Chapter 4

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Chapter 4: Zuko's Confliction and Raava

"Aang, I did it! I've mastered blood bending." Kitara jumped around the house with an excited expression, they were still on Kyoshi island After Aang found out he was being watched by higher beings he decided to train his team to the brink of death, Now even Kitara joined in on their physical exercises and Chi blocking training, Sokka had already mastered Chi blocking and maybe he might rival Tylee okay no he doesn't but he was making up for it by flexibility exercises and mastering other forms of fighting techniques.

"Kitara just because you can make a sheep bear rollover doesn't mean you have mastered the technique." Sokka's voiced out his usual sarcastic opinion while eating all the food he truly didn't work for it was all for the avatar.

That said Avatar patted Kitara's head as she gazed at him her eyes not hiding her thoughts from her Aang was unrivalled he was the best, If the entire humanity were all common men he was the king, and she'd do anything to keep it that way, He gave her purpose when she thought she was just an average bender he took her in an he's making her into a proud water bender her entire mindset was based off his satisfaction from her.

Aang knew what he did she was attached but she didn't know to what extent yet.

"That's good, If you continue moving like this it won't take time before you're stronger than me." Aang smiled.

"Kitara I know I'm your brother but Aang's lying to you, If he masters the four elements you won't even-." Sokka couldn't even finish his sentence as Kitara blood-bent his arm into slapping his mouth shut.

"Now now Kitara, Anything apart from water bending is your hidden card don't play it too openly, You too Sokka Chi blocking isn't something you should use recklessly, You all should have so many cards but only a few should be known," Aang advised this was currently what he was doing Everything they've learned he has too and more.

"Good advice" Kitara took his advice to heart, while also remembering Sokka's words.

Sokka just rolled his eyes "Old man's advice if you didn't look younger I'd call you gramps."

"Don't call me that." Aang playfully glared at Sokka.

"Or. else. what. Gramps" Sokka returned a glare too.

Kitara gasped "Oh no you didn't." Looking at Aang with a scared expression her mouth wide open.

The tension thickened as Aang, Sokka and Kitara were caught in a three-way stare before Kitara burst into laughter along with Sokka and Aang.

Momo flew past Sokka grabbed the meat on his plate and escaped, Sokka's laughter turned into raining curses at Momo who hid on the roof eating his meat making incomprehensible sounds which Sokka took to be sounds of victory from the flying lemur "Why don't you come down here and face me like a real man!" Sokka's frustration came from the fact that Momo was eating the last piece of meat, The lemur replied to Sokka by throwing a chicken leg or what was left of it to Sokka's head.

Aang and Kitara who watched the interaction barely holding their laughter suddenly erupted into a loud uncontrolled burst of laughter with Aang doubling over and rolling on the ground.

"I hate you" Sokka said before another bone piece fell on his head courtesy of Momo "A lot" He added before walking outside.

"Going to see your girlfriend and potential harem member in the Kyoshi Warriors?" Aang stopped laughing to ask in a teasing tone not at all hiding the fact he knew they had developed feelings for each other.

"Tch, Whatever try not to do anything with my sister perv" Sokka's comeback made Kitara flustered and a blushing mess.

"Sokka!" Before she could do anything else he had already left.

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