surprisingly calm down, saying with a smirk, "Why thank you". Cap looked over at them and said, "My pleasure.". Meanwhile, Flare just shook his head and said, "Can you just murder me and Tiffany already? I wanna die now.". Cherry walked out and said, "Do what you want with him, I don't know this guy anymore", all with a resting bitch face mixed with slight hurt and relief. Cap nodded and looked at Flare with an evil glint in his eyes. Flare immediately grew scared again and Cap said, "Alright, get your ass up and walk to that window in the hall. I want to show you something." Flare, with a confused look on his face, said, "U-Um... Ok-". He then got up and quickly walked himself over to said window. Through the window, he could see the very big lawn, the van, and the forest beyond. "I want you to focus on that van, and see what happens when you fuck around with the wrong people." "What you mea-". But before Flare could say any more, the van literally exploded, and its parts scattered everywhere. Flare stared wide-eyed at the destruction, and immediately looked at Cap, who had a detonator in his hand and a smug look on his face. "WHAT IN THE ACTUAL CINNAMON TOAST-", Flare started in a terrified voice. "Now we're even", Cap said, with his smug look still on him. He then started to walk away and towards the stairs, when he looked back and said, "Oh. And if you think I'm cleaning up the dead body and all, you are dead ass wrong."

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