Chapter One

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A fire Blazing in the middle of the dark woods, the orange and yellow light the only source of light in the darkness of night. Three young spirited filled nineteen year olds were drinking beer and smoking weed there laughter echoing off the trees as more silly stories was told round the camp fire, "Don't be so stupid Jason" A brunette sputtered at a tall blonde man, his hair spiked on top of his head as he took another drag from his spliff "Its true" Another blonde laughed as she took a sip of her can her vision becoming more blurred as the night went on. Lizzie the pretty brunette who was more interested in reading was never much of a drinker she didn't want to drink in the first place but that's what happened when you came on a camping trip with Jason and Danny, "There's no such thing as ghosts stupid" She spits holding onto the log as she glared at Jason "Its true I'm telling you" Jason argues his green eyes glaring right back at Lizzie. Danny laughed her body slumped down as her long platinum hair hangs down her face "Oh come on Jason your telling me there's a seven foot man covered in hair killing people in Camp Helton, oh and he died fifty years ago by a bunch of teenagers so he only kills teens" Danny pauses then smiles before laughing out loud "Don't be ridiculous babes" Jason pouts and starts to stand up "Look I not sure if its all true but there's a reason no one comes here anymore and that all the cabins got knocked down. Its because people were found dead" He walks off his hands by his sides looking nothing but angry "Oh Jason don't go we just playing" Danny say still laughing but Jason never returned. A few hours went by and Jason still never returned back to camp causing Danny to become worried, "We need to look for him what if he got lost" Danny was pacing back and forth next to the now dim fire "Danny his fine his probably just sulking you know Jason he don't like being laughed at" Lizzie was sitting on the log her hair now in a messy bun smoking a cigarette. Danny turns to Lizzie her face full of fury "How can you say that Liz its been hours what if his got lost, or fell and hurt himself" Lizzy looks up her face still nothing but nonchalant "If your so worried go look for him" She says calmly taking a drag then chucking it on the floor, standing up "I am going to sleep because you two are always doing this. Its getting ridiculous now" Lizzie then stands up then heads to the small tent on the left of her. She crawls inside but before she zips it up she says one last thing "Goodluck." Danny was nothing but furious, she turned away muttering a few profanities before heading in the direction Jason went. 

"Jason, come on Jason this is getting stupid now even for you" Danny shouts through the dark the only light coming from her torch. Her whole body was trembling, her small pink coat doing nothing against the wind of the night. She wasn't scared, Danny was never scared of the dark but something like dread started to enter her body as she started looking in every direction only seeing the trees towering over her, the dim light showing shadows in every direction, hearing nothing but the wind smashing into the trees, "Jason please answer me" Danny shouts again this time louder her throat straining "Jason" tears started to stream down her cheeks as panic sets in, Jason always goes in moods and usually disappears but he never has gone this far where hours has passed by. Fifteen minutes later and Danny was now deep in the woods still searching for Jason but nothing happened and nothing was found. Danny didn't know what to do, all she could think was what would be best in this situation. Right now she was freezing, tired and just needed to rest but the worry for her friend was overpowering all of that right now. Maybe she could phone someone, there was no connection but Lizzie had her car so they could easily drive out the woods and contact the correct people. Danny sighed then turned back around ready to go head back to the camp until she heard the howl in the night, "What was that?" She asked herself standing still in the middle of the woods nothing but her torch in her hand, she started to shake as another howl sliced through the dark even more closer then before. Danny didn't think she started to run, her legs going as fast as they could while her heart was beating hard in her chest, sweat dripping down her brow whether it was from the adrenaline or fear she didn't know or she knew as something was after her and she had to get away. Danny stops behind a tree leaning against it as she tries her best to get her breathing back, she couldn't hear nothing else only the silence but that didn't stop her from being terrified. She heard it twice a howl that could scare anyone but maybe she overreacted, maybe it was just an animal like one of the owls you hear that sounds like a woman screaming or maybe it was something else, something that really wanted her as food. After a while Danny heart calmed and slowly she started to walk towards camp, her torch out in front shaking a little from her hands but suddenly she stopped as she looked death right in the face.

Lizzie woke the next morning in her sleeping bag alone, Danny never came back. She scoffs and gets out of the tent ready to get a mouthful from both Jason and Danny for being rude but come on its there fault for letting her drink, she does not drink alcohol or smoke weed for that reason and the fact she preferred to just relax and chill. As soon as she left the tent no one was here, the fire had burned out and Jason and Danny was no where to be seen, maybe they had gone to get firewood she thinks to herself but still heading to Jason's blue tent and opening up. No one had slept in there at all, which was weird, even if Jason did throw a tantrum he always came back with a pout on his lips but he had never disappeared liked this and come to think of it Danny has never liked being on her own. Was Jason really hurt, was Danny right and something was going on or maybe they just left her. No only Lizzie drove there's no way they could leave the woods without her, come to think of it if Jason was hurt Danny would of woken Lizzie up and got him to drive to the nearest hospital, there was only one thing for it she had to go look for them maybe all this was a massive prank to get back at Lizzie for being so bitchy. Once Lizzie was dressed in her cargo jeans and black jumper, her leather coat over the top with her boots on she was off putting her light brown hair in a messy bun as she walked into the woods. Half hour later and Lizzie started becoming worried "Danny, Jason where the fuck are you guys" She screams into the brightness of the trees, something was up, never has Danny and Jason done anything like this and she has known them since childhood.  Lizzy continued to walk deeper into the woods trying her best to keep her breathing under control, something was not right, are they seriously hurt? Omg what if they was kidnapped? Lizzie started to run shouting both names of her friends in nothing but panic "Come on guys please call out" She screams tripping over a rock and landing in a ditch, mud going into her eyes where she couldn't see, she was wet and starting to get really cold. She pulls her jumper up and wipes her eyes, jumping back in a scream when something hits her at the side of the leg, she looks down and sees a decapitated head of a blonde handsome man with spiky hair who Lizzie known since childhood. A scream automatically escapes her mouth as she falls back landing in the water again, "What the fuck" She stutters as she climbs back out the ditch staring at the head of her friend, she turns and starts to puke feeling nothing but terror fill her. Lizzie was shaking, her whole body frozen in fear as she stood looking away from the ditch, guilt filled her, would he be alive if she went looking for him with Danny, "Danny" She gasped running again, screaming hysterically Danny's name but nothing was responded, the only thing heard was the running steps of her boots. Lizzie breaks down onto the ground crying into her hands, nothing was expected of this night. Lizzie never expected that a few hours later her body would be found by a hiker in the woods, her body mutilated with organs missing that was never found. That hers, Danny's and Jason story would bring even more fame into Camp Helton with the new name of Camp Hell. 

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