Chapter Eight

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I am so sorry I have not been publishing a lot but I promise I am going to start uploading at least twice a week and start finishing the stories off until they are completed. I also have a surprise for my next project. Please don't forget to Vote, Comment and Follow me if you enjoy my creativity. 

My whole being was shaking as I looked down at Ronan on the ground, a claw mark traced down his exposed chest that from the looks of it had been ravaged by a wild animal, blood soaked the ground he was lying on, some of his organs from his chest gone like his heart, his ribcage on full display as parts of the bone was broken apart. It was like a scene in a horror movie, the whole thing was so gruesome I turned away and started being sick against a tree as tears flowed down my cheek, "Demi are you..."Alexia breathless voice came from behind me but she soon stopped when she saw me "What happened?" Theo now came to me his hand place on my forehead "You don't look good" He says and instead of answering any of them, I just pointed down the bank, I was not in the right state to talk to anyone right now, sweat poured from my head and I could feel the cold chill run down my back. Alexia slowly walked towards the bank and looked down before she started screaming putting her hand to her mouth, "Oh my god" Theo too ran towards the bank and looked down before he too quickly turned around the colour drained from his face " fuck could of done that" He says in stutters as he covered his own mouth maybe from stopping from being sick that I failed at. Flora came walking towards us from out behind the trees looking utterly defeated her face stained with tears, her cheeks puffy and red "What's going on? Did you find him?" Her voice was quiet and it was the first time in my life I actually felt sorry for her "What are you all looking at?" She was about to walk towards the bank until I grabbed her hand "Don't look down there" I tell her before hugging her tightly, I felt Flora body stiffen but she did not push me away "His dead Flora, Ronan body is down there and you don't want to look" Flora pushed me back gently " your lying" Theo walked towards us and placed his hand on Flora shoulder "Its true Flora we don't know what killed him but it looks like a animal attacked him maybe when he went for a walk last night" Flora suddenly broke down on the floor her body shrivelled up, she screamed out in pain holding her chest as she cried out in agonising loss of the only person she truly loved. All three of us just watched not knowing what else to do. "We need to get out of here?" Alexia spoke wiping the tears from her cheeks "I not leaving without Ronan" Flora spoke from the floor through her croaked voice "Flora sweety" Flora quickly stood up her hand fisted by her side "We not leaving him there" She wiped her nose and stared at Alexia "We don't need to Flora once we get out the woods we can phone someone tell them what has happened" Theo placed a hand on her back running his hand up and down, she just looked up at him. "Fuck sake guys we need to get out of here what if that bear comes for us" Alexia shouted walking towards us, "It was not a bear" I state quietly "What?" Alexia asks me quirking up a eye brow "It was not a bear" I say again this time much louder "What else could it be?" I looked down for a moment and then I lifted my eyes and stare at the four people all looking at me "It was a werewolf" I tell them not caring about looking crazy. 

After finally getting flora to agree that it was to dangerous next to Ronan body that was nothing but a gruesome scene, we was finally back at the campsite and again the three campers from last night was with us. Theo tried his best to explain what had happened, none of them mentioned that I thought it was a werewolf, Alexia just said I was overthinking it, Theo did not say anything but Flora out of everyone actually agreed with me. We was all sitting by the fire no one speaking, the only sounds that was heard was Flora quietly crying and curled up in Alexia arms "We need to get out of here" I finally say "I agree" Alexia says rubbing Flora as she cried "Was it that bad?" Ashley asks sipping a cup of tea not looking at all nervous but then none of them seen what me, Alexia and Theo had seen. "Listen to me there is a werewolf in these woods nothing else could of done the damage I saw, you don't have to believe me but you need to get out of here too" Theo stood up and looked at us all "We still have the car, Demi come with me and..." but before he could finish Yasmin stands up her blonde hair tied in a tight bun showing the brown streaks running through out on her head wearing a tight black coat and ripped blue jeans "I think Demi should stay here with her friend, I can go with you" she smiles her hazel eyes glowing up at Theo "No we need Theo here, who knows when that wolf will come back" Alexia states "I cant go alone" I say but then Larry stands up and pulls out a knife from his bag "I will go with you and Yasmin. Ashley you go back to the tents and grab as much gear as you can I think we need to camp together tonight, do you have your knife." Ashley went in her bag and pulled out a sharp blade out "Of course I do" Larry smiles at her, from my observation it looked like they was more then friends but who cared right now "I will help you when I get back to get the tents down and move them here" He suddenly stands and starts to walk "Come on then show me where your car is" He says walking towards the path to the car. It did not take us long to reach our destination, none of us was talking not even on the walk down to the car, but once we reached the end of the path my heart sunk "What the hell" I shout running towards the car that was now utterly destroyed. The tires was slashed from the claw marks that was similar to Ronan's chest, the windows were smashed in, the interior of the car was ripped apart and even the top of the car was dented. "This cannot be happening" I scream as the other two stood behind me in complete shock "This is not a normal beast he seems to be targeting you all" Larry announced walking next to me his knife held securely in his hand "surely werewolves are beasts how would he know how to destroy our only way out" I ask more to myself then anyone else. Yasmin came next to us to her eyes focused on the car "Maybe because he or she knows you personally" I turn and face her raising a brow "How would we know a werewolf?" I asked her but she just smiled "Its just a guess but every missing case we have studied nothing like this has ever happened. Only one of you have died why not kill you all together" I stood there looking at her my thoughts going wild. She was right why did it only attack Ronan alone when it could of killed us all asleep and defenceless, and now it was destroying our car. Did this beast really know us? I do not know but something was not making sense especially when I look back towards my car and the three dead people was sitting there looking at me. 

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