Chapter Nine

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We did not leave straight away, for about an hour we observed the whole care for some clues, the car was completely destroyed but there was no evidence of anything being near the car. On the walk back me, Yasmin and Larry again did not speak we was all in our own minds, I did not panic when I saw the ghosts I guess I will call them, they was clearly not here to hurt me if anything they was trying to guide me but to what I didn't know. It was getting dark and that's when I started feeling the panic, something was coming and I did not like it "We need to get out of here but now we lost our only transportation" I say through gritted teeth. We now reached the campsite and by the looks of it Ashley was still not back. Theo walked towards us "Is it safe to go to the car?" He asked but I just stared at him not knowing what to say "Its fucked" Larry says instead "What do you mean its fucked?" Theo asks pulling me close to him "The tires are slashed and the whole car is fucked. No way you can drive it" Alexia and Flora walked over and stood next to us "Your fucking kidding" Alexia whispers as flora finally stopped crying but still looked defeated "Do you believe me now" I tell her giving her my best glare "This is so messed up" Alexia whispers "Where is Ashley?" Larry asks finally noticing that she has not come back yet but there bags was here next to the fireplace "Oh she said she was going to check the car you came in but to be honest she should be back by now" We all looked at each other before running down the path "ASHLEY" Larry and Yasmin shouts running Infront to the opposite path of where we parked.  We ran for about ten minutes until we was at a opening in the woods and sure enough there was a small red car but on top of it was a body smashed into the top of the roof. "oh my god" I whisper to myself. Ashley was at the car but not alive, her body slumped on top of the roof of the battered red car, her eyes wide open and dead, her body unlike Ronan's was in tact but her neck was broken with her throat torn open. Yasmin screamed as tears ran down her face. her whole body shaking in what looked like pure terror, me, Alexia, Theo and Flora was routed to the ground not able to move as we watched Larry run towards the car pulling  Ashley dead body off the car and on his lap as he sank to the floor "Ashley no please" tears struggled to get out his dark brown eyes as he rocked back and forth with what now we know was his lover. We all stood there not able to move as we watched "We really need to get out of here" Alexia whispers as Larry now held the young woman in his arms and cried. 

"What are we going to do?" Yasmin asked while her and Larry cradled each other on the wooden log near the fireplace that was now lit up and keeping us all warm even though I'm sure all of us was cold and scared inside. I was leaning against Theo who had a arm draped around my shoulder "We have no transport and there's no phone service here" Alexia says sitting next to me with Flora "We will have to walk" Theo says looking up at the other two campers "This is your fault" Larry says in a quiet voice that was full of venom. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Theo snaps "That wolf is after you and because of it wanting you all dead it killed my Ashley to stop you from leaving" Larry stands up, his hands fisted to his side "Your the one who wanted to fucking video it. That's the only reason your even here" Theo growls standing up also with his arms leaned against his side "Don't fucking start me boy" Larry snaps back walking towards Theo his nose flaring "Or what leech" They was now squaring off with each other until Yasmin pulls Larry out the way "Its not there fault Larry we wanted to be here. We all knew the risks including Ashley" Larry does not say nothing he just storms out into the woods, "He will be fine just give him time" Yasmin sits back down rubbing her face into her hands.  "Look Its to dangerous tonight we better to try and sleep first. We all need to rest, we are all hurt and worked up right now" I tell them standing up and heading to my tent walking passed a angry Theo "Should we not try and go as soon as we can" Alexia now stands up and walks over to me "Demi we cant stay here" I turn round to face her "do you really want to go walking in the woods at night when there is a fucking werewolf out there. Alexia look we all tired, we all had the worst day. We need to rest" Theo finally breathes out and walks over to me "She's right there's no way we getting Flora walking after today and who knows where Larry has gone, we need to sleep. How about we sleep in pairs maybe take it in turns to keep watch" Alexia look up at Theo then at me, she rubs her forehead then sighs "Yes okay we will do that" Yasmin looks up at us and speaks "We have no where to sleep" Theo looks down at me and then points at his tent "Sleep in there I will be sleeping with Demi tonight" My mouth draped open "Wha...what" he then smiles "I am not leaving you alone" Flora finally speaks in a quiet voice "I will stay with Alexia" Alexia nods and then walks towards Flora picking her up off the log and walks her to her tent "You should rest Flora you need to be ready for tomorrow" Flora whimpers but does as she is told and gets in the tent zipping it up but we could all hear the small sobs from inside. Half hour later Theo was inside the tent with me, I was tight against his chest as he softly played with my hair "Theo what are we going to do?" He didn't respond straight away he just continued to play with my hair "I don't know baby but I will always protect you no matter what" I couldn't help but smile and slowly I drifted to sleep just to be woken up a few hours later to screaming and Theo no where to be seen. 

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