Chapter 2: Perfect Plan

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The one thing they love more than a hero is to see a hero fall, Fail, Die Trying- Green Goblin

Locations Air temple
Narrators POV

"So this is where the air benders were trained, why is it so deserted?" Sokka questioned Aang heard and could barely restrain himself from saying 'It's because they're all dead' Aang as much as he would have liked to ignore it couldn't deny the fact he felt something after coming here.

It felt lonely like the world was mocking him again, moments later he felt nothing he could feel the looks of pity he was receiving for the siblings behind him but he paid it no mind.

"That's where I found out I was the avatar" He pointed at a location that had been populated with dead plants.

"Hey Aang, what do Air benders do for fun?" Sokka asked I could instantly tell he was trying to change the topic but it didn't stop a smile from forming on my face.

Time skip

"Aang you know Sokka is a non-bender why would you go that hard on him" Katara helped Sokka up as he had a massive bump on the right side of his forehead.

"So you're a non-bender?" I pretended not to know.

"Well yeah why do you think I use a boomerang?" Sokka folded his arms and said dismissively but I could somewhat feel his actual emotions.

"Oh, I don't know I just thought you were that bad at water bending, Well I could go through the monk's library and give you some scrolls for self-defence of course I'll have to ask them first" One of the best ways to ensure an ally is to satisfy their needs yet leave them unsatisfied making their greed for more keep them by your side.

"I'd like that but aren't monks you know monks! I want to defeat my opponents how am I going to do that when I'm learning from a group of benders who tend to avoid conflict?" Sokka questioned although he had a point, I told him the truth.

"Because we avoid conflict doesn't mean we are weak, I can tamper with the air you are breathing in right now, I can use extremely sharp wind blades but as the peace-loving monk I am I choose not to, So it's not about who's violent, it's about who knows how to control it." At the end of my speech, Katara looked at me like my words were the law, While Sokka adopted a thoughtful expression before he sighed.

"You know Aang you act very differently from a 10-year-old" Sokka sighed " Fine can you please give me your movement scrolls, I won't lie your agility and flexibility aren't a joke, I can't imagine how dangerous it would be if someone on the Fire Nation could move like that"

"Azula" I murmured images of her blue fire came to mind

"What did you say?" Katara asked  'women and their intuition' I thought before shrugging.

"Let's go search for everyone after all the ruckus we've caused you'd expect everyone to come outside by now" I was about to scratch the back of my head 'oh yeah I'm bald' my lack of hair wasn't something I was going to focus on even though it felt weird.

Scene flash
With Zuko

"Did you see that uncle?  I had the avatar in my grasp and he escaped I won't let it happen again" Zuko declared to Iroh who was too busy playing shogi to listen moments later he changed the topic "When I came outside from my nap all of you were unconscious do you care to explain what happened?"

"It was like he was dancing uncle, Without even using his bending he weaved through all my attacks and when he got close enough I lost consciousness, The Avatar isn't just some 10-year-old kid, He's dangerous." Zuko ranted clenching his fists, staring everywhere but at his uncle.

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