Chapter Thirteen

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I awoke to a couple of people talking, my head was groggy and wherever I was I could not see clearly, all I knew was that we was now in a building "You let us sleep in a fucking tent when this was here all this time... Your nothing but a bitch" It was Alexis voice that rung out the clearest, she was angry, her voice sharp and aggressive "It was to dangerous I could not reveal who I was not even to Larry and Ashley" Yasmin voice was just as sharp but in more of the sense that she was trying her hardest to explain herself "No you lied to us all you put us all in fucking danger" Alexis screamed making me wince as I finally opened my eyes fully. Both women turned to me, Alexis walking towards the sofa I was lying on and bending down to meet my eyes "I am sorry Demi. How are you feeling?" She asked as my eyes went from hers to Yasmin's who right now did not look like the same woman. She was wearing a long brown coat with a pair of black tight fitting ripped jeans, her hair tied in a pony tail as she held a flare gun in her hand, "I am fine. Who are you?" I asked Yasmin as she exhaled and began to talk "My name is Sasha I am a werewolf hunter. I am hunting the wolf that had killed my parents and many more people in these woods" Alexis turned her head and glared "She knew one of the wolves that was after us its why she convinced Larry and Ashley to talk to us in the first place" I sit up slowly holding in the gasp of pain that came from my back "Why would you even..." but before I could finish my sentence the door opens and Theo walks in. His blue eyes quickly found mine filled with something like mourning "Oh my god Theo" I gasp as he walked towards me, put his slowly on my cheek and kissed me on my lips. I didn't care that my best friend and some liar was watching I needed his mouth on mine to forget everything that happened the last twenty four hours. All to soon the kiss had ended and I had to ask him the hardest of question "Where have you been?" I asked in such a pitiful quiet voice "I missed you so much" He simply says putting his forehead to mine "I missed you too, where were you?" I whispered to him as he leaned back and looked me in the eyes with those hypnotic light sapphires eyes "I went to apologise to Larry but when I got in the middle of the woods something came running at me with green eyes. It was the largest beast I have ever seen in my life, I made a run for it and luckily I got away" I nod my head as Yasmin just stares at him "You never told us how you go away?" She said a little more harshly then needed "I climbed up a tree its why I got this cut on my arm" He pulls up his black jumper and reveals a long sharp cut that by the looks of it looked like a deep scratch "Theo we been so worried about you" I tell him pulling him back into a deep longing kiss but this time Alexis pulls Theo by the shoulder "Theo have you seen Flora?" Theo didn't answer instead he stands up and sits down pulling me into his arms carefully "No I not seen anyone until a couple of hours ago when I found this building" I cuddled into Theos chest comforted by his smell and warmth "We need to find her" Alexis says walking to a cupboard at the back of the building. The building we was in wasn't very big actually it was really small, everything was made from wood apart from the small kitchen that had limited equipment like a stove, fridge and a cheap black microwave. Me and Theo was sitting on a simple brown sofa that was not very comfortable but right now it was helping me rest. A small fire place was next to us with fire wood inside that was not lit, only just did I notice that it was daylight outside, did that mean we was safe right now? "Alexis where would we even look?" I ask her but she just ignores me and grabs a small handgun "You don't do nothing you stay and rest because as soon as we find flora we are out of here" Before I could say anything else she walks out the door. 

"We can't just let her go alone" I go to stand up but Theo sits me back down "I will go. Stay here" He stands up and quickly walks out the door as me and the liar, liar pants on fire was left alone, I turn my head to look out the small window seeing Theo run up to Alexis who only got to the edge of the woods that the trees surrounded. I feel the pressure of the sofa as the lying pants sat down, I turn my head back to face Yasmin wait no I mean Sasha, this was so confusing. "I understand your scepticism I did lie to you all" I nod my head and straighten my self up "Turn your body round let me look at your back" I slowly turn and notice that I was wearing a black baggy jumper, I exhale as I slowly lift the jumper over my head not  caring that I had no bra on, we both women its  not like Theo going to go crazy over it. What I did notice was that my face and body was clean after me and Alexis was lying in the dirt of a burrow, my torso and back was also covered in a white bandage, I mean the front was clean who knew what the back looked like it was where all the damage was "Who washed me?" I asked as I feel Sasha fingers caressing my back gently as she was slowly removing the white bandage "Alexis and I" She answered before bending over me and removing the rest of the bandage so my top half was completely bare "Demi I am sorry for my role in this" She says as she stands up and grabs a bowl of warm water "Its not your fault, I just don't like the lies" I say looking at her as she bends down and grabs some clothes from a small oak cupboard "I guess so but you need to understand there's only one wolf I'm after only one, I don't know who that is and I don't know who the other one is either" She tells me before walking back towards me placing the bowl on the floor. I turn my back on her, I clenched my fists as I hear the sound of water hitting a bowl and then feeling the sharp stinging on my back, I let out a breath as Sasha continued to clean my wound "Its not as bad it was, It is still bleeding but not so much now. You will have scars" She tells me as unwanted tears streamed down my cheeks from the pain "I will add them to the list" I can sense the smile from Sasha face as she put the now blood stained cloth back in the bowl before pulling out another bandage and slowly wrapped it round my back and stomach. It was quiet for a few minutes while Sasha dealt with my wound, when she was done she stood up and moved the bowl to the kitchen as I put the black baggy jumper back over my head. I slowly stand up feeling the strain of my back but it down stop me walking to Sasha and leaning against the  kitchen sides as she faced away from me her hands grasped on the sink "Yas...I mean Sasha what is wrong?" I ask her  "I only know the one wolf the one with the green eyes, its a notorious killing machine. It has no humanity left, the other one I just don't know but..." She now turns to face me  staring at me with those beautiful hazel eyes before looking down. I raise my eyebrow and turn my body to face her "What? What is it you were going to say?" I ask her, she looks at me again this time straight in the eyes, she takes a couple of steps Infront of me, putting her hands on my shoulder "I think Theo is the other wolf" My heart sank and the only thing I could do is stare at her with my mouth open wide. 

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