Chapter Twenty Three

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Sasha storms in her shotgun in her hand as she stares at the scene Infront of her. Me tied up as Theo stood close to me "Oh my god" Alexia comes behind her a small pistol in her hand "Theo you really have turned evil" She says pointing the gun at him a tear dropping down her cheek "how can you even do this to the one person you say you love" Theo does not answer straight away instead he backs up a few steps "Leave I don't want to kill you" Alexia shakes her head as finally she pulls the trigger causing Theo to stagger back holding his shoulder as he growls in pain "I am sorry Theo but no one hurts my best friend" She takes another shot but this time he moves quickly out the way running out the entrance that at one time Dominic came through. As soon as he is gone I start to cry, tears streaming down my face and not out of panic or even fear but the fact that I was not going to become a monster, I was rescued and free but it was not over  not by a long shot. Everything was insane, Everything I have known had spiralled out of control and only me, Alexia, Sasha and I was not sure on Flora but only we knew what was happening so only we could deal with it. Immediately Alexia runs to me pulling a knife out of her pocket cutting through the rope that was burning my wrists, she then lowered on her knees and cut the rope off my ankles. As soon as I was free I fall into her, Alexia's arms becoming my comfort blanket as she rubs my back "We didn't know where you went all we could do was follow the trail and it lead us here. I am so sorry Demi" I wrap my arms round her neck and hold her tight "Thankyou oh my god thankyou" I say my voice still weak. I look up and see Flora holding out a water bottle "here" she says. I slowly stand up Alexia still holding me up as I gently grab the bottle and finally take a long drink of water, I moaned as the cold liquid gave flowed down my throat every drop reenergising me. It was nothing but refreshing and everything I needed "Thankyou" I whispered as I wipe the water from my lips. She smiles something I never thought I would see from Flora. "Where is Dominic?" Sasha says as I now finally see what she was doing, she was scoping the whole place out grabbing bits of his clothing and throwing them in the fire "He has escaped again" She seethes as she walks to where Theo ran from "He cannot have gone far he does not know you came here. He should return soon" I tell them as I stand up straight the burns on my wrist still burning. Flora looks at us all as every one of us knows what must be done "No we should leave they are insane and trying to kill us we need to go" she says quickly as Alexia puts more bullets in her gun "No they need to die" I say grabbing the knife from Alexia. 

We all made a plan, I needed to be tied back up but thankfully Sasha didn't tie the ropes as tight as what Theo did so it was bearable and easily able to shake off of myself. Alexia worried that Theo would tell him all but I knew better Theo wanted him dead as much as we did, the only thing he wanted was me, he didn't care about Dominic, in the short contact I had with them Theo despised him and would happily watch him walk into the trap that would end his existence. I waited to hear the footsteps of the mad man but for the last hour nothing came. Alexia and Sasha hid in the corners of the caves, hiding behind the boulders that was there while Flora hid in the entrance they came from, she didn't want to be involved but was to scared to be alone. There was no sign on Theo but soon enough my theory was right he did not warn Dominic because Dominic came walking in some ripped jeans, his scarred muscled chest on full show. Those satanic brown eyes zeroing on me as my head dropped to the side, faking that still I had no water and was slowly becoming weaker from dehydration "another twenty four hours you will be ready for the love sick pup to change you" My hair dropped to my face, I only knew he was there from the smell of his breath that made me heave " doing this?" I say in the weakest voice I can do. Slowly he lifts my head in his hand his nails digging into the side my cheeks "If it was me you would be dead already" I slowly smile as I watch Sasha creep behind him her shot gun pointed "No its you who is about to die" his eyes widen as he quickly turns round "You finally found me" he says his voice full of what I never thought I would hear. Fear. "You been alive to long" Sasha finger was on the trigger but she hesitated to pull it "Would you really kill your father Sasha" he circles her as she circles him "I would kill anyone who killed my mother and brother" She says acid coming out in every word but I have seen that same gaze a thousand times, she was grieving, she was struggling with the idea of ending her father "Kill him. Sasha you need to kill him" I shout wriggling out the loose rope as I stand "Stay out of this" she screams back to me, her eyes only focusing on the mad man. Alexia grabs me and pulls me out the way as Flora walks in probably no longer wanting to be in the dark alone or wanting to know what was going on. Dominic does not attempt to run, he was smarter then that he knew she would shoot him as soon as he attempts to "I never wanted to kill them Sweetling. The wolf was to strong when I changed" He does not falter his gaze from hers "You have killed so many people, so many deaths are on your hands" her voice starts to shake and slowly she started to lose her nerve that's when Dominic quickly grabs the gun pulling her to him. His hand wraps around her throat "No" I shout pouncing on his back as I stick the knife in his neck. He screams and drops Sasha to the floor as he flips me down on the cold floor causing me to land hard my back, I scream out in pain as the burning sensation runs up making me wince but I could not let him go. I slowly stand up as I watch his hand gripping the blood that was pouring from his neck but I knew better it was not enough. Flora goes to run but instead of running to an empty entrance she runs into Theo who quickly grabs her turning her round so her back was flushed against his. Those once gentle blue eyes was now nothing but filled with hate, they was glowing as he looks at me and moves his hand to her head. Flora stared as she struggles to escape, fear radiating in those emerald eyes "No please Theo no" but he quickly  moves them in a quick aggressive motion as flora drops to the floor, her neck broken. "I told you Demi I only kill for you" The whole cave goes silent as the echo's of my scream bounces off the stone walls. 

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