Chapter Twenty Six

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We all remain silent the only sounds coming from the wolf, his strong footsteps causing the small building to rock while his heavy breathing echoed off the walls. Alexia had her hand to her mouth her eyes swimming with fear while Sasha held her gun with shaking hands Infront of the door that was the only guard against the beast coming in to rip us apart. I look from one women to the other as I lift my  legs and held them to my chest, my heart beat rattling as I tried to think of anyway out of this. We had no car, we had no way of leaving alive, I would end up a wolf while the other two ended up as a meal, I didn't want that. The next few minutes was excruciating as we sat firmly in silence listening to the growls coming right outside the door, all of us trying hard not to breathe, trying hard not to make any sudden movements, my whole body was covered in sweat, goosebumps going across my arms and the back of my neck as a few tears escaped. Any moment his going to break down the door but  after a while his large footsteps started to become quiet. We all sat for at least twenty minutes until we all looked at each other hoping the danger had gone. Sasha stood her finger to her lips when I went to say something. She slowly opened the door and peeked out, she gestured with her hand for us to move and thankfully the room was empty, the only evidence Theo was here was bits of his fur on the floor "What do we do?" I ask in a shaken voice when Alexia moved near the window peering out "It looks like his gone" She says as she turned back towards us her arms crossed Infront of her chest "But what do we do?" I ask again this time a little louder but both girls remained silent. There was nothing we could do, I still wanted to kill Theo but at this point it seemed impossible, Theo has always been smart, strong and more then fit, I was unsure if we could kill him. Dominick death was a stroke of luck and Sasha's quick actions, if it wasn't for his ego he might have been able to kill us but Theo was different he wasn't as much of an idiot as Dominick so right now the only option was to escape and never see him again. I look back to Alexia "We could head to the path and make our way to the shops me and Theo went to" Alexia bit her lip nervously "It would take us all night" She says as Sasha grabbed some more bullets from the cupboard "Its our only option, we can reach a phone and call for help" Alexia looked down for a moment then back up "I guess it is" she says as Sasha turns to us "Its the only option left at this point" I nod my head and begin to walk towards my best friend until a strong, sharp claw grabs Alexia throat from behind and pulls her through the window. 

I don't think I just run to the door slamming it open, my legs carrying me through the forest, the sound of leaves crunching beneath my feet as the wind violently blowed my hair behind me, all I could do was follow the sounds of Alexia screams that pierced me through the heart "Theo no" I shout, the screams of the only friend I have ever known was getting louder. I could hear Sasha running behind me but nothing was going to make me stop. I had seen to much death as it was, I didn't want anymore especially the one being the only person that had ever been there for me, I lost to much already, I was not going to lose Alexia. Once I reached the middle of the darkness, the only light coming from the moon lighting the frame of Theo not a full werewolf but not human either, his eyes was shining blue, his teeth long and ready to kill, his body that was always muscular was even more so, unnaturally so, every inch of him was displaying the monster that he truly was. His long fingers that was adorned with those sharp claws that could cut through any skin was wrapped around Alexia throat, her beautiful brown eyes made my heart drop, they was filled with something I never wanted to see, she was terrified. Theos eyes stared deep into my own "This is your last chance Demi, be mine" His voice made me cower, it was filled with venom, filled with nothing human "Theo please don't hurt her, she's your friend too" I say not holding back the tears or the way my own voice was breaking "I only want you. Give me you and I will let her go" I wiped away the tears as I took a step forward "This isn't love Theo its a obsession" I say to him but immediately his hand went tighter over Alexia throat causing her to wince "No please" I scream reaching out my hand "I told you what I want" he says in a growl. I look at him then I look at Alexia her face becoming paled as his hand was tightening causing her to struggle to breathe. I looked deeply at my friend, her crazy red hair that always been hard to tame, I remember her smiles that made me feel more confident in myself, her kindness that was always her hard to see because her confidence and strength made her the person that I always wanted to be but right now the only thing I could see was the panic that she was about to die. I breathed in a lungful of air "Okay" I say before dropping on my knees in defeat "Okay please don't hurt her I will go with you just don't hurt her" I beg. Slowly his hand loosened a smile coming on his face but before he could speak a gun shot erupts us all causing Theo to move out the way with Alexia. He growls loudly "that was a mistake" he spits before his claws tighten around her her throat, he stares at me as they begin piercing into her skin causing it to rip like it was nothing but butter, blood started to pour down her throat and onto her chest "No" I scream as I crawl towards her when he drops her to the floor "Alexia" I cry but Theo grabs me by the arms and lifts me up in front of him, his hands leaving bruises on my arms "Your mine now" He growls again tears flowing down my cheeks as everything inside me shatters. I couldn't speak my heart had been torn apart as my best friend was on the ground, her blood painting the dirt a dark red her, those usually bright eyes losing all hope of life. Another shot rings out behind me as Theo pushes me on the ground his eyes scanning the trees. It was Sasha she was hiding taking shots at Theo but I could not see her the only thing I could do was stay on the ground holding Alexia as she slowly bled out "my...gun" she whispers her voice quiet. I wipe the tears as my hands go to her neck trying to stop the bleeding "no I want to save you" I whisper back as I move my hand that was now covered in blood and  removing my top so the only protection against the wind was now my bra. I put it to her neck and hold it there but soon my top was soaked with blood "no kill...Theo" she slowly grabs my hand and squeezes it. I violently shake my head as I croak back tears "No I don't care. You need to be alive. I...I need you Alex" but Alexia only says one thing "Please. Kill Theo" I look down at the gun that was in her other hand before sniffling and turning back to Theo who was now facing away from me screaming into the trees "I will kill you. I promise you" I look down at Alexia who was lying on the ground her eyes begging me to do the right thing. I grab the gun from Alexia and slowly stand up and walk to Theo everything inside me now empty "go to hell" I say quietly and as he turns to face me I point the gun to his head. His eyes has no emotion and even though the last time I could not do it, the fact that this man was once the love of my life not more then a week ago. It did not stop me from pulling the trigger and watch as his body slumped back with a hole in his head, the bright blue depths in his eyes now empty and lifeless. I didn't even care about the fact I just killed the only loved instead I ran back to Alexia who was slowly losing the ability to breathe. I slide on m knees back to her and hold her hands "Don't die Alex please don't die" I beg her my voice breaking. "I always...Loved you Demi" she says to me reaching up to cup my cheek "Not just as a friend but as my sister" She says moving a tear from my face. I cried even harder as I hold her hand on my cheek "No please Alexia" she smiles before she finally takes her last breath. Sasha walks towards me after awhile of me holding Alexia in my arms. She  puts a hand on my shoulder "I am so sorry Demi. She was a great person" I don't speak I just continue to hold Alexia, tears no longer able to flow out my eyes as I doubt they had any left "We cannot stay here Demi" I feel a jacket over my shoulder. I put Alexia on the floor and kiss her cheek "I loved you to Alex" I whisper before standing up "Your right" Sasha nods as we begin to walk, I start to follow but soon I stop and turn away looking at the darkness of the forest and vowing that if monsters exist I am going to kill them all. That was a promise. 

The End.

Thank you everyone who had read this story I really hope you enjoyed and please vote, follow and comment what you thought. Love you guys.  

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