Chapter Twenty Five

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Before Sasha and Alexia could follow me I run in the exit I know Theo headed, I shouted his name in such aggression, the knife held tight in my hands "You bastard show yourself" I scream in the darkness of the cave not knowing where my feet was taking me. All I knew was the anger that filled me to my core was engulfing me into utter rage. I stopped and stared at the moonlight creeping through the exit, slowly I walked hearing my feet crunch the bricks beneath, the only sounds that could be heard was my breathing and the slow steps I was taking into the unknown. Once I took a step into the outside my eyes grew wider, a lake was shimmering under the moonlight and there was Theo, shirtless and staring up into the sky his blonde hair was shimmering as he was chest deep in the lake. Slowly he turns, his bright blue eyes targeting me "You want to kill me don't you Demi?" He asks me as I hold the knife out Infront, my hands shaking as tears streamed down my cheeks. He needed to die, I knew this but why is it so hard? why when I see him like this, so defenceless and beautiful that I lose my nerve, the the rage that filled me started to dwindle. I swallow the sob that tries to escape and stand right on the edge of the lake. He turns his body towards me tilting his head "I wont stop you Demi I know that you no longer love me. I cannot live in a world where you hate me" he says walking right Infront of me the water rippling as his body moves. He grips my hand with the knife that was pressed against his chest , he slowly move my hands up towards his throat "Do it" he whispers as I stand there crying, not being able to breathe. I try my hardest to make my hand move, I need to, its the only way I can ensure my safety, to get vengeance for the people he has murdered but for some reason I could not do it. He smiles down at me, removing the knife out my hand and throws it into the lake behind him, he grips my face in his hands and moves closer, his lips a breath away from mine "You still love me Demi, I know you do" I expected him to kiss me but instead he grips my arms and walks me into the lake "What are you doing? Stop" I shout pulling my body back but he was to strong and soon enough we was standing neck deep into the water. His grip was tight on my arms "Be with me" He says again, his voice becoming husky, the growl penetrating through his words "Theo, I wanted to kill you, and I couldn't but that does not mean I am wanting to be with you" I stutter the words as some water goes into my mouth. He looks at me deeply before grabbing me by the back of the throat and pulling me close to him so my body was flushed against his "That's not true" he snaps at me before kissing me deeply. I put my hands against his chest and try to push myself away but it does not help, his mouth was claiming mine and I could not move. When he was done he leans back his eyes now as bright as sapphires "You are mine" he whispers before pulling my head underneath the water. I start to scream but all it did was cause water to enter my mouth, I thrashed my arms and tried to claw at his hands but slowly I was becoming weak as Theo held me under. I knew what he was doing, he was trying to get me to be near death so he could turn me and be with him forever. I was a fool, a complete idiot, I should of killed him while I had the chance but I just couldn't do it, my body began to become weak the lack of oxygen started to take its effect and when my eyes started to shut that's when I saw the drops of water hit the water and Theos grip broke. 

It must of been adrenaline or the desperate need of oxygen but I used my last remaining strength to lift my head out of the water and breathe in heavily, gushes of water spurting out my mouth before staring up at Theo whose hand gripped his chest where a bullet wound lay "Get out of there" the shouts came from Alexia who stood at the edge of the lake her small pistol  pointing at Theo. I quickly started to move, panting in panic as I tried to run in the lake, the water stopping me from going quicker then I needed to, it took every bit of energy I had left to try to escape the lunatic that was trying to make me a monster.  Sasha was screaming now telling me to hurry up,  I tried my best to get to land especially when I turn my head and see that Theo started to sprout fur, his arms and legs becoming longer then what can only be described as disturbing, the sounds of his bones cracking and morphing into a new shape,  sharp teeth started to appear in his mouth as his face started to become no longer human. I climbed out the lake breathing heavily as Alexia helped me up and held me tight "We need to get out of here?" she said wrapping my arm around her shoulder as all three of us started to run listening to the howl that erupted the whole forest. We ran as fast as we could, all our breathing quickening as our legs took us deep into the forest, sweat poured down my back as the howls had become louder and closer. The muscles in my legs started to burn as I sprinted with the girls away from the Wolf Theo that was behind us and even though I knew I was most likely safe from being mauled to death I knew for a fact he didn't mind killing others. I look to the side at Alexia and then to Sasha my heart dropping when I knew deep down inside it was me that put them in danger, its was me they came back to save me from being turned into something that did not mind killing there friends,  but I didn't want them to die, I didn't want there death on my hands. I tried to think of ways that I could escape with them but in the end sacrificing yourself to save the ones you love was the only way "I know what your thinking Demi. Fuck no your not hurting yourself for me" Alexia says as she grabs my hand in a tight grip and continues to run, "We cannot keep running we need to hide" Sasha shouts as the howls now gotten so close it made the hair on the back of my hair rise" I look around and just further up was the house we stayed in before. The other two follow my gaze and nod as we both make our way to the building. Soon as we got there, Alexia slams the door and runs us  into the small bathroom "We not safe here, the window is already smashed and Theo knows where this is" Sasha says breathlessly wiping the sweat off her forehead, "We have no choice" I tell her before slamming my hand over my mouth as a growl erupts the building. 

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