Chapter 13

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Lisa looked at her in confusion. This woman’s unfriendliness towards her was so obvious, and she had never interacted with her before. Why?! She seemed so self-righteous. Who owed her? Was this the attitude to beg someone with? It wasn’t that Lisa couldn’t switch with her, but looking at her arrogant appearance, Lisa really didn’t want to indulge her!

“Why? Can we switch missions as we please, director?” Lisa pretended to ask!

The director didn’t want to offend them, so he could only say, “As long as you’re willing!”

Lisa said straightforwardly, “No!”

Then, she pulled Sumin to do a mission!

While washing the things, Lisa chatted with Sumin. “This village is quite beautiful!”

“Yes, I want to go to the sea of flowers tomorrow to sketch!”

Lisa was surprised. “You can even draw?!”

Sumin was amused by her surprised tone. “A little! It would be a bit of a waste if I don’t go and take a look.”

“The program team will definitely let us go. There’s no need to rush!” Lisa pinched the tomato in her hand and repeatedly washed it. Sumin couldn’t help but remind her.

“Lisa! That’s enough. You’ve already washed it three times!”

Lisa was stunned. “Really?” She had an extremely beautiful and gorgeous appearance, but the dazed look just now was really cute.

Sumin smiled and nodded, then looked at Lisa. “You’re really beautiful! Lisa!”

Lisa smiled brightly. She was used to hearing other people praise her, but Sumin’s sincerity was really funny!

After dinner, they played a few more games, and the results were unexpectedly good. The lively Nayeon, the beautiful and interesting Lisa, and the gentle and amiable Sumin got to know each other very quickly. Only Irene was still a little reserved because she thought that she had the highest status, but the gains didn’t make up for the losses!

The first day of recording was over, and Lisa was quite tired. She lay on the small bed. In summer, there were many mosquitoes, and it was hot. She missed her big bed, and she also missed Mr. Jeon!

Jungkook had seen the scenery photos that she had sent Jungkook, but why didn’t he reply?! Lisa thought about it and gave Jungkook a call, but no one picked up. “It’s already 11 o’clock. Is he still busy?” Lisa muttered to herself.

Jungkook had just come out of the shower and didn’t receive her call. He drank some wine and was slightly tipsy! He gave Lisa a call. “Huh?”

Lisa thought, ‘don’t you know how to answer a call?! What the heck!’ But she didn’t dare to. “Haven’t you rested yet?”

Jungkook didn’t wear a mask when he was alone. He rubbed his temples and actually felt a little better after hearing Lisa’s voice. “I just went to take a shower. No.”

“Are you busy today?”

“Yes. What’s wrong?” Jungkook meant that he didn’t know what was going on that made her call so late. He just wanted to hear her voice.

Lisa wrapped her hair and her little feet swayed. Fortunately, Jungkook couldn’t see it. Otherwise, the man would only think that she was trying to seduce him.

“Have you seen the photos I sent? It’s quite beautiful here...” As she spoke, she slapped the mosquito in her hand to death. “There are too many mosquitoes. I’ll bring you to take a look next time when I have the chance!”

Jungkook listened as she spoke. Her voice made his heart flutter. He was silent for a moment. “Okay.”

They chatted for a long time again. Lisa nagged while Jungkook listened. Occasionally, he would respond to her. “I still need a few more days before I can go back. Sigh... I miss Auntie Sun’s dishes!” Lisa nagged. She didn’t know what she wanted to say!

He looked at the time. It was past 12 o’clock. Jungkook leaned against the headboard. The two of them had been chatting for almost an hour. “Go to sleep! Don’t you still have to record tomorrow?”

“Mm... Okay!” Lisa held her phone. Her palm was burning.

Sensing Lisa’s hesitation, Jungkook asked, “Why? Did you miss me?” He wasn’t a fool. Lisa had been chatting with him all night. It wasn’t hard to guess what the little girl was thinking. Lisa liked him?

After Jungkook said that, he quieted down again. Lisa listened to her own heartbeat that suddenly sped up. The answers to some of the questions were ready to come out!

In her previous life, when she was at her most helpless and most miserable, when she was abandoned and lied to by the whole world, he, Jungkook, was the only one who avenged her and shed tears for her!

Lisa was a little muddle-headed during that period of time. However, ever since she was reborn, she had seen what Jungkook had done for her. People could lie, but their hearts couldn’t!

“Yes! I miss you!”

Jungkook’s breathing became heavy. “Do you know what you’re saying?”

“I know!” Lisa sat up straight and clenched her little hands tightly. “Jungkook! I think I like you.” If at this moment, Jungkook was right in front of her, she might still be a little worried and a little shy, but on the phone, she didn’t need to think so much!

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