Chapter 18 - A Second Heartbreak

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I swear I'm going to stab the idiot to death

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I swear I'm going to stab the idiot to death.

There are enough utensils around the table to accomplish it.

I was invited to have dinner with the Romanos and Katya, but I wasn't expecting for him to be here. The worst part is that he hasn't stopped staring at me since the moment I got here. It irritates me badly.

He's making it so obvious, yet no one has noticed which is a good thing I suppose.

I hate the fact that he is seated right in front of me as well.

"Where is he?!" A woman's voice suddenly sounds interrupting my thoughts.

Everyone quiets down at her voice that seems to be coming from the entrance. A few seconds later a woman with long dark blonde hair and a way too short dress enters the dining room.

I notice the way Akim tenses and how she stares directly at him. I subconsciously grab a clean fork that was left beside me, and I hold it tightly in my hand.

"Babe!" She screeches in excitement with a happy smile and my husband looks disgusted with her.

The little stupid name she called him makes me question so many things. He looks at me like he is pleading me about something. A horrible realization comes to me.

"Call security." He looks over at Dario as he stands from his seat and goes to stand behind his brother.

I see how Dario instantly grabs his phone from his suit and types to send a message out to security.

"Akim, babe, they wouldn't let me in." The blonde tells my husband and I hold the fork tighter to the point that I can't even feel it anymore.

I look away from the woman and right Akim. I so badly want to stab his eyes out and then gut him out so that I can feel the satisfaction of seeing the life in him leave through his eyes. I've never wanted to so badly see him dead the way I want to right at this moment.

He's looking at me with that same pleading look, but it only pisses me off more.

This motherfucker has been sleeping around with other women.

Not only does it hurt because I still stupidly love him, but it feels like a betrayal because he is still married to me. It makes me feel so idiotic for letting him touch me and for almost believing his pleading and words.

I want to rip him into pieces, but he doesn't deserve even that sort of attention from me. The stupid fuck deserves nothing and I'm glad that he doesn't know about his daughter because he doesn't deserve her either now.

Men in suits suddenly enter grabbing my attention and they grab the woman. She begins to scream very horribly to the point where I think my ears might bleed from it.

"Akim!" She screeches his name over and over as they drag her out until her screams eventually become faint and then disappear.

"I apologize for that." Akim's stupid voice sounds and I refuse to even look at him anymore.

I'm so done with his bullshit.

"She was hot, but annoying." One of Leonid's men speaks.

I just met him and the other one today and his words aren't surprising. You can just tell from the way he looks that he's a fuck boy.


I pull the trigger shooting the dumb fuck right on his dick. He falls down shouting a bunch of profanities at me.

I calmly walk toward him and kneel down beside him. My nails dig into his disgusting face as I grab it tightly so that the idiot looks at me.

"Say what I want to hear, and I'll take you to the nearest hospital." I'm completely lying but my acting skills are way too good sometimes.

"My dick is already detached. Kill me."

I abruptly let go of his dirty face, scratching him in the process as I pace around. I shoot both his knees just in case while I continue to think.

I can't.

I can't fucking thinking. Every time I do, I only think about him, and it makes my whole body heat up with anger and my heart breaks all over again into what feels like a bunch of tiny pieces.

I turn around to look at the man who is patiently waiting for death to take him. He looks confused through the pain when he looks at me wipe my eyes from the tears that were just beginning to fall. I take a seat on the ground and place my gun beside me as I continue to stare back at him.

"Why are men such idiots? They're always the fucking problem." I sigh looking up at the pretty blue and very clear sky.

"He just had to go and fuck some other woman. Is it so hard keep it in your damn pants?" I pull a knife from the garter around my leg.

"Why? I don't understand him at all. One moment he's saying that he loves me and regrets leaving, and the next there is a woman showing clear signs that they've been together." I attentively watch the sun reflect on the sharp blade.

"I'll never understand him and his stupid decisions." I wipe my eyes once more before looking at the guy who is slowly bleeding out in front of me.

At least he's listening, not that he has a choice anyway.

I kneel beside him, not caring about the tears falling from my eyes anymore. It's not embarrassing because he will be dead shortly and there won't be proof that I have been crying.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take my anger and sadness out in some way." I stab the knife deeply into his stomach and I pull it out immediately.

I'm a little sensitive right now so I'll be nice.

I put the knife up to his throat and slit it. The life leaves his eyes in seconds and now I'm alone again but with a dead body in front of me.

A sob escapes me and the pain in my heart just becomes so much worse.

I begin stabbing the dead man over and over. Tears flow out of my eyes like two waterfalls, and I freely let it all happen.

I just don't understand.

How could he have gone from loving me to leaving me and then being with another woman? I never would have thought that he would cause me such pain.

He's so beautiful yet painful and it makes me hate him so damn much. I hate how he makes me feel, how he makes me cry, but I mostly fucking hate how much I love him and how much my heart aches for him. He doesn't deserve even a bit of my love.

If he wouldn't have ever come into my life the way that he did then I wouldn't be experiencing this. I wouldn't be stabbing a dead body continuously and using it as a form of therapy.

I just want him to disappear. Not only physically but from my heart mostly. I need him out of me and gone for good.

I need to kill him.


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