Chapter 9 - A Bartender & A Waitress

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The past couple of days haven't been so bad

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The past couple of days haven't been so bad.

After the little stunt that Akim pulled on me in the restaurant that he has owned this whole time and I didn't know, I refused to see him in person. We've been communicating through texts and sometimes phone calls which I hate the most.

I've kept my distance because of every little thing he said and did that day.

I told him I wanted the divorce.

I surprised myself when the worlds left my mouth because I have never even thought about that to be honest. After a bit of thinking, I've realized it's the best thing to do.

Right now, there is a lot going on in my life to start the process of it so I'm going to do what I said and divorce him as soon as Marcello is dead. Alina will surely be with me when that happens if Marcello is the one who has her. That will finally make me infinitely free, and I can finally be happy again.

"Baby, can you hear me?" Akim says through the earpiece.

I don't respond because I don't know what he thinks this is that he gets to still call me that.

"Morelia." He sighs correcting himself.

"Yes, Akim, I can hear you." I respond with a smile on my face for the way I'm torturing him internally without even trying.

"I'm inside the club now." It's evident with the noises of men cheering.

He's inside a strip club that I will also be in after seeing Francesco Esposito enter.

He's a supplier that is working with Marcello. He literally supplies anything you're looking for but he's a snake which is why so many hate working with him and only do it if they're desperate. Marcello of course is one of those desperate.

I look through the scope of my rifle searching around the outside of the club for the old fuck.

I'm currently on a roof on a high building. It's also dark at night so it's nearly impossible to notice me spying on these random people outside.

A car suddenly pulls up and a man steps out of it. I'm only able to see the back of his head full of white hair but I'm sure it's him.

When he slightly turns to the side to talk to a guard outside and it's when I fully recognize him and immediately begin to put my things away.

"He should be entering now." I inform Akim just as I finish and begin heading toward the door that leads back inside the building.

"I see him, thank you, love."

I roll my eyes as I reach the empty building's back door that I broke in from. I make my way toward my car that is parked a street over in an empty neighborhood. I place my things in the trunk before quickly walking back toward the club.

In just a couple minutes I enter it through the back door that is for employees. I take my coat off hanging it on a hanger where other employees' things are. I make my way to the front and become ready to start serving drinks as a waitress.

"Holy fuck." Akim says quietly and I turn toward his direction at the bar where he is staring at me.

Holy fuck indeed.

I never thought my hormones would go so crazy to see him as a bartender. His sleeves are rolled up and he's drying a glass. The stupid apron he has on just adds to it.

I look away from him immediately before I make the dumb decision to take him out back for a few minutes. He's annoyingly hot.

I go toward a table of young men to take their orders and I hear him chuckle.

"I know that look." He says under his breath, but I ignore him and the feeling of his eyes on my ass.

We spend a few minutes doing these jobs to make us look like normal people. The only thing I hate about this is that the drunk men and even the ones who don't have alcohol in their system won't leave me alone.

The cat calling and them attempting to grab me is irritating the fuck out of me. It's irritating my husband too because he won't stop watching me and glaring at the men.

I don't understand why they're like this when there are women on poles half naked right in front of them.

I'm getting tired of this while watching Francesco at the same time. I finally see that he is left alone, and this is the perfect opportunity.

I'm walking toward the bar area to drop off my tray and I suddenly feel someone smack my ass...

I fist my hands trying so hard not to blow my cover and I force myself to not turn back or do anything.

I accidentally make eye contact with Akim who looks like he is going to explode with anger. He's enraged because it's obvious he saw what just happened. I hear him say some things under his breath in what seems to be Russian and I'm hoping that the look I'm giving him stops him from doing anything stupid or ruining this.

I walk toward Francesco with the most flirtatious smile I can make without feeling nauseous.


"I'll be back, little one." Francesco kisses the back of my hand. I smile at him and then watch him walk away into one of the rooms in the back of the place.

I stand up and walk away making sure no one is watching me. I hate doing things like this because of the men. They disgust me.

I head toward the employee door but not before stopping to thoroughly wash my hands.

Akim completely disappeared without me noticing. I have no idea where he is or why he is gone. He cut off his earpiece as well.

I don't care to be honest. Not the first time he leaves me alone.

I go to grab my coat from the hanger and put it on immediately. The waitress outfit makes me uncomfortable. I'm not really a fan of wearing very short things that almost completely show my ass.

I cut off my earpiece as well and head out to make the walk back to my car.

The streets are empty and it's very late at night. The only sound being the noise from the club and other things around it that become faint the further I walk. I'm soon left with just the sound of my footsteps, my sneakers hitting against the concrete sidewalks.

I'm ready to pull my gun out from my coat pocket when someone walks right in front me from an alleyway. I don't do it because it's just Akim.

He's breathing heavily and there is blood splattered on his white button up and bartender apron.

I make a confused expression as to who he could have possibly killed. I turn to my right where the dark alleyway is that he just came out of. I see a man's dead body lying there against a dumpster.

I look back at Akim with an "are you serious" face and I notice how unhappy he looks.

"What? He touched you." He goes to stand beside me and places his hand on my waist.

We begin walking and it stays silent between us for a few seconds. I'm fighting the urge to say something.

"You should have focused on the mission instead of on some drunk guy." The urge wins and I realize that the man he killed was the one who smacked me.

To be honest I had completely forgotten about that because I was too focused on trying not to throw up. Francesco was too touchy as his dumbass spilled out all the information that I needed from him.

I guess it is a good thing that Akim wasn't around to watch that. He would have gone feral.

"No one is allowed to disrespect you and continue to go on with their dumbass lives."


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