Chapter Two

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One Year Later 

Travelling in a car for over two hours sucked. Especially with a bunch of people who cant seem to stop singing, eating and making a mess oh and lets not forget one of them constantly complaining about how she wanted to be in the front seat. Look I loved my friends they were amazing, funny and nothing but a joy to be around but I never wanted to go on this trip. If it wasn't for Theo I probably would of stuck to my guns and kept saying no. Oh stupid me let me introduce myself, my name is Demi I am nineteen years old and am a college student studying art, I have Light hazel eyes and am supposed to be natural brunette but like come on what woman don't dye her hair now in this day and age so right now I have light purple hair that was tied up in a bun while wearing the most cutest brown puff jacket and black jeans with my combat boots.  I was staring out the window of Ronan's seven seater black car looking at the trees fly past us dreaming about all the stuff I could be painting right now "Theo how long is this taking, you said it was not even that fucking far" Ronan complained as he stared out the drivers seat following Theos orders, apparently the satnav only took you so far, "I think I said it wasn't as far as the last trip and we wont be long stop moaning" Theos voice was just a dream, I turn my gaze of the man of my dreams and observe every inch of him. Theo was gorgeous and yes I might have been crushing on him since senior school but who can blame me, he had the most mesmerising light blue eyes, light blonde hair that shimmered in the sun and don't get me started on how his face was just perfectly proportioned with a strong jaw and kissable lips...I mean nice lips. I quickly turn my face back round to the window looking outside again my cheeks a little pink, anyways let me get back to what I was saying, me, Theo, Ronan his girlfriend Flora who by the way I did not like and my best friend Alexia who might have been the second reason I agreed to come was all going on a trip. Theo thought it was a great idea to go camping for the weekend to get away from all the studying and just have some fun as young adults which in short meant getting wasted in the middle of nowhere. The one good thing about this car trip though is I didn't get to go in the middle poor Alexia was squished between me and a sulking Flora who didn't get shot gun on the passenger seat due to Theo needing to give directions. Flora was the pinnacle of a brat with her  dyed blonde hair and I mean I'm not being bitchy or anything but her eyebrows was darker then mine but that might be because she put so much makeup on you would think she was one of those Russian Matryoshka doll that get smaller when you take them out anyways she also had pretty green eyes but don't fall for them they hold an evil inside. Ok maybe I'm being a bit dramatic but honestly she's nothing but a bully. Alexia however was the cutest thing ever she was only five foot two but she made up her size by her Scarlett red hair and the biggest brown eyes you had ever seen, she also had the most beautiful caramel skin. Alexia was my the sword to my shield. Roman on the other hand he was a brute but a sweetheart who has known Theo for a long time I heard, he was handsome if you liked the shaved head and dark blue eyes guys, oh and the ones who never takes off the baseball caps because Roman always wears his. He also always seemed to have stubble like a shadow on his face which wasn't my cup of tea but was surely Floras. 

Now I guess you know everyone whose important right now but I mean come on your interested in why I am even writing this right well the truth is I had a dream. I never really dream but for some reason I did last night and my god it felt real. I was standing in the middle of the woods in my cute pink pjs and all I could sense was danger, something evil lurking in the shadows of the trees and for some reason I couldn't seem to move or even speak. As the dream went on everything started to become more of a nightmare, the bodies of my friends was starting to appear in front of my feet there throats slit or there bodies disformed, I tried to scream in the dream but nothing came out until three people stood in front of me. They wasn't human I could tell because there bodies was transparent and there eyes was white with nothing inside them but emptiness. In the middle was a man his hair blonde and spiked, a thin red line on his neck, the woman on his left was obviously once beautiful her blonde hair hanging down her back as her white dress was covered in blood while the one on the right had brown hair travelling down her back wearing the same white dress that also was splattered with blood. I couldn't help but stare and then finally I said "What's going on? Who are you?" But the words didn't come out instead the three people Infront of me floated towards me, I tried my best to move back but I couldn't it was like my whole legs was cemented to the floor "No please" I begged but my speech was gone only my mouth moved but that didn't stop the tears falling down. The three beings continued to come towards me and then suddenly stopped as they got near the bodies of the people I loved and Flora. The people then raised there hands simultaneously and pointed behind me there eyes still completely dead. The only time I could move was to turn round and when I did I saw the most evil red eyes in the darkness, there depths showing everything that the devil created. I couldn't see anything else just that whatever this beast was he was at least twelve feet tall, it was covered in darkness but that didn't stop me from seeing the blood that dripped down from his sharp teeth that was snarling at me and, my eyes travelled down seeing my own body at his feet, my own hazel eyes staring up at me, death blazing inside them, my heart stopped when my own dead body started to talk "Don't go" It whispered as I then woke from the bed sweating and sitting in my own urine. I know embarrassing right even my friends don't know I wet the bed at nineteen but damn that dream was terrifying and it just felt so real but hey dreams isn't real and right now I was hoping to forget all that and maybe spend more time with the man I liked since forever and the friends I love oh and flora. 

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