Chapter 12

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Chapter 12: New Development.






With the revelation that Wang couldn't see anymore, there were a series of changes aboard Azula's ship.

Ty Lee felt it was all her fault, If she had been a bit faster she wouldn't have gotten hit and Wang wouldn't risk his life energy to save her.

Mai knew it was her fault, not only did Ty Lee get injured gravely and almost lost her life, But Azula's toy became disabled, Although no one said anything, They all knew it was her fault, But it also made her confused, Wang had it all, Brain and Brawn even the looks, Why would he sacrifice his life for others?

Mai had avoided insulting him since that day, She still felt he was foolish throwing his life away but she didn't say it anymore she would do the same thing If it was someone she cared about, She'd sometimes peek at Wang while he was conscious taking note of how he acted, He was the only one that asked her how she felt after that day, Azula had been angry since that day while Ty Lee didn't care about anything instead she became Wang's support.

Azula... Had been angry, Why wouldn't she? Someone took her favourite toy and hauled its eyes out.

Having damaged eyes was rare and not something even the best healers could fix easily, but it was fixable, But Wang wasn't injured he just couldn't see.

Wang for the past five days had been bleeding constantly from his eyes, He was barely around anymore, He only came out to train, for 110 pushups, situps squats so on.

He'd check on them, Or heal Ty Lee, Her broken ribs that might have killed her if left unattended was almost healed to perfection in 5 days, But the cost was a really good friend, Apart from these Wang would be locked up in his room meditating.


He didn't bother to tell them he was slowly gaining his eyesight and could almost see perfectly on the fourth day, neither did he tell them his blindness only lasted for five days, He watched as everything changed on the ship, Using his absence and presence to silently change them.

He watched Ty Lee turn his guardian spirit now, He guessed seeing someone risk his life for her flipped a switch in her head, She'd watch him sometimes when he was meditating and remind herself that she would always protect him, muttering to herself.

He watched as Mai grew silent with guilt, She always had that pair of eyes watching him from a distance, but for reasons known to her, she never approached him.

And he watched Azula struggle with her inner self, That demon she was.

Now that Wang was blind, He had no use to her, He needed Ty Lee to help him to walk straight, He'd trip on his own feet while walking sometimes all while he heal a smile on his face.

Apart from his healing, What else did he have?

His strength, Speed and abilities were all useless without his sight, But why couldn't she bring herself to toss him away?

She'd explode into a fit of rage telling herself she'd do it when alone, But every time she went to his room and saw him meditating with his eyes closed and that smile on his face, She'd feel all the momentum she had built crumble.

So she'd sit beside him sometimes and stare blankly into his face in thought.

'What exactly would he gain by risking his life for us?'

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