Cherrare/Chapstick: Chapter 7

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Cherry didn't look at Flare and just leaned in to kiss Cap on the neck and say, "Let's go back inside". Cap blushed and mumbled, "Whatever you want, Spice...", before holding their hand and slightly leaning onto their shoulder. Meanwhile, Flare rolled his eyes and simply flew away again on his fire wings. When the couple got inside, Cherry picked up Cap in a bridal carry. Cap gasped in surprise, but realizing he liked this, he smiled and buried his face in Cherry's neck. They smiled and said, "You have a choice: You want to sleep in the room with me or do you want to take the guest room?". Pulling his face gently away so that he can look up at her, Cap smiled shyly and said quietly, "I want to sleep with you-". Cherry smirked and said, "Okay cutie, you hungry?", seeing it was starting to get dark now. Noticing that he was actually quite hungry the moment they said this, Cap said, in a very flustered way, "I-um-y-yes-".

Cherry sat him on his feet and said, "I saw how you reacted when I told you about the dead deer for my brother, so how about I make some vegetable soup for dinner?". "I d-don't want to have to i-inconvenience you about stuff like that-", Cap replied, but secretly he hopes to eat that soup. Cherry acknowledged the stutter and, gently taking both hands in hers, they say, "It's not an inconvenience sugar. I'd love to make it for you, really". "Y-You sure?", Cap said worriedly. They nod and say, "Yes really, or else I wouldn't have asked you". Cap then tried to smirk, but a soft smile came out instead, and he said, "Oki... and thanks".". Cherry kissed him deeply before saying, "Anytime, now while I get things done, you can explore the house, though there's one room down here I advise you not to go in, is the room at the end of the hall, okay?". Cap, finally cooling off from his flustered mood, smiled and said, in a definitely not sus at all tone, "Whatever you say, spice."

"I mean it, now", Cherry said as they went into the kitchen to get started on the vegetable soup. Cap only smirked and, after looking back at the kitchen to see if Cherry could see him, he tiptoed over to the room at the end of the hall (ofc he does). In the room are shelves that contain boxes. If Cap looked in the boxes, he'd find things Cherry uses to make potions. And that is exactly what Cap did. He picked up one of the things, which being a normal looking candle, though if he lit it, it would give off the scent of peppermint. And, well, that is literally also exactly what he did. He grabbed a lighter off of his person (which was reaching in his pocket and grabbing it) and lit the candle. He then smelled peppermint, and breathed it in with a little smile. He then continued exploring the place, using the candle as a sort of flashlight, and continued rummaging through boxes. As he was looking through a green and blue colored box, he heard a big crash from behind him. "OMG", Cap exclaimed as he jumped and looked behind him. He saw the box that he just looked through now collapsed on the floor, its contents broken and scattered everywhere. "Oh cinnamon toast fuck", Cap cursed as he tried to shove the stuff back into the box. "Oh fuck, oh fuck", Cap repeated to himself as he placed the box back on the table, where it was at. Suddenly, behind Cap, he could hear a voice say, "Cap what the fuck are you doing?". If he looked, it was Cherry. "U-Um-", Cap sputtered as he tried to think of a good excuse. He then replied, while turning around to look at them, "I-I got lost and tried to find my way back-".

They didn't look nor sound mad. "Okay, but what fell and what broke?", they asked. Cap, slightly relieved that they didn't look this way, said, in a more relaxed tone, "I bumped into a box a-and it fell...". Cherry walked in and to him and just simply kissed him. "I'm not mad at you for it, just be careful and don't enter this room again, okay?". Cap simply smiled and nodded before thinking to himself, "Thank God they believed me". They kissed him again before walking back down to finish making the soup. Cap followed her out the room, before making a detour upstairs. He started exploring the bedrooms, including the one he went into before (when he was about to commit murder on Flare). He giggled at the thought when he walked into that room, and continued exploring (if you want to know details, each room had your basic bedroom stuff, except Cherry's). Cap goes inside Cherry's room, and unlike the soft pastel colors in the house, the only color inside the room besides the white wall was black, their favorite color (it helps them sleep better at night too). In the corner on the wall where their bed is was a desk, and on the desk was a book that was locked, a diary if you will. If Cap manages to get into it, he could see the stuff she wrote from age 9, then a few years to 13 and 15, and just a few months ago. In the diary just talked about the stuff that happened at their old house, word for word arguments between their parents, and the last written passage from when they were 15 was "I can't take it anymore, I'm leaving. Kolton knows and I promised him I was going to get him". On the desk was also the key to the diary.

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