Cherrare/Chapstick: Chapter 2

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The human was out of the house at around 9 a.m, punching a tree near the path to the opening. Meanwhile, an alarm goes off on his phone at precisely, ¨9:11¨, and Flare gets up, shuts it off, and reenacts what he thinks the people in the Twin Towers would have done if they knew about what would happen to them sooner then they did: breaking the window and jumping off of it. He then looked around him, and saw the human punch a tree like a punching bag. He then walked over to her, and said, ¨Wow- now you are abusing nature? Not surprised, since you like abusing people's eyes every time you let them come into your house.¨ He ended this with a smirk. The human got even more ticked. "Shut th-", they said before one final punch broke their hand. They groaned in pain. Flare looked at their hand and the tree, and he said with a smirk, ¨That's what you get for abusing nature; it abuses you right back.¨ Cherry just snapped. "If you're going to run your mouth, then you can just leave!", they snapped. Flare, immediately startled by this, his smirk quickly disappearing, feeling really bad, and holding in tears, he quickly turned around (so she can't see his face) and said, in the best passive voice he could muster, ¨Ok...¨. At that moment, he walked away from her, towards the forest.

Cherry just watched him walk away and when he was gone, she just sighed and walked back to the house to wrap her hand in a cloth like it was a bandage. Meanwhile, Flare, now standing next to a tree, decided to climb it. When he did, he looked up at the sky and sighed shakily, tears silently escaping his eyes. What's wrong with me?, he thought to himself as he looked at the blue sky. Feeling into his pocket absentmindedly, he realized that his phone wasn't there, and also realized that he left it at the human's house. Immediately dismissing the idea of going back to get it, he sighed shakily again, curled up at the top of the tree, and took a nap. After, like, a 30 minute nap, he woke up softly, and his side was aching already. He carefully plopped down from the tree and started worrying about the phone again. I guess I'll get it, but I'll just sneak in the window and get my phone back, then crawl out. Satisfied with this new plan, he walked over to the house, trying to make sure his footsteps were quiet. He made it to the broken window, and put one leg over the window, making sure not to touch any shards. He lifted his other leg over the window after shifting the rest of his body through the window, but that leg wasn't as lucky. One of the shards scratched his leg and he bit down on his arm to muffle a scream.

Cherry was walking by the room when she heard the muffled scream. Confused, she opened the door and saw Flare. Surprisingly, she didn't seem irritated. "You're back?", the human asked. Flare, looking like he just got in big trouble, nodded. ¨Yeah, but I-I'll be out of your hair quickly-.¨, he said a little fearfully. The human sighed and said, "Look. I'm sorry for snapping. I didn't mean to yell, or burst out like that. I didn't control my anger and I really want to start over if that's okay with you". Considering this, Flare nodded and said, ¨It's ok. I-I was a jerk anyway...¨. The human shook their head and said, "It still doesn't make me snapping better". Flare, still trying to make excuses, said, ¨But I pushed you over the edge and I triggered you and I wasn't being grateful about anything and I-I should be sorry-¨.

The human just looked at him like he was a little crazy. "Dude, it's okay", they just said, "Don't worry". They then sighed, "Anyways, my name's Cherry". Flare nodded and said, ¨Nice name. My name's Flare.¨. Cherry just nodded hearing him say his name, hand still pretty much jacked up from earlier. Flare looked at her hand and, hiding his own leg, said with concern, ¨Is your hand ok?¨

Cherry looked down and snickered. "Oh yeah, just busted my hand god from pulverizing the tree". ¨Are you sure you don't have to go to the hospital?¨, Flare added. Cherry nodded and replied, "I'm sure Flare.". Flare nodded and said, ¨Ok.¨ He then found his phone on the nightstand and grabbed it. Cherry saw and asked, "That why you came back"? Flare nodded and said, ¨Yeah. I, um, forgot about it when I decided to...¨ Now he is looking at the window, which is very much broken, shards of glass all over the floor nearest to the window, as well as a few more shards of glass outside. He hesitated at this moment, and said in an embarrassed way, ¨...go through the window.¨ He then looked back at Cherry, a bit fearful that she might get mad again. ¨I'm sorry for breaking the window, by the way...¨.

"Why didn't you just knock?", Cherry asked, "I would've let you in", not getting mad. Flare said in reply, ¨Well, I thought that you were not letting me in anymore, after... after what I did...¨. Cherry just looked at him and said, "Know now that it'll be a bit for me to cool down all the way, but it isn't as intense if it's after I wake up". ¨Oh, ok. That's nice to know.¨ He then put on a small smile. Cherry, not having a reply, just nods. Flare, feeling pain on his left leg and suddenly remembering about the scratch, asked, ''Can I go to the bathroom?¨. Then he remembered another thing. ¨Please?¨, he added, while trying to hide the big scratch.

Cherry didn't notice something was off and said, "Sure, first door on the right (first door of the hallway)". Flare gave another small smile and said, ¨Thank you.¨ He then walked as normally as he could muster, making sure to hide the scratch as he passed Cherry through the door, then he made his way to the bathroom. When he reached the bathroom, he shut the door, and then opened up his pant leg. He winced at the wound and made himself look at the blood on his leg. He looked around in the cabinet for alcohol, and poured some on his leg. He stifled a scream as the alcohol seeped into his wound, and he got some toilet paper and dabbed at the wound.

Meanwhile, Cherry had noticed something on the floor where Flare stood. Taking a closer look made her realize what it was and without missing a beat, they hurried out and to the bathroom door. She knocked lightly and you could tell she was worried based on her tone of voice. "Flare? Are you okay"? Flare, not knowing that Cherry saw the blood (and not knowing that there was blood spilt in the first place), he said, ¨ I'm fine! I-I am just doing totally normal bathroom stuff.¨ Cherry isn't buying that. "Flare, where are you bleeding"? Startled by this question but feeling too much pain to care about how she knew, he said, ¨My leg-¨.

"What did you do?!", she exclaimed, still sounding worried. Flare, frantically applying wads of toilet paper to his wound and having to replace them every minute, said, ¨I-I went through the window and I accidentally cut my leg on one of the shards-.¨ He then started to panic, because the toilet paper was clearly not helping out any as the blood continued to run down from his wound, a lot of blood soaked toilet paper on the ground (this wasn't as big of a problem when he was in the bedroom compared to now because he didn't put alcohol on it then). ¨I-I'm fine though-¨, he added hastily, because he was already embarrassed that he got hurt like this.

Cherry said after going quiet, "I'm coming in". Flare nodded a little bit, even though Cherry can't see him yet, and said, ¨Ok...¨. Cherry hesitated but opened the door. Seeing the blood on the floor and the bloody toilet paper, her eyes widened. "Oh my God-" Cherry managed to say before going to open a cabinet that had more first aid stuff. She got out a roll of bandages, peroxide (if you ask what this is I swear to fucking god), gauze pads, medical cotton balls, scissors, and medical needle and thread. They got on the floor and first wet a cotton ball with the peroxide and gently started to clean the area off. When she was cleaning the wound and the blood off, she was barely pressing down on the wound. Unlike alcohol, the peroxide didn't burn. Once she had the wound cleaned, she took a gauze pad and put it on the wound. She then took the roll of bandage, cut it to a good length, and started wrapping it against the gauze pad and on the leg. When she was done, it was kind of tight around the bandaged area. Flare watched her do all this and said nothing as he stared at her in amazement as she bandaged the wound. When she was done, he said, ¨Thank you... you didn't have to do that...¨.

Cherry, sorta having a natural resting bitch face, softly smiled and said, "I wasn't going to let you bleed to death so you're welcome". Flare softly smiled in return and said, ¨Thank God you don't let people bleed to death in your home.¨ He then went a little white-faced and said hastily, ¨I-I mean, thank goodness you were here-.¨ Cherry lightly laughed and said, "You're welcome, don't try to fix what you said, it's okay". Flare smiled again, nodded, and said in a happy tone, ¨Ok!¨.

Cherry got up and started to help him off the floor by his arm. They didn't forcefully pull him up. They were semi-gentle. "Here, let's get you to your room", they said. Flare, feeling happy now, said, ¨That sounds like a good idea.¨ He then moved towards his room, and Cherry just followed him, their main concern right now is Flare losing balance or falling because of his leg. Flare, wincing a little every time he walks on his injured leg, walks through the front door, and immediately slumps onto the edge of the bed. Cherry sat next to him and asked, "Do you want to stay here for a few days so your leg can heal"? Flare, looking at his leg and back up at Cherry, nodded. He then added quickly, ¨If it's ok, ofc-¨. 

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