Chapter Seventeen

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Me and Theo walked in silence into the woods we had lost Alexia and Sarah they had ran off in front and I was hoping we would catch up with them soon, I would of ran after them but my back was still in pain and only walking seemed to be my limit.  Theo did not look at me since I demanded we go in search for Flora, his whole demeanour had changed. No longer was the sweet loving man I fell in love with now he was cold, his body was stiff with his hands balled into fists. Each step was angered and it confused me, why would he not want to save Flora? why would he want to stay and not help? it made no sense. My nerves was completely on edge and right now everything Sarah said was playing on my mind, I risked a glance in his direction and I ended up recoiling back "Why are you scared?" he suddenly asks me finally looking in my direction with those blue eyes that right now looked lighter and full of malice "I am not" I say back focusing my gaze in front preying that we would soon be with the girls again, "Don't lie to me Demi" his voice had also changed it was more aggressive causing me stop staring at the back of the man that I no longer recognised "Theo what's gotten into you?" I ask him trying my hardest to hide that shake in my voice. Theo stopped and turned, he faced me but he did not answer me instead he just stared "Theo" I whisper but as soon as he goes to answer me a scream ripped through the woods and this time it was closer, instinctively I ran  straight past Theo ignoring the shouts from him and the pain that ripped through my back. I ran until my legs began to shake and soon I saw my best friend , Sarah and also Flora who looked nothing like the girl I had known for years. She was once a storm who people feared to upset. She was a complete bitch but right now she looked utterly defeated "Flora" I whisper as I walked a little closer and what I saw caused me to stop "Oh my god" I gasp as I stare at Flora, she was covered in bruises, her wrist aligned in ligature marks, they was bright red and covered in cuts, she held ugly bruise across her cheek from what I could guess was someone slapping her, her lips was also bleeding as Alexia held her rubbing her back "Shhh your safe now, we are here" she was saying as she looked up at me. Sarah just stood there her mouth open wide "That was not a wolf who did that" She said repeating everything I thought of as my heart ached for the girl I once hated "Flora oh my god" I walk closer and bend down to her level to examine her even more, I reached out and gently held onto her arm staring at the rope burns that shined on her wrist.  "This was definitely not a wolf, a human being had done this to her" She did not look at me instead she just continued to cry her clothing ripped with even more marks across her body "Flora" I whisper but instead of answering she looks behind me and screams falling back on her arms and legs as she scurried along the floor away from me, Alexia and Sarah "Stay away from me" she shouts. I turn my head round to see Theo standing there looking no longer human.

Theo eyes was now bright blue that I had only had ever seen on the wolf that had killed Larry, the wolf that did not attack me but smelled me, his hands was even larger with sharp claws extended from his fingers, his face had become even more defined in the only way I can describe as inhuman. I stand up as does the rest of the girls all of us in complete shock apart from Sarah who stared at him with a gaze that could kill  "Get flora out of here" I say to Alexia who stared at her once good friend in shock "Theo no you cant be" She gasps "Sorry to disappoint you Alexia but unless you want Flora dead I would do as Demi says" He did not look at Alexia or Flora the only one he was staring at was me "Lexi get out of here" she does as I say  and picks up Flora who was still shaking on the floor in complete hysterics "He trying to kill me, he wants me dead" She screams on the floor trying her hardest to get away, Alexia gets Flora off the floor putting  her arms around her in a embrace "Come on Flora" she whimpers as they both run back into the woods as quickly as they could manage. After a while it was just me and Sarah who stood staring at the man who I loved. I don't take my eyes off him instead I just say "Sarah leave us alone" Sarah pulls out her gun and points it at Theo "No I wont leave you alone" Theo laughs but does not move "Your toy gun wont kill me but you try and keep me away from her" he points in my directions then continues "You wont like what will happen" she don't move instead she continues to aim her gun at him "Maybe not but I wont let you kill anyone else" she says venom slicing through her words "I would never hurt her" He seethes showing long razor sharp teeth coming out his mouth. My heart was racing, I was terrified but at the same time I knew he would not hurt me, he could of killed me when I found Larry but he did not, I had been alone with him so many times and he never put a hand on me unless it was to express love, but that did not stop my legs from shaking underneath me or the cold sweats that was pouring down my back. I was a complete fool, my heart was breaking but deep down I know I needed answers, I needed closure so I did the most stupidest thing I will ever do in my life , I put my hands on the gun and looked upon the warrior who he held it "Please Sarah I will be fine" she looks at me and I just nod my head biting my lip as she stared at me back like I was utterly insane, Hell maybe I was. After a few moment she lets out a angered exhale but  lowers the gun and says "Fine but I wont be far, anything happens shout and I will shoot this bastard back to hell" she snaps "I will" Is all I say as she looks at Theo who was now staring at me intently. Sarah slowly turns and walks away then stops "I promise I wont be far" she says before leaving me alone with Theo who I now knew was a wolf. 

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