Chapter 6

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Chapter 6: Differences

"The avatar will face 3 deadly challenges tomorrow if he wants to save his friends!"

King Bumi declared smiling mischievously While the guards came forward to arrest them.

'Let's see how he'd react?'


A heavy wind pushed everything in a certain foot around him and his friends backwards.

"What makes you think my friends are in danger in the first place?"

Aang questioned confusedly, Maybe it was the other Aang he would have but he was different as far as he was concerned, he wasn't going to let King Bumi put his friends hostage and force him to do menial tasks.

"Are you going against my authority because you are the Avatar?"

Bumi threatened softly, under his command the walls and ground rumbled.

"No, I'm standing against you because you want to harm my friends, If I can't protect the closest people around me then there's no point in being the Avatar."

Aang's words touched the hearts of Kitara and Sokka, While Bumi just smiled.

'There's a difference.'

Bumi thought in glee, They had an Avatar who was sympathetic yet hardened enough to do what was needed.

'But he doesn't remember me and it hurts my poor heart' Bumi grimaced in his heart.

"Besides, you wouldn't want to harm me isn't that right, Bumi?"

Aang said in a teasing tone.

"You knew?"

Bumi was shocked, Did he know from the beginning or did he just realize it?

Bumi looked at Aang and then at his friends who were staring at Aang with open expressions of admiration then he realized

"Ahahahaha, You're a wicked genius Aang"

Aang sighed when he thought.

'He saw through me?'


After the rendezvous with King Bumi Aang reveals that Bumi was his friend from 100 years ago making King Bumi 113 years old currently.

Aang and Bumi spent the night talking about their experience so far while Sokka and Momo ate the never-ending food the chefs kept bringing they both of them dosed off on the table, Kitara was awake, Intently listening to everything Aang said.

"Well it's time for me to rest, I don't have that much vigour like I used to, Goodnight Aang one of the guards will lead you to the esteemed guest rooms"

Bumi got up and left, While Aang just smiled warily.

'You old liar, How can you be active so late at night at this age?'

When he turned back he saw Kitara staring at him intently her eyes were wide staring at him, While Sokka was fast asleep drooling, Momo was in a similar state.

"Let's go and get some rest."

Aang said as he took up Momo while Kitara woke up Sokka.

"Huh? Suki?"

Sokka sleepily called out, Mistaking his sister to be the lady of his dreams.

"No, follow me let's get you to bed."

Kitara helped her brother stand up and followed the guard.

"What?! Your daughter is supposed to be glad you can protect her!"

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