Chapter 42 - An I Love You

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Akim pulls the chair out for me, and I take a seat watching him as he puts Alina on a highchair

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Akim pulls the chair out for me, and I take a seat watching him as he puts Alina on a highchair.

I look around only now admiring and taking in the beauty of the restaurant. I never really paid attention to it before, and I guess it was because I didn't know that my husband was one of the owners.

A waitress takes our orders a bit while later and then we're left alone.

Akim grabs both my hands in one of his and I now realize how cold my hands are from how warm his are. I don't know why but I have this thing where my hands and feet are cold most of the time and nothing warms them up not even a pair of socks or gloves.

He then grabs Alina's, but she pulls it away to hold one of his fingers that takes up her whole hand.

"I love you both so much." He tells her and then looks at me softly.

Alina only smiles before looking around at the strangers around the restaurant.

"My love for you both will never die." He adds on and I just love him back so much that I want to make out with him badly but now is obviously not the time.

"I love you." I tell him and a huge smile instantly breaks onto his face.

"Really?" He asks almost as if he is in shock that I said that.

"I never stopped loving you, darling." I inform him and he looks like I just told him that he won the lottery.

"You don't know how good it feels to hear that, my love." He reaches over the table and kisses me.

He then goes on to attack Alina's cheek with kisses and she giggles because of it.

"Did you hear that? Mama loves me." He tells her happily and she only smiles at him grabbing his cheeks and pulling them.

Akim attacks her with more kisses, and she lets go to laugh.

Soon, our food arrives, and Alina is the first to eat. She concentrates on her small bowl of lentil soup and putting it in her mouth. Akim ordered it to be specifically made for her because he said that his mother used to feed him and his brother that when they were babies.

Alina seems to be enjoying herself and it suddenly makes me wonder what Akim's parents were like. From what I have heard and what he has told me they sound like they were amazing persons and parents. I wonder what they would have felt like to know that they were grandparents.

"Your mother's restaurant is beautiful. I'm sure her cooking must have been magnificent considering the dishes here and the way you cook." I tell Akim who smiles immediately at my compliments.

"Yeah, she was like a god in the kitchen. She would keep Leonid and I with her as she cooked since the moment we were born. We would watch and as we got older, she would let us help." He informs me and I can tell it's a beautiful memory from the glistening look in those eyes of his.

"I would have loved to meet her and your father. They sound like they were such great people."

"They were. I miss them so much. I badly wish they were here to see how amazing my life is, and who my beautiful wife and daughter are." He tells me with a small smile.

"They were deeply in love. It was like something right out of a movie. It makes sense considering how my father died." He lightly chuckles thinking.

"He went as far as to get mama jewelry made out of blue diamonds, the exact same color as her eyes. They're very valuable and worth millions. He made it very clear that the love he felt for her was still worth more than the diamonds. The diamonds were nothing compared to how he felt for her."

We spend dinner talking about his parents. He did the talking and I gladly listened. He looked so happy and proud to be talking about them. It looked like it was a talk that was very much needed on his part.

I can't imagine what it feels like to lose your parents knowing that you'll never see them again or hear their voices. I'm not prepared for that day to come which is why I don't like thinking about it. Life really isn't fair sometimes and there is sadly nothing we can do about it.

When it's time for dessert, the waitress brings Alina a small bowl of mashed strawberries and it looks like she is in heaven the moment she notices. The waitress also complimented her, and we thanked her.

We then spent dessert time trying to teach Alina how to say words in Russian and Spanish.


"Alina is turning one soon." I inform Akim who looks taken by surprise.

"She's turning one already?" He questions as if he can't believe it.

I nod placing the monitor to listen to her on my nightstand. "Yes, and it makes me sad to think about all the time lost with her."

I get into bed and Akim puts the covers over me before pulling me toward him. I lay my head on his chest, and he wraps his arms around my waist securely.

"We sadly can't change the past, baby, but at least we still have so many years with her to watch her grow." He tells me and then kisses me when I look up at him.

"We should throw her a small party with just our family and closest friends." I suggest changing the subject to not make this depressing.

"I love that idea. Just tell me the word and we'll immediately start planning." He says before kissing me again and keeping his eyes on my lips.

"Glad that you say that because you were going to pay for it whether you agreed or not." My words cause him to chuckle before kissing me once more but not stopping this time.

He kisses me hard and hungrily as if he hasn't kissed me in decades. We've been making out a lot lately and it's because of him. He has also been begging me to do other things which is unnecessary because he just needs to ask, and I'll still give in to him.

"I love you." I tell him when he pulls away.

"I love you so much more."


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