Koltcap: Chapter 5

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Kolton woke up at around 11 am, the latest he's ever woken up. Cap, hair messy, and hat on the ground, he still has a death grip on his arms as he sleeps. Kolton felt the grip and gently got out of the grip, still holding Cap with one arm. Cap, probably dreaming something good, smiles with his tongue stuck out. A few minutes later, Kolton let off from the cuddles and slowly got up and out of the bed, walking to the shelf to get the firefly jar, and quietly walked out to release the fireflies. Cap, not feeling him anymore, woke up suddenly, and not seeing him anymore, felt frightened. He then remembered what Kolt said yesterday morning, and suddenly he felt less scared as he got up from the bed. He walked, yawning a little, as he got on the platform. He then moved to Kolton, sat down, and leaned into his leg.

Kolton was on the edge of the platform and that startled him, he lost his balance. He had fallen off the platform but before it was too late, he grabbed hold of the ladder, eyes widened, and breathing heavily due to adrenaline and slight panic. Cap, suddenly terrified, grabbed Kolt's hand and pulled him up, almost launching him in the air due to Cap's adrenaline-fueled strength. Kolton clung onto Cap tight. Cap, trembling slightly, pets his ears and asks in a worried voice, ¨Are you ok? Are you hurt?¨ Kolton gently nodded to the first question, softly whimpering out of remaining fear. He's still clinging onto him tight. Cap now started to remember how it happened, and he started apologizing. ¨I'm sorry that I made you fall, and I'm sorry...¨ Cap squeezed Kolton to himself, and silently repeated ¨sorry¨ in his ear.

Kolton took a breath and replied, "It's ok, you didn't mean to...", burying his face in his neck. Cap, still mad at himself for causing this, said, ¨But I almost made you commit die...¨. "Firefly, you scaring me wouldn't make me commit dieded (geese, that's definitely not a mouthful :) ). It's okay, really...", Kolton said and then kissed him on the neck gently. Cap blushed and smiled softly, laid his head on top of Kolt's head, and said softly, ¨Oki...¨ Kolton continued softly kissing his neck, at one point kissing where he marked him. Cap couldn't help but make his audible noise while he was being kissed, and he stuck his tongue out slightly.

At one point, Kolton bit down on where he marked a little bit. Cap, feeling the kiss on his mark, giggled softly and buried his face between Kolt's ears deeper. Kolton heard his soft giggles and bit down more on where he marked. His teeth sunk into his skin. Cap, blushing and can't help but make his soft noise, kisses him softly on the head while he does this. Kolton made soft little wolf sounds that may be classified as whimpering as he kept biting down on his neck, while the air around them turned into a chill. While the air turned as cold as a dead relationship, Cap shivered a little and hugged Kolton tighter.

Kolton felt his shiver. He pulled back and took him by the hand. "Here, let's get inside", he said, leading Cap inside. Cap smiled and said softly, ¨That would be nice.¨ He then followed him inside their treehouse. Kolton sat the two on the bed and getting an idea, he laid Cap down on the bed and then got on top, wrapping his arms around him and nuzzling his neck. Cap, loving this a lot and making more of his noise, starts to plant a lot of kisses on his head and ears. ¨Love you¨, he said softly along with one of his cute noises. Kolton softly smiled like ":3" and replied with a kiss on the lips, and said, "Love you too firefly". Cap smiled and stuck his tongue out a little bit and added, ¨You¨. Cap then touched Kolton's chest softly. ¨The best.¨

Kolton softly blushed and smiled. He went back to cuddling him. Cap decided to do something new, and licked behind Kolt's ear. That sent a shiver down Kolt's spine and he blushed heavier. Cap, smiling in response, licked behind his other ear. Soon, Kolton fell asleep with his face in Cap's neck. WIth Kolt asleep, Cap smiled softly, buried his face in one of Kolt's ears, and fell asleep as well. In his sleep, Kolton made soft wolf noises. Cap, hearing those noises, smiled and kissed his ears softly while he slept.

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