Chapter 3: I Am Being Watched?

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The past was once the present, The present was once the future. To have a good future you must work on the present- Unknown

"Do you even know where we are going?" Sokka snapped behind me I guess the hours of flying are finally affecting him his boredom and frustration reached peak

'Yup, I'm leading you to your future wife lmao' It would be fun to say that "I don't know, A hundred years ago I still wouldn't know, All I know is I'm searching for the Unagi"

"why are you looking for that?" Kitara asked I cut her off before any other question could be asked "To ride it" Following the plot to an extent should put me ahead of most things so I decided to follow it almost.

"Do you know where the Unagi is? I believe that you don't anyone else who thinks he doesn't." Sokka raised his hands Momo did the same with a cute sound Kitara defended me "Do you believe you can do better Mr Footwork?" a nickname we gave him after seeing how hard he worked on being more agile and flexible, I've caught him sneaking away at night to train multiple times already.

"Whatever Lover Girl" Sokka dropped the conversation covering his face with some scrolls.

Kitara looked away with a red tint on her face.

'Kids' I could roughly see Kyoshi Island acknowledging the amount of spiritual and physical energy it took for Kyoshi to move this island all the way here.

"Aang do you have to do something as reckless as This? it's not your style" Kitara said although I agreed there's nothing wrong with doing this

I didn't acknowledge her warning and landed Appa close to shore as Sokka reluctantly stood up while Momo jumped off his stomach landing on the ground.

Time skip

After encountering the Unagi I had only one word to describe it and that was fast, Currently with all my powers I doubt I can lay a finger on it as long as it's in contact with water but now Is not the time to reason this, Just above us some Kyoshi warriors stood on trees while I was getting berated by Kitara for how dangerous that was.

Sokka reacted first by dodging the warrior that dropped in front of him and ducked under the punches of two warriors adding a backflip and he was out of the reach of the warriors I stood still and let myself be captured struggling would do nothing as Kitara was behind me, she seemed to know this as her helplessness turned into self loathe then disappointment.

Sokka who watched the whole thing sighed before giving up "To think there'll be a day I'll surrender to girls" Sokka's comment annoyed the warriors so much that even after he gave up he was punched in the stomach.

"Ow Heyyy!"

Aang could remember a bit about this place Kyoshi Island and if everything goes according to the plot they should currently be on their way to deliver him to their village head, who would command the warriors to-

"SEND THEM BACK TO THE UNAGI" All as scripted.

"Kyoshi Island is neither involved in wars nor with any nation fire nation spies like you" The village chief spat.

"No, we're travelling with the avatar we seek to stop the war" Kitara defended me instantly loud enough for everyone to hear.

Sokka just nodded ignoring the roars of people around him "That's not the avatar." the village chief spoke for his people.

"the avatar's last predecessor was an Airbender you are not " Before the village chief could finish speaking I jumped out of the bindings going over 10 feet in the air I wasn't strapped to Kyoshi's statue so I had to summon fire to burn the rope-tying my hands together before I landed I summon a platform of compressed molecules of air that I stood on before it gave out with a pop sound and I fell, landing with a couple of backflips.

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