Chapter 10

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Chapter 10: Winter Solstice I

Wang lay unconscious resting in a corner of the room while Azula, Ty Lee and Mai faced off with Kitara and Sokka and the Fire Sage who betrayed the rest of his members, 4 fire sages who were loyal to the Fire Lord and Commander Zhao who was still recovering with some bandages being visible from the side of his uniform and his two dozen soldiers, While Zuko was chained to a pillar in the background.


Kitara yelled, Maybe if she didn't know that Wang was the actual Aang and the Aang everyone was chasing was just a clone, She wouldn't be so upset right now.


Azula was in deep thought, On one hand, they had their Ace player unconscious and tired from how hard he had been trying to keep Azula and Ty Lee safe, On the other hand, they had the Avatar speaking to his past Avatar behind the great walls guarding Avatar Roku's statue.

"Azula we need to take care of Wang!"

Ty Lee guarded the white-haired boy like her life depended on it, Her facial expression was one of desperation and impatience.

"Whatever is Going to come out of that wall, I'm not sure I want to see it."

Mai frowned shaking her head and taking a step backwards, She didn't know if it was her imagination playing tricks on her, But she could feel a build of spiritual pressure behind these walls.

Azula had a premonition too and could feel something Dangerous was about to happen.

"Let's leave, It seems we came unprepared for this battle."

Azula supported Wang with Ty Lee and they left the place.

"Bye Bye Zuzu... Seeing you chained to the wall helplessly confirms nothing has changed since you were banished."

Azula insulted Zuko while leaving him with Wang in their embrace

How exactly did they get into this position?


6 hours ago

-Narrators POV

Over the past few days, Our beloved Primogenitor would spend his days with Azula and her group as Wang And his nights with Kitara and Sokka as Aang.

Eventually, He explained how he'd managed to split himself into two, One, An empty vessel containing his spiritual powers which was Chi, and allowed him to bend but followed his orders to the minor details, While the other contained his mind and body along with his life energy, Chakra to his friends.

He explained Wang was captured by Azula and ultimately gained her trust and thought she was using him, But he'd use that form to gain power and authority from the opposite side, While Aang went around the world, Enhancing his control and his experience over bending while gathering an army to go against the Fire Nation.

Sokka understood the plan and knew it was genius, But Kitara felt uncomfortable, Originally, She had noticed Aang was different during the day than at night, At night he was more... Appealing to her, During the day, He was like a robot who suggested fun things and trained them to their knees, but at night he was a bit cold but she managed to get him to do what she wanted, Which mostly included petty gists she wanted him all to herself but Azula might be receiving the same treatment too.

When he told them, He also told them that he had a vision where he had to head to the Fire Nation to visit Avatar Roku's Temple, And how it would be not only dangerous since Azula, dozens of Fire Nation Soldiers and Zuko would also have to be there, Telling them they didn't have to come if they didn't want to but Kitara and Sokka refused, telling him they'll be there.

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